View Full Version : Do you like single shot guns?

07-30-2012, 08:45 AM
Do you like other who like single shot guns? Does it bother you if someone has a different oppinon of what they want to shoot or how to shoot?
If this forum is open minded, then let's not act childish and cut down other shooters or their equipment. If anyone wants to, they can research for themselves and make up their own minds based on there needs and budget.
They might ask for your ideas and not take your advice. Don't hate them for that.
It would be nice to talk about the subject without conflict. Mine's better than yours is like four year olds trying to win. What? good question. At the end of the arguement no one has changed their mind and we all lost something.


07-30-2012, 08:57 AM

Do you something specific going on here?

07-30-2012, 09:07 AM
I'd say if you didn't know about it on two other posts, You're blessed.:)

07-30-2012, 09:15 AM
I like single barreled shotguns. I sort of think of them as somewhat elegant. The correct gun for the guy who doesn't need a second shot but they can also be cheap and you can get your kid shooting for about 100 bucks with one from Walmart or Academy.

Light and nice all around, a lifetime gun.

07-30-2012, 09:32 AM
I like Singleshots so much, I am getting rid of all the rest, and in a few years will ONLY have single shots.

My main hunting rifle is a Ruger1B 270win. I can get off 4 aimed shots where my bolt buddies can get off 5

I don't consider myself hindered in any way having only one in the pipe.... my Magazine (Fingers) holds 2 more A La Seyfried.

but I never put down anyone who wants to hunt with an auto.... in fact, some of them are pretty darn accurate, and that is what counts.

45 2.1
07-30-2012, 10:43 AM
Excellent thread Owen. In my time i've seen some very interesting sports turned inside out by gamesters and equipment snobs, among other activities involving their participants. They seem to forget the sport isn't about them. :mrgreen:

07-30-2012, 10:43 AM
I love single shots. Much more pleasant to carry on long hikes through the open prairie or in the mountains. I have 2 Handi Rifles, a 357 and a 45-70. I have 2 contender frames with barrels as follows. 10" barrels in 357 Herret and 44 mag, a 16" 22k hornet an 21" barrels in 30-30 and 17 Remington. Dale

07-30-2012, 11:05 AM
I have found that my range sessions are much more relaxing and cheaper because I got rid of all my simi- autos I can shoot 20/50 rounds and feel great I use to shoot that many in five minutes and feel rushed. Single shots rock Two 45/70 one 577/450, and a SS .automatic Winchester .22. M55

07-30-2012, 11:39 AM
Heck No! I hate the durned things.... Bought one and it would not put all the bullets in the same hole at 50 yards. Knew it wasn't me. I never miss.... It had to be the rifle, so I bought another one. Same dogone problem! So I bought another one, then another one. Now I got almost a full safe of the durned things....

Idaho Sharpshooter
07-30-2012, 11:45 AM

I like them all. The only thing prettier than a well turned single shot is a nice double rifle.

Sua Sponte

07-30-2012, 11:45 AM
i guess like many, my first was a single shot 410 shotgun. moved up to 20g single shot, then got pump shotguns.

single shots are simple and very dependable, not much that can go wrong. worst case senerio is u have to "hold" it together to shoot lol.

i love my bolt actions rifles, i have a couple semi-auto but my main rifles are bolt action. i recently bought a H&R Handi Rifle in 45-70. everyone asked me why i didnt get a lever action. one was price, but two, im a good shot, probably not the best but i normally dont miss often. so a single shot 45-70 with a 400+gr bullet will mostly likely stop anything i might encounter.

also with semi-autos u have moving parts that can break. HAVE to be maintained and cleaned. my bolt actions are like a single shots with ammo storage.

i like a pump shotgun for dove shoots. but i have hunted with single shots also.

and as far as cutting down someone with a single shot....think of this. in my family we have some single shots that dont even fire anymore, actually a couple single shots that are OLD, im talking OLD and still function great. how many semi-autos can u find that are old as dirt and still function that dont cost u a fortune to buy.

i think single shot guns are why i CAN shoot so good is because it makes u slow down and make each shot count. as a kid i didnt know this, but when u think about it, it was training for us even as little kids learning to hunt and shoot.

Ed in North Texas
07-30-2012, 11:47 AM
I love all that I have (single, bolt, semi, pump shotgun, etc.) and lust after many I don't yet have.



07-30-2012, 12:09 PM
In general, single shot (particularly rifles) like #1 Rugers, and the Single Brownings, as just sort of elegant, and classy. They balance well for one hand carry, they are shorter, and in my opinion faster for off hand shots, and the list goes on and on. Only drawback to single shot rifles, is that they cost a whole whoop more on the average than bolt action rifles. Wish I could afford more of them.

07-30-2012, 12:15 PM
Why would you need more than one shot?

Ed in North Texas
07-30-2012, 12:45 PM
Why would you need more than one shot?

Here we go...

What does "need" have to do with acquiring a firearm (other than for defensive use)?



07-30-2012, 12:46 PM
I like them....a lot. They aren't all I own nor all they all I use but they see the 2nd most shooting for fun and hunting....at this point in my life.

You know, tastes change over the years, at least mine have. Shooting single shot rifles, especially my Sharps, dominated my shooting life for close to 20 years. About 20 years ago I bought my first double rifle and drilling. I used them and enjoyed them but they sat in the safe a lot more than they were shot or hunted with. during the last year or two they have come to dominate my shooting. I've also branched out into Cape guns and find them fascinating and as elegant as single shot rifles.

Will I sell my Sharps and Ballards, heck no!!! No more than I would sell any of my other rifles and handguns. Nor do I look down my nose or make snide remarks about those who choose to shoot AR platform rifles, Contender pistols or wondernines. I have no desire to use or own any of those but more power to those who do!!!! It's all good, ain't it?

Ed in North Texas
07-30-2012, 12:48 PM
In general, single shot (particularly rifles) like #1 Rugers, and the Single Brownings, as just sort of elegant, and classy. They balance well for one hand carry, they are shorter, and in my opinion faster for off hand shots, and the list goes on and on. Only drawback to single shot rifles, is that they cost a whole whoop more on the average than bolt action rifles. Wish I could afford more of them.

OTOH, there is a very good reason many well used Savage 99 rifles have a lot of wear on the bottom of the receiver - they balance perfectly at that point for one hand carry. :bigsmyl2:


07-30-2012, 01:08 PM
I have single shooters for the same reason I have mostly bolt action rifles, making a single aimed shot do the job not spray and pray.Robert

07-30-2012, 01:36 PM
22 to .69, load em from either end.I love single shots

07-30-2012, 01:36 PM
My first firearm was a Savage 940A .410 under the Christmas Tree at age 8....still use it for plinking and small game. Would really love to have a CF Martini and a German or English Stalking Rifle but don't have the $$$$$$ Taught my son with a single shot and we are teaching his children the same way....


07-30-2012, 02:18 PM
love my single shots I have 12 of them from 22 t0 9.3x74R great fun.

07-30-2012, 03:05 PM
I'd say if you didn't know about it on two other posts, You're blessed.:)

+1 Thanks.

07-30-2012, 06:31 PM
:veryconfu ok

have several single shots - enjoy them all

07-30-2012, 06:51 PM
Yes I do. I like em all, but mostly I collect and shoot No. 1s, but I have semis, pumps, bolts, doubles, wheelguns, leverguns, air guns and front stuffers. I like reading and seeing what others shoot that I don't have. :drinks:

John Boy
07-30-2012, 07:02 PM
Do you like single shots?
You bet! Some pictures of the latest ...



07-30-2012, 07:04 PM
Fantastic!! I'm speachless.


07-30-2012, 07:07 PM
I have several single shots and i enjoy the simple pleasure of making a single well placed shot weather it be at the range or in the field. I kow you can do the same with a wepon with a magazine but its the thought that there is just one in the pipe and you need to make it count.

07-30-2012, 07:42 PM
I have single shot handguns, TC Contenders. They still outshoot the semi-autos on the shooting range. You can't hardly beat a good single shot. And, as you just showed us, they're beautiful as well.

I don't know where I saw this quote either:

Pay heed the man with the single shot, chances are, he knows how to use it.

Now, I like that saying!

07-30-2012, 07:48 PM
If im reading the topic correct,

I dont mind whatever anyone wants to shoot, as long as they are a safe shooter! I like all guns and thats the beauty of selection, you can shoot what you like and thats how it should always be!!!
I have a few leverguns that i have outshot a few boltguns with, so it all comes down to if its got the accuracy or it dont. Its the same as some shooters/hunters, either you can shoot good or you cant, Period!!!

Now as far as accuracy goes, i think that a good SS will hang in there with most boltguns, i think its either gonna shoot good or its not gonna shoot good.
Now, if your askin if i like single shots than my answer is, YEP! I sure do, i have a few TC Encores and Contenders in rifle/shotgun/handgun/ML flavors, and i hope to someday have a couple Ruger#1's, those are true Beauties in my eye... I would like to have them in 45-70, 243 and something in a long action 270/3006 ???.. Single shot shotguns to me they are a good meat N tater gun, i never have reallly warmed up to them too much, but they are a good gun for putting meat in the pot.
Well i hope i answered the question as it was meant to be read and answered...

Good luck to y'all

Most times when i see someone with a singleshot, i dont wonder if they are a good shot, ut if i see you with a semiauto, the thought always crosses my mind...

07-30-2012, 07:59 PM
I do most of my hunting with contenders. But I enjoy shooting just about everything. I've got pumps, bolt actions, semi auto's and enjoy them all. Been looking at some AR's . Shot a friend 's and was very impressed. Still the older I get (59 and holding) I'd rather hunt with something light and accurrate. I believe that everyone should shoot what they enjoy as long as they do it safely.
P.S. I also enjoy revolvers

NF Hunter
07-30-2012, 08:37 PM
Me too!! I like single shot rifles, I have seven from .243-45-70.

07-30-2012, 10:06 PM
I have a few to hunt, target with rifle, hunt with shot. The older I get the more it seems ok. You watch TV and I think you need about 2k worth to kill a gobbler, I am sorry, but I have smacked more than a few with a 37A single poke that is a little rusty with cheap wood and a pair of Levi's. I have a couple HI-Walls I do not like to think how much is in them. My first shotgun, 37A single poke.
Love them or hate them, you do not find many in the middle. Gtek

07-31-2012, 12:16 AM
Started with a Ballard. Then another Ballard. They bred in the safe and now there are four. Somehow they also bred a litter of Stevens 44s and 44 1/2s. The Stevens' wanted discipline so a couple of Hiwalls were brought in to keep them in line. Now I've lost count - I think there may be two dozen of the things. Beginning to seem like that Star Trek episode about tribbles.

Yes, I hunt with 'em. If I can't drop it with one shot, I should be closer.

07-31-2012, 12:42 AM
They're great, my first shotgun was a single until it got stolen, years later I bought an H&R .270, a nice safe gun for my son to start hunting with me, I liked it so much I now have them in .25/06, .30/06, .243, .308 and several barrels for my 2 contenders, a first gen. and a G2.

Wow, I just realized that I've done a lot of reading and no posting, guess I'll have to fix that.

07-31-2012, 10:09 AM
i hate the dang things!!! they are obnoxious in the simplicity and sleek lines. the darn things just keep calling out my name and wispering sweet nothings in the night. have been shooting the stupid things since around 1970 or such and still cant shake em. now they wispered a sweet speech about the style of yester-year and the black kinda powder that made such a hidious smell and sparks flying around thru such a huge cloud of smoke till i had to sucomb to such ownership as hiwall and sharps style rifles...oh wowww is me...what ever will i do with such a sickness?

i will take this opertunity to submitt to you that IF you have not sucombed to this terrible crush on these hideious singleshot rifles....then run as fast as you can for the black rifles or anything at all but a singleshot rifle! this is a road that makes its users weaker by the mile and will end up in disaster ...being seductive to any friends or small children around the area that WILL be addicted in short oerder.


07-31-2012, 10:31 AM
We are all shooters, so does it matter how many barrels we have.
We dont argue on barrels of beer at the pub, just drink it.

Here to enjoy, no matter what the fire power.

I love my coey single barrel 12 gauge and BSA single barrel 410

07-31-2012, 11:05 AM
I love single shot rifles.

Long barrels.
Black powder
Long barrels.
Modern powder
Long barrels.
Beeg Honkin calibers that rock you back on your heels
Long Barrels
Historical rifles (currently puttin away some money for a rolling block)
Long barrels
Case hardened receivers
Long barrels
Every gun I own, pistols and rifles, has a hammer. I love hammers on my guns.
Long Barrels
Vernier tang sights for the long shot
Long Barrels
Low maintenance
Long barrels.
Double set triggers
Long barrels.
Will shoot whatever bullet I put in it rather than being limited to the manufacturer's specs. (114 grn RB to 600 grn long distance loads
Long barrels.
With a long barrel and sufficient caliber can be used as shotgun

Did I mention long, long barrrels that go all the way up to their butt (stocks)?

10 ga
07-31-2012, 12:01 PM
For rifles single shots are OK. I'm kinda a ML guy and have way too many of them and that means quite are relegated to safe queen status which is not what they deserve. For "serious" shooting, I'm a fur hunter and trapper and that means $ involved, it's repeaters only. For shotguns it's pretty much dbl barrels, pumps and 10 ga autos! Do have 1 single shot 12 ga with 20 ga. insert that I use to get the kids ready for a real gun. Yeah, single shot rifles are OK for targets and "sport" hunting. I guess soon enough there won't even be a poll like this as the Obamanistas will have all of us shooting nothing but long bows. FREEDOM!

Ed in North Texas
07-31-2012, 07:42 PM
snip about the style of yester-year and the black kinda powder that made such a hidious smell and sparks flying around thru such a huge cloud of smoke till i had to sucomb to such ownership as hiwall and sharps style rifles...oh wowww is me...what ever will i do with such a sickness?

Thanks Ted. I was beginning to think I was the only BP cartridge shooter who finds BP is pretty foul smelling. But I still love it. Not a single shot, but my most recent BP is a Dutch Beaumont-Vitali 1871-1888. But not to fear - I have 9 single shots (11 if you count Encore barrels as a separate rifle), and 7 of those are BP. And the Beaumont started life as a single shot before the Vitali magazine was added.


Oops, forgot 1 - 10 (or 12) and the one I forgot is a Browning .45-70 so could be BP or smokeless.

07-31-2012, 08:33 PM
I was beginning to think I was the only BP cartridge shooter who finds BP is pretty foul smelling.

FOUL SMELLIN!!! show some repect here!:-x BP emits an intoxicating aroma that's highly addictive but it ain't FOUL SMELLIN!


07-31-2012, 09:15 PM
I do have an auto. 1909 Model 8 Remington, 30 Rem. Just that one though. Honest.


08-01-2012, 03:17 AM
FOUL smellin!!! its an acquired taste like fine wine.

08-01-2012, 05:56 AM
I have this as a signature line on another forum...

"Pay heed to a man with a single shot rifle, he just may know how to use it."

It says allot, if you think on it.

YES, I like them, one well placed shot us usually all it takes, with practice, multiple well placed shots are very probable.


08-01-2012, 07:01 AM
I think John Browning's High Wall and Low Wall designs are two of the most perfect mechanical designs on the planet. Super strong, adaptable to a wide range of cartridges, born in BP times but strong enough for smokeless, accurate, self cocking, visible hammer with a nice tang for a sight.....

08-01-2012, 08:00 AM
There's at least one I need to get when I have some money.


08-01-2012, 09:54 AM
I love the single shots. My first gun was a 20 gauge single. Lots of bunnies, squirrels, and birds went into the pot with it and several .22 single shots. Always get strange looks at the range since I am not one to follow the latest fashion trends for gun types,accessories, and calibers. I have been practicing reloading my Martini in .30-40 Improved from a wrist shell holder in case I need a second shot this fall.

Ed in North Texas
08-01-2012, 10:12 AM
FOUL smellin!!! its an acquired taste like fine wine.

Somewhat different. There are no wines which I love, but dislike the taste. I don't think I will acquire a love of the smell. I already have a love of shooting Black, and shooting the old timers. No matter, I will not stop shooting BP. Liking the smell is not necessary to enjoy the shooting.


08-01-2012, 10:27 AM
Ed of course the stuff stinks I was just having a little fun, it's actually quite a joke at my place after a BP shooting session because my wife dares me to bring that stinking thing into the house until I clean it.:-( Even some of my shooting buddies have the "oh no not again" attitude when I bring out the the BP loads but I love the stuff even if the smell is a bit on the foul side.

Silvercreek Farmer
08-01-2012, 01:59 PM
I own a couple singles, but bar none, the worst recoil I have ever experienced came from a light weight single shot 12 gauge with a solid butt plate. I was flinching after the first shell and done after 5. Call me a pansy but I'll shoot a 7 mag all day long.

08-01-2012, 02:35 PM
maybe im a weird duck...i was being a little joking when i said i considered bp as "foul smelling"...i have 'learned' to like the smell as it shoots and relish it when the wind is back towards my face when i yank the trigger...as for cleaning i always pick up all the patchs when im done and put them in a ziplock baggie and when i get it full i always smell the contents of the bag before i zip it shut. likewise the smell of ballistol juice...when i first got my first can of the stuff i thought...woww ill never get used to that smell...but walla...i enjoy the sweet aroma of the ballistol oil/cleaner for the fine smell it exhudes.

there is not much i dont like about my bp singles. i am a bit dismayed at the prospect that my eyes are south enough that i need a scope site for fine shooting tho. ho hum...least i can still spend a fine afternoon shooting and smelling my now favorite aroma's


08-01-2012, 03:22 PM
Why would you need more than one shot?

Cause there might be more than ONE deer tag in my pocket, and more than one standing there waiting for me to skin 'em out

FOUL smellin!!! its an acquired taste like fine wine.

I guess I was Lucky! I never acquired a taste for fine wine.

I took to the Cheap stuff like a baby to Mother's Milk.

Cheap whiskey too!

But beer?? I like the finer taste of Guinness!

08-01-2012, 04:51 PM
Who cares. I like all firearms. I really do not feel my taste is any better than yours. I have quite a few ss rifles but my real passion is milsurps.

08-01-2012, 05:42 PM
I got my start with single shots, an ancient falling block .22 of some sort was the gun my Dad had, so that's what I shot early on.

My first rifle was a .58 musket, then a .58 carbine.

I currently have a a couple .22, 20 gauge, 45/70 buffalo classic and the .58s :)

08-01-2012, 07:27 PM
I love all kinds of projectile launchers. Especially the ones that let me hit little tiny targets WAAAAY out there it does not matter.

45-70 Chevroner
08-01-2012, 08:25 PM
Great thread!!!!
I love single shots, but we all may wish we had a machine-gun before it's all over. Especialy if you know who gets elected again.

Ed in North Texas
08-01-2012, 09:27 PM
Ed of course the stuff stinks I was just having a little fun, it's actually quite a joke at my place after a BP shooting session because my wife dares me to bring that stinking thing into the house until I clean it.:-( Even some of my shooting buddies have the "oh no not again" attitude when I bring out the the BP loads but I love the stuff even if the smell is a bit on the foul side.

I like to have my wife go shooting with me, but she draws the line at BP.


Ed in North Texas
08-01-2012, 09:35 PM
Cause there might be more than ONE deer tag in my pocket, and more than one standing there waiting for me to skin 'em out

I guess I was Lucky! I never acquired a taste for fine wine.

I took to the Cheap stuff like a baby to Mother's Milk.

Cheap whiskey too!

But beer?? I like the finer taste of Guinness!

My taste in beer is eclectic - LaBatt's Blue, Beck's or Dos Equis. MGD in domestics. Weissbier too. And Belgian Wheat Ale. Almost any of the local German beers I had in the early '60s. And...


08-01-2012, 10:39 PM
only one SS . .. an original pritty beatup .310 cadet, great little rifle to carry hunt plink shoot with . . . should never have sold the .45 martini . . . cheers

08-02-2012, 04:20 AM
I got my start with single shots, an ancient falling block .22 of some sort was the gun my Dad had, so that's what I shot early on.Any chance of a series of photo's? What could be better than a falling block 22?

For what it's worth, I have a hankering for a break action single. I've made a magazine bolt action 22 into single shot and bought another single shot 22 but a break action rifle is what appeals to me. Long barrels that go all the way to the butt!

I had a Mini-14 once. Semi auto and all. I never once fired it in repeat mode. In fact, in the field I would pick up the spent case before firing the next shot. And I'm talking of hunting.

But a magazine rifle is handy for carrying the ammunition for the day (assuming it's a 303 Brit with a 10 round magazine!)

One day I'll get myself a single shot break action rifle. But I want it in 303 Brit.

Ed in North Texas
08-02-2012, 06:34 AM

One day I'll get myself a single shot break action rifle. But I want it in 303 Brit.

I would have thought, if looking for a single shot .303, you'd stand a better chance of finding a M-H conversion in New Zealand. But I've been wrong before - SWMBO tells me so. :bigsmyl2:


08-02-2012, 11:22 AM
My first Shotgun was a Harrington & Richardson 20GA single shot shotgun. I use to go Duck Hunting with it and shot many Geese and Ducks! I still have it and probably always will!! I liked it so much I bought another one 10GA 36" Barrel "Goose Getter" I sold that though it kicked like a Mule!!

08-02-2012, 04:10 PM
Oh, there's a rolling block 357 out there with my name on it! Not sure I'll be able to afford it though. Now that would get a lot of use.

I wouldn't buy a 303 single shot, I would want to build one if I had the bits. Thinking about it, if I had to buy the barrel I'd go for a 375-303. Mind you, a 25-303 would be nice on a single shot. I have a long 25-303 barrel, mmm .... [smilie=1: It is on a rifle but that could be changed.

08-02-2012, 06:31 PM
Any chance of a series of photo's? What could be better than a falling block 22?

H&R Buffalo Classic
H&R Topper 20 gauge
Savage Model 74
Euroarms .58 Carbine


08-02-2012, 07:56 PM
I didn't bother to look at the first four pages before squirting to the end of the thread.

"Do you like single shots"

First, Yes I do.

Second, has anybody said "NO" yet? (I'll bet not)

08-02-2012, 11:59 PM
Yes, yes I do. Like anybody needed to ask me. :-) Been looking for a rolling block in 38-55 for some time now to add to the collection. Getting sidetracked with a single shot 20 gauge and 60 cal roundball lately.

08-03-2012, 01:57 AM
The first rifle I purchased was a Marlin 1894 in .41 Mag. I've always been more of a pistol shooter and I bought the Marlin to go with my pistol. I have since purchased other rifles, semi-autos in .22, .223, and 9mm. They are fun to shoot but didn't really get enthusiastic about shooting them more than my pistols. Then I got a single shot rifle, an H&R 1871 Classic Carbine in .45 Colt. I AM HOOKED!

I had always wanted a single shot to shoot cast boolits through and always figured on a handy rifle in 30-30. The stock on the handy rifle is plain Jane compared to the classic carbine. The color case hardened action just looks nice. Sure, it's no Ruger #1, it's not a High Wall, it's not a lot of other fancier rifles but it is just fun to shoot.

I like shooting iron sights and have been looking at the different accessory barrels that can be purchased with iron sights. I am seriously considering collecting several barrels just because. I like shooting rifles but I absolutely love shooting my single shot rifle. Frank

Wayne Smith
08-03-2012, 11:47 AM
Hummm ... With a very few exceptions, ALL rifles are single shots. Some just reload faster.

Definitions, definitions, they will kill you.

That said, I like all my rifles!

08-03-2012, 05:00 PM
Thanks, Dademoss. Those are beauties!

I wonder what it would take to fit a 303 barrel inside a 12 gauge barrel? Adapting the barrel to fit the shotgun action could be quite tricky and lots of work. A project for the future maybe. (it's a new shotgun so not for chopping up).

08-03-2012, 08:39 PM
303Guy, search for NOE's post on welding a barrel lug onto a new barrel.

you could use the same technique for a stubb!

08-04-2012, 03:04 AM
Thinking about it, it would be relatively easy to make a threaded stub to accept a 303 Brit barrel. The main problem is I don't actually need one. What I need is a light weight 357 for plinking and generally having lots of fun with. Damn those taxes I have to pay!:(

In the meantime I do have a single shot 303 Brit. It's a Lee Enfield with the magazine spring and follower rusted out. It's great, all I do is slip a cartridge into the chamber, fire it and open the bolt and the spent case drops into the magazine box. I have a spent case catching single shot! And that magazine box fits all my MLE's and SMLE in 25/303 so I have lots of single shots. Perfect for bench shooting.

Ed in North Texas
08-04-2012, 07:16 AM
Thinking about it, it would be relatively easy to make a threaded stub to accept a 303 Brit barrel. The main problem is I don't actually need one. What I need is a light weight 357 for plinking and generally having lots of fun with. Damn those taxes I have to pay!:(

In the meantime I do have a single shot 303 Brit. It's a Lee Enfield with the magazine spring and follower rusted out. It's great, all I do is slip a cartridge into the chamber, fire it and open the bolt and the spent case drops into the magazine box. I have a spent case catching single shot! And that magazine box fits all my MLE's and SMLE in 25/303 so I have lots of single shots. Perfect for bench shooting.

Now that is making lemonade.*


* Just in case the saying isn't common in NZ, that is part of the saying "When life deals you lemons, make lemonade."

Ol' One Shot
12-01-2020, 11:10 PM
Yup. Love 'em.
Also, I wonder how many of the people in this thread are even still alive.
Looks like I've got a whole bunch of back-reading to do.

12-01-2020, 11:43 PM
Yes – I like them;
especially my .303 Martini-Enfield even because it is not easy to shot (poor Sights, verry hard Trigger...).
The Pedersoli Sporting Sharps in .45-70 is a pleasure in comparison :-)

12-02-2020, 12:07 AM
I LOVE single shot guns. I have a whole collection of H&R Handi Rifles. I have a Rem Rolling Block, if I could afford a Martini Henry I'd be tempted. But I've had my fling with holy black, just as soon not go back down that road.

I tend to stay away from the average common guns. .30-06, .308, .270. Everyone and their mothers brother have one of them.
The Dirty Thirty used to be in that list but it wiggled its way out. And the old .30-30 has earned its place in my collection.

For a cast boolit shooter you have to love the .30-30 with that long neck.

And to be honest, with a bit of practice a decent single shot is just as fast as the average guy at the range with a bolt.

Yeah I love single shots and I love how they make you think about the shot your taking. Is now the time? Or if I am a little patient will I get a better shot?

12-02-2020, 12:34 AM
My preference for one type of firearm over another is based on application. That being said I have a real soft spot for Trapdoor Springfield's and original Browning Highwalls just cause.

For a light responsive walking rifle I really like my Contender carbines. For shooting pararie dogs from prone not so much.

12-02-2020, 12:47 AM
Single shots are no threat to the state, which will come by to collect your high-caliber magazine guns or tax them, so Joe Biden will let you keep them as long as you vote Democrat.

I want my single-shot to be an M79!

12-02-2020, 01:12 AM
I want my single-shot to be an M79!

Now that is a break action I could love.

Stephen Cohen
12-02-2020, 03:51 AM
I learned to shoot with a Lithgow single shot .22, first shotgun was Winchester single 12 gauge, shot big bore with Lithgow mod 44 in 7.62. I now have several Martini cadets in 357 max, 300BO based on a 357mag shell and 310 cadet and a Large 303 Martini which will soon be getting a new 308 barrel but still be a 303 Brit. Yes I love single shots and never feel under gunned, one shot one kill. Regards Stephen

12-02-2020, 04:46 AM
I remember this thread, my collection has grown to over 15 Handi's, about a dozen Contenders and another dozen Encores, whew...............

big bore 99
12-02-2020, 05:03 AM
There are only 2 single shot rifles I don't like and haven't found either yet.

12-02-2020, 07:26 AM
Do you like other who like single shot guns? Does it bother you if someone has a different oppinon of what they want to shoot or how to shoot?
If this forum is open minded, then let's not act childish and cut down other shooters or their equipment. If anyone wants to, they can research for themselves and make up their own minds based on there needs and budget.
They might ask for your ideas and not take your advice. Don't hate them for that.
It would be nice to talk about the subject without conflict. Mine's better than yours is like four year olds trying to win. What? good question. At the end of the arguement no one has changed their mind and we all lost something.


thanks Karen! yes i do and dont associate with anyone who doesnt

12-02-2020, 07:26 AM
I like “most” single shot rifles. My favorite are Sharps of course! I don’t like Rossi.

12-02-2020, 08:07 AM
All rifles matter!
The aroma of black powder is just an affirmation of when you let slip the dogs of war.

12-02-2020, 10:24 AM
I love single shots. Especially T C Contender pistols with rifle scopes. Have one .22 with a Weaver T36. A 10 inch .357 with a 4-16x. I shoot 148 grain Lyman wadcutters in it. I'd rather shoot single shots than any semi-auto. In fact I don't own a semi-auto.

12-02-2020, 10:42 AM
I like single shots because, you know normally you only get one shot at a deer. If you miss they’re of like a streak of lightning, so you take your time and place that boolit where it will put the animal down humanly. Not blast away
Spraying the area with lead and wasting ammo. If i hear a single shot late in the evening, its usually because the true hunter has placed that shot and is now gathering his prey and processing it. One shot one kill.

12-02-2020, 01:20 PM
Now that is a break action I could love.

Thanks. I wasn't sure that the Mods would appreciate the attempted sarcasm in that statement. Truth be told, I love and have mulitiple single-shots. I have one in each handgun caliber for which I have four guns and 1000 rounds of ammunition stored. The .38/.357, .44Spl./Mag, .44-40 and .45 Colt are easy, but for .32 ACP, .38-200, .455 and .45 ACP you have to be a bit more creative and John Taylor is "da Man" on the Infamous Bunny Guns.

12-02-2020, 01:29 PM
I love all that I have (single, bolt, semi, pump shotgun, etc.) and lust after many I don't yet have.



I resemble that remark. Strongly! :popcorn:

12-02-2020, 01:35 PM
I do have an auto. 1909 Model 8 Remington, 30 Rem. Just that one though. Honest.


Wrap it up and send it to me, and I'll save you from that evil status! ;)

steve urquell
12-02-2020, 02:57 PM
Anyone else feel like single shot preference is ingrained in them? I've loved them ever since I was 12 years old and I don't even know why. Didn't have any outside influence in it. Seriously hate my procrastination on buying several when no one wanted them in the 80s.

12-02-2020, 05:04 PM
i luv the single shots. i have 2 tc encore's that are rifles(20vt, 444, 500 linebaugh) and a ruger #1 in 270. i have a 45-70 handi. you could say an 1898 spr armory in 30-40 krag that is a single shot too( i did a 102k redfield aperture sight and forgot about the nail). i shoot most of my bolt actions in single shot even tho i can load more.

12-02-2020, 05:40 PM
I guess you could say I love single shot rifles since I have 14 of them. They range in caliber from 30 to 45.
I also have two 22 calibers. A Winchester low wall and a Stevens 44-1/2.

12-02-2020, 06:43 PM
Yes, and like the Ruger #1s and the Martini Cadets


and cheating, I love my Rem 40-XBBR single shot rifles :)

Woodbridge 30-30
12-02-2020, 07:52 PM
I to love single shots. I grew up shooting NEF shotguns as a kid. Shot my first handful of deer with a youth smooth bore 20ga. In fact my mom still shoots a deer darn near every year with that old thing, she's a little woman and the youth stocks fit her perfect. As many others have mentioned here, I've grown to love Handi rifles. I shoot 45-70 and 30-06 but have been on the hunt for a 44 mag since I already load for the wheel guns.

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12-02-2020, 08:45 PM
Yes, I love single shots. Rifle pistol or shotgun, I like them all and hunt with them. Having a ball with a 7.62x39 in a NO1 at the moment. Even the pump guns I adore are treated as single shots. They just store my extra ammo in the tube instead of my pocket :)

12-02-2020, 11:08 PM
I am fascinated by the huge array of single shot actions. No other firearm action type has as many variations and some of the finest rifles made are single shots.
I enjoy studying their designs and strengths and what they do best. Whether a simple low cost break action or a very fine falling block design they are all interesting and cool !
I don’t own any of the high end models but I do own many single shots, mostly rifles some shotguns and even a few pistols. When I find a interesting single shot design I don’t own I kind of put it on a bucket list and keep looking and usually find a way of getting one even if it isn’t in the best of condition and enjoy restoring it myself.

I also like repeating guns of all types and own many but single shots are my passion.


country gent
12-02-2020, 11:31 PM
I prefer single shots over most rifle and have a few here No1s, Martini cadet, high wall, Sharps, Brochardt, cpa, Hepbutns, rolling blocks. along with several 22s. Ironically for 25 years or so I was a NRA service rifle competitor with the M1A/M14 garand and at the end AR 15 and 10. From one end to the other here.

12-02-2020, 11:59 PM
I was always more hunter than target shooter. Single shot was not a handi cap to me. I have several Rugers, Savage and a Rem RB. Other than Savage 219, I wouldn’t own the newer break open rifles. They have no class.

12-03-2020, 12:31 AM
Does a TCR83 qualify as “newer”? :)
I have been chasing a decent Stevens tip up pistol for reasonable $ for years, just want to experience it.

12-03-2020, 12:49 AM
Single shot trap guns are state of the art. I have a factory tricked out Browning BT-99 that I'd go 100 straight at 16 yards regularly....

12-04-2020, 12:42 PM
I love them. I have two Rugers in pistol calibers and one RRB. I wouldn't mind it if a Ruger No. 1 in .300 H&H Magnum fell into my lap.

Chev. William
12-04-2020, 01:18 PM
My fun with 'single shots' is and has been limited to Stevens "Favorite" and "Model 44" types with a pending project or two on a M1 Carbine receivewr to be a Straight pull single shot rifle of 23 inch barrel length. By blanking off the gas ports (not drilling them) in the new barrel and leaving off the gas cylinder block, i am able to make a 1.1" diameter b;lank barrel work.

two are pending: a .45 Win Mag version and a .30 Carbine one.
Both arer at my gunsmith's waiting for him to get around to them.

The Favorites are for experiments wit .25ACP conversions and wildcats in CF mostly. The Model 44 action is for my longer bodied .25 Wi;dcats all of which are using .250"-.251" diameter bullets, both Lead and Jacketed types.

I also have both a revolver and a semi Auto pistol converted to .25ACP and the revolver is set up with interchangable cylinders for other .25 CAL cartridges.

Chev. William

12-05-2020, 08:24 PM
I can't help but wonder about this question posted in the single shot area of this site? Would anyone really be here if they didn't like single shots?

12-06-2020, 07:09 AM
Well, it does give people a chance to boast. :smile:

12-06-2020, 10:05 PM
It all started with a J.C. Higgins single shot 22 on Christmas Day, 1958. Mom and Dad scraped together the $13.00 it took to buy it. It was the kind you had to pull the striker back to cock it and it was all I could do with my little fingers. I loved that rifle as only a 5 year old boy could. I haven't changed my mind since. There's a couple Shiloh's, a Cody Rifle Works Ballard, a W. J. Jeffery, Johann Outschar, Jacob Friedrich Bartles, the obligatory Ruger #1, two Haenel/Aydt Schuetzen rifles and probably a few I'm forgetting and a plethora previously owned. Cartridges run from 25-20 in the Jeffery Rook Rifle to 450/400 NE in the Ruger. The Shiloh's, the Ballard and the Outschar have NEVER seen smokeless powder and never will as long as I own them. Some of the others do equally well with BP or smokeless and others are smokeless only.

Yes, I like them. The only rifles I like better are my doubles.

12-06-2020, 11:09 PM
I grew up running the woods with an H&R Topper 20g and took plenty of game with it. Forty years later I still have a few here and there and now my kids are using them.

Brett Ross
12-08-2020, 03:42 PM
My father had the idea "you start with a single shot" this was like others have stated, so you slow down and pick your shot. 50 years later I have autos, bolts, doubles along with my various singles. I do find 80% of my hunting is with my singles and doubles, just like the way they point.

12-08-2020, 08:20 PM
I say horses for courses. I love nice guns. My nicest guns are single shots. I have some other very nice guns too.


Texas by God
12-08-2020, 10:30 PM
I grew up running the woods with an H&R Topper 20g and took plenty of game with it. Forty years later I still have a few here and there and now my kids are using them.Me too, except fifty years later. My three grown children all have their own Toppers as well.There is a Topper 20 gauge in my Mule 24/7/365- unless its being serviced- the Mule, that is. I don't have any fancy single shots, but my Remington 510, my custom Topper 44-40, two Topper Jr. 20 gauges, a Topper 158, Yildiz folder, and Rossi .410s- are all good ones. The Rossi also has an amazingly accurate .22 barrel. I could live off the land with any of them. Perhaps someday I'll get the Hi wall or Rolling block I've always wanted, time will tell.

Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

12-13-2020, 10:52 AM
My first love. I started out with ml’s, built a few. My first .22 was a Winchester 67. I’ve had several .45-70 rollers, a 25-06 Ruger #1V. Currently I’ve got two Martini Cadets, still have the 67 for the grandkids. Single shots will make you a better shot as it forces you to take your time, breath and really study the sights before pulling the trigger. Bolt guns will improve it to.

12-13-2020, 12:22 PM
Love the Remington Rolling Blocks

12-13-2020, 12:48 PM
I am with Marlinman, why ask this question, on this forum. I wont delve into my meager collection of rifles, that I have, but I will say that I am a sucker for any good quality single shot. I love Remington Rollers, from big heavy 45/70's, to light trim 8x58Rs, and to my way of thinking, the Hi Walls are about perfection, when it comes to American single shots, from .219 Donaldson to .40/82. Sharps are in a class all by themselves, deservedly so. And dont forget the trapdoors, often maligned and unappreciated, but in my experience great shooters as well. A handier carbine you wont find. My only current single shot in .22LR is a Stevens 44, with original wood, and a 26" heavy round barrel, just back from CPA and having a 1/2" shaved off the chamber in and rechambered. It is tight as all get out, has a mirror bore, and may get hot blued as all of its bluing and case hardening are all gone. I have not had the chance to get a Ballard as of yet, but a .22lr is one my to do list. All of my experience is with American made single shots cartridge guns, and ML's as well. My finances as of yet have not allowed me to venture into the German/Swiss type single shots, but hope springs anew with each gunshow or online auction. I have converted a sizeable collection of a lifetime of guntrading/gunsmithing, into a few single shot rifles, and have found the exchange one of the best decisions of my life, starting a few years ago. I get so much more enjoyment from shooting/handling/casting/reloading these rifles of a bygone era, than all of my custom bolt actions bug holers I have built myself over the years. And one thing I like even more, is introducing a newby to them, and watching their eyes light up when they find out they can hit with amazing accuracy, using different iron sights and peeps. And they way they delight in the different types of actions, and how they work. I am currently on several wives naughty lists, for introducing their husbands to the attractions of single shots, and all the items associated with them and helping them procure them, in the past year or so. So yes, I guess you could say I like, even love single shot rifles.

12-14-2020, 02:55 PM
always liked martini action rifles but being a lefty its only taken me 40+ years to get an international BSA lh one .still manage to get through a lot of ammo almost as much as when i use my 1022.

12-14-2020, 03:54 PM
I shoot singles, doubles, semi-autos, and pumps. In all gauges.

What is not to like about firearms!!!!!!!!!!! :drinks:

12-14-2020, 05:09 PM
I have a weakness for Ruger #3's, but use my Encores and Contenders more.

12-14-2020, 07:12 PM
I have a bunch of Handi rifles and the best part is there all handi (45/70) is a favorite ! Ed

12-14-2020, 07:29 PM
I went from auto to bolt to single shot Thompson pistol and Encore rifle, have killed more deer with single shots hunting alone than any autos. One shot one kill and ammo loaded now will out last me. No shortage here.

donald duck
12-17-2020, 06:55 PM
Ed in North Texas,
I like your comment about need. In the fall and winter of 1998 I worked in the gun, fishing, and camping dept. of Gart Sports here in Colorado Springs. Many times I would be showing a firearm to a potential customer accompanied by his wife. She would ask him, why do you need that particular piece. My reply was always, " What does need have to do with it?"

12-17-2020, 09:51 PM
Huh I don’t like them.
They are only 3rd rate guns for hopeless and uneducated people.
Sure you can kill something if you can hit it with one but they are pretty inhumane.
I mean by the time it takes to load another round you could have decimated a whole sounder of pigs with a real gun.
Everyone knows you need a real good crimp on your cases to get the powder to burn properly.
Most don’t even have a safety.
Lead bullets, man you have to be kidding me.....maybe if you are just 15 yards or something ..........and so it goes on......

I dream of a ultra short semi auto 30-06 with a flash hider/ muzzle break.
You can see and hear the power just coming out of it ...especially at night.

Stephen Cohen
12-18-2020, 01:48 AM
barrabuce, did you get my PMs today. Regards Stephen

Milky Duck
09-14-2022, 04:44 AM
I learnt to shoot with a toz .22lr with no magazine...then graduated to winchester .410 single barrel shotgun..then a .12ga astra cyclope which 45years later I still use....
latest rifle to be purchased is a bakail single break open .222 remington...so YES SIR I believe I do like single shot guns.

09-14-2022, 10:19 AM
The single shots are really growing on me. My Henry handles like an 18" carbine but still has the full 22" barrel. Really enjoy not full length sizing or worrying about whether a boolit will feed. As far as follow up shots go, where I hunt you aren't going to get a chance for a second shot if you miss so it's a non-issue.

09-14-2022, 01:37 PM
Was <barrabruce> being sarcastic, or is his Holy Grail a .30 caliber chain gun?

09-16-2022, 11:07 PM
I hate to admit that my better days of hunting and shooting are past. I still take at least a deer every year as my wife and I both love eating the deer and for me with heart disease it’s the red meat I can eat as much as I like.
I have always liked single shots, but love most all guns and at this point in my life I buy most any gun I like when it’s priced right. Need has nothing to do with what I own. I have studied single shots and find all of the ways that have been tried to fire just one shot fascinating and just like owning and shooting a lot of the antiques very enjoyable. So even though I own rifles with every type of action when I do go on a serious hunt I am usually carrying a single shot as they just feel right and if I shoot when the time is right I never need more.

09-16-2022, 11:22 PM
Heck No! I hate the durned things.... Bought one and it would not put all the bullets in the same hole at 50 yards. Knew it wasn't me. I never miss.... It had to be the rifle, so I bought another one. Same dogone problem! So I bought another one, then another one. Now I got almost a full safe of the durned things....

them dang guns aren't no good, get rid of them, send the all to me??

09-16-2022, 11:26 PM
why would you need more than one shot?

amen !

09-16-2022, 11:31 PM
I have many single shots, along with all types of other actions, they all have their merits. if you should worry about more than one shot in any gun ? practice. only time you might need a second shot is if there are more than one critter in front of you?

09-17-2022, 12:37 AM
Our ancestors pretty much wiped out all the large game east of the Mississippi with single shots, and they were mostly muzzleloaders at that.

09-17-2022, 01:10 AM
I certainly don't despise or decry single shot anythings. I own a 30" barreled 12 gauge goose gun, and a Winchester single-shot .22 LR. I don't have a single-shot pistol nor a single-shot centerfire rifle (yet). Were I to purchase the latter, it would have to be in some "special purpose" caliber that imparts a certain amount of "exoticness" to the rifle. I don't want it in any of the more common "Bubba" rounds that can be bought at most WalMarts or Academy Stores. Buying an elegant and exotic single-shot rifle, only to have it chambered in a "run of the mill" caliber just seems to me like making a special trip to Baskin-Robins, only to order VANILLA.
I could see getting a 26" barreled Ruger #1 in .220 Swift, or 5.6x52 R, or even .219 Zipper. My access to open ranges in every direction, across which I may shoot very long distances at small critters with such rounds is a thing of the past, regrettably. But when I DID have access, I would have been well equipped with such a single-shot rifle.
On the other end of the bore diameter spectrum, and well in the "if you only have one shot, make it a very powerful one" camp of thought, I could see buying a single-shot .470 NE, and knowing that I could drop anything on the planet with it. It could always be used for Grizzly, Kodiak, or Polar bear.

Milky Duck
09-17-2022, 04:00 AM
the above mentioned break open trebly took down 3 wallabies and a fallow deer today


09-17-2022, 09:57 AM
I once had a single shot 12 gauge. I think it had the most recoil I have experienced.

Milky Duck
09-17-2022, 05:06 PM
I once had a single shot 12 gauge. I think it had the most recoil I have experienced.

that is because it would more than likely have been stupidly light in weight and full choked as so many are..... its the trap parents fall into when buying a gun for junior to learn with...light gun and heavy magnum shells boot the crap out of a fella... drop the charge or payload down..clay target loads are ideal where legal...and it becomes a neat gun to carry and use. I still often take single shot break open shotgun out after waterfowl..just because I can.

09-17-2022, 05:32 PM
Nope, I hate all 17 that I own!

09-17-2022, 11:37 PM
I started with semis and bolt actions, but once I got my first single shot I was hooked. Any rifles I buy in the future will be single shots unless the application demands a repeater, like defense. I just don't see why you would put up with all the issues that come with repeaters if you don't have to, single shots are a far superior user experience in my opinion.

09-18-2022, 01:38 AM
I tend to only like the ones made between say....1870-1910. I have a sweet spot for the early breach loading days....

09-18-2022, 06:54 AM
Was <barrabruce> being sarcastic, or is his Holy Grail a .30 caliber chain gun?

Yes I was.
I get told by that many people that they could decimate a whole herd of things in one foul swoop.
My life experiences has been one good shot. And then things get all vocal and dust flying everywhere real fast.
A fleeting well aimed poke at another animal or two if you are lucky.
I prefer single shots.
Thou a nice double would probably wouldn’t be out of the picture if I won lotto.

My present favourite is a short martini cadet chambered in 30-357 mag.
5 lbs maybe a bit heavy but I think it covers a bit of ground for what purposes I could in visage.

09-18-2022, 09:43 AM
Ha, depends on the need. Try driving framing nails all day with an 8# sledge if you think there is no need for different tools to meet the need.

I shoot cast in single shots, bolts, levers, revolvers and semi autos. Do not have a need for anything that shoots beyond the control point as needed for accurate aimed fire. Not in that business any more and the movie/comic book, spray and pray garbage, just does not appeal to me.

Greg Mercurio
09-22-2022, 05:08 PM
When Ruger launched the No. 1, it was love at first sight. In my eyes, the most perfect blend of style and utility since the 912 Porsche. I have about a dozen from .22-250 up to .458 Win. I also have a couple of No. 3's, but they definitely look better when restocked to "No. 2" configuration. I hunt mostly with either a 7x57 or a .257 Roberts. Both are light enough to carry all day, and as many have stated, who needs more than one shot. I also have a Bullberry stocked TC with a selection of 14" barrels....So yup, I'm definitely a single shot fan. :-)

09-22-2022, 05:39 PM
Old Indian say: "One shot, deer. Two shots, maybe deer. Three shots, four shots, nothing."

Greg Mercurio
09-22-2022, 07:38 PM

09-22-2022, 07:45 PM
I tend to only like the ones made between say....1870-1910. I have a sweet spot for the early breach loading days....

This I can wholeheartedly agree with!

09-23-2022, 11:38 AM
Love my singleshots , Started with a .410 for deer hunting, 223, 300BO and recently a 45-70 CVA.

09-25-2022, 12:26 AM
Leave the magazine alone and instead get one of the skor-hi benchrest followers.Fits over the regular follower as sort of an adaptor for single round feeding. Just a suggestion. Frank Sorry wrong post.

10-08-2022, 12:36 PM
It’s OK to like them all, from submachine guns to civil war 58 cal. single shot muzzle loaders. Love “tinging” metal plates at 200 yards with 45-70 and 43 Egyptian. There is just something about the bang “pause” and ting!

10-19-2022, 09:23 PM
I like them all but have a fond spot in my heart for single shots. Easy to carry and accurate and elegant.

I love my brass receiver 410 and my 45/70 Henry love my No1 Rugers all are fantastic.

10-21-2022, 04:59 PM
Baskin-Robins, only to order VANILLA -- That's what I do. That mint chocolate chip is almost as good.
Only 2 SS I hated. 12ga full choke 5# that MIL gave me and that silly really old 22 short bolt action I was given as a kid, from a neighbor kid who wore it out. Can't afford a really good rolling block.

10-21-2022, 05:29 PM
But you can afford a nice Stevens 1915 Favorite. (1894 model is prettier, but not nearly as strong.)