View Full Version : woops w SS pin polishing

07-27-2012, 07:37 PM
OK Guys,

I had an oops with a batch of STM SS pins and 90 pcs of LC 85 7.62 brass.

Started it late yesterday and at 4 hrs the insides and primer pockets were not clean enough. So I restarted the tumbling abt noon today. Did not change the water. Time got away from me and the load ran for 6 hours.

Is a light coat of black on the cases. Obviously I goofed here.

What is the best way to recover the batch? Change the water after a rinse and redo with new soap and lemishine? Should I wipe the cases before redoing them?



07-27-2012, 08:04 PM
I had the same thing happen to me and have sense than made myself aware and changed my way of doing it. I have done this 2 ways with the same results but your mileage may differ. I have just emptied it and only put in Lemi-Shine and HOT water and let it go for 2hrs and they came out great. 2nd way was drain and re-fill with Lemi-Shine and Dawn only this time I put in a tad more Dawn than normal, and again Hot water and they came out fine. My issue seems to be that I'm not adding enough Dawn, I use one of those pump liquid soap dispensers and give it 2 squirts. Now I give it 3 squirts on the final wash (I do it twice) and always use HOT water to wash and rinse, so far so good.

07-27-2012, 08:33 PM
A quick run in a vibratory tumbler with walnut would clean that right off...


07-27-2012, 08:43 PM
A quick run in a vibratory tumbler with walnut would clean that right off...



07-27-2012, 11:42 PM
OK, thats funny.

07-28-2012, 08:49 PM
Just redo that batch as a new batch. Don't cheap out on the Dawn,it's only a couple penny's for a load.
And a 40 cal case of Lemmishine.
Tumble for 4 hour's,dump out water and rinse.

07-29-2012, 01:33 AM
black is zinc oxide ..........

07-29-2012, 08:11 AM
Run the tumbler off a TIMER, experience will lead you to the best cleaning time for YOUR brass and shooting recipe, and help with being busy or forgetful.

Dawn and Lemi-Shine amounts can very with the hardness of YOUR water.

You may need to adjust YOUR amounts of Dawn and Lemi-Shine.

Very Lengthy tumbling times IS NOT a good idea as you've seen the BLACK.

For the people who OLD STYLE TUMBLE with a Vibratory unit, CHANGE your MEDIA FREQUENTLY, use a DRYER SHEET

inside the tumbler to help control dust, and dump/change it outside not in the house.


People who also shoot indoors a bunch should also have their BLOOD LEAD levels checked, as there is an added risk of elevated lead levels if you Cast and Reload .

RSO (Indoor) Range Safety Officers and Instructors have an even Greater Risk, AS DO Children or Grandchildren around you during these activities.

Washing your hands with D-LEAD soap, Using D-LEAD Wipes, wipe down your casting and Reloding area bench with a wet paper towel

and throw it away, use gloves, a N-100 rated respirator mask, increase your Vitamin C intake, eat more Spinach,

take a Multi-vitamin daily, keep your shooting, casting and reloading clothes separate from the family wash for cleaning, wear a hat,

Do NOT Smoke, Drink, or Eat while Casting, Reloading , or ESPECIALLY Shooting indoors will help to lower your lead exposure levels.

Another alternative is to STOP DOING, CASTING, RELOADING AND SHOOTING, which we probably all agree is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE TO US.

Lead Poisoning is serious and just one more reason I chose to Tumble with a rotary Thumbler's Tumbler, S.S. Media Pins, Dawn and Lemi-shine.


Safety First and FOLLOW ALL THE RULES!


07-29-2012, 09:41 AM
My lead level was almost 30 about 10 years ago, others in the same club were high as well. Quit shooting indoor matches and kept everything else the same, was a 7 two months ago.

For dry I add polish until there is no dust. For wet I have found Dawn works better than Polmolive but doesn't soften your hands while you clean your brass.

Never thought about where I was dumping my leaded water. Where do you guys dump it?

07-29-2012, 10:33 AM
The water is not LEADED as such, mostly the BLACK is Carbon.

I deprime first on a single stage Big Boss II first, the spent primer falls through the plastic tube, when the tube is full, I invert the end,

remove the tube plug and place the tubing into an empty water bottle with the top being "X" razor cut so the tube fits through the top.

Squeeze the tubing and the spent primers fall into the water bottle, after filling the bottle, I place a New Uncut top onto the water bottle and save it for future recycling.

I do this over a small trash bag lined trash can just in case I would accidentily drop the tubing or it became detached from the press.

A lot easier to locate and recollect all the loose spent primers.

The "X" cut bottle top stays for the next new empty water bottle that's waiting to be filled.