View Full Version : Case Cleaning Article Updated

07-28-2012, 08:37 PM
Hey guys,

Many months ago I authored and posted an article on my web site discussing case cleaning with ultrasonic versus a tumbler with ceramic media. I just a added a detail discussion on using stainless steel pins in a tumbler. It worked great and is the method I will be using from now on for all BPCR calibers, and also for all my smokeless handgun and rifle calibers. If you’re interested in more details click on the following link.

http://www.texas-mac.com/Case_Cleaning_Ultrasonic_vs_Tumbler_with_Ceramic_M edia_Tumbler_with_Stainless_Steel_Pins.html


07-29-2012, 08:33 AM

Dawn Dish-washing soap 2 Tablespoons and Lemi-Shine rinse agent a 9mm or 40S&W case full, 5pounds S.S. Pin Media, with 1 Gallon of Hot/Warm water is the recommended cleaning agent for a 15 Lb Thumbler's Tumbler load of 2 pounds of brass cases.The amount varies with YOUR waters hardness.

You can use a TIMER to set the run time for YOUR BEST RESULTS with the cases, powder, primer that YOU USE. Tumbling TOO LONG can create other problems, such as the soap wearing out and then BLACK GUNKY cases are left to do again.
