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07-27-2012, 02:55 PM
I just bought a H&R Buffalo Classic. Ya' think a Lyman 460540 at about 1600 would be a bit much at five feet?


Larry Gibson
07-27-2012, 02:58 PM
Looks like he's fixin' to charge........might be enough for a frontal brain shot.......don't hit the boss of the chisels or the bullet can be deflected..........

Larry Gibson

07-27-2012, 03:17 PM
If it was a repeater, maybe.

A single shot requires far more lead than that.

And come on, real hunters get close.

07-27-2012, 03:25 PM
And come on, real hunters get close.

If he ain't close,,, that's the biggest danged squirrel I ever saw.:shock:

gray wolf
07-27-2012, 03:25 PM
Now cut that out Jim,
You know you need a back up guy with 00 buck to be safe.

07-27-2012, 03:30 PM
I would try to bait him in a little closer for a sure kill shot.

07-27-2012, 03:33 PM
Gnoahhh, I have a lot of respect for that kinda' thinking. Like you, I don't like to let a wounded animal escape and suffer.

Wha's a matter, Gray Wolf, no sense of daring?

Longwood, I think he'd dress out at about 200 pounds.

Btroj, I think proper boolit placement would result in a 'DRT'.

Larry, I was thinkin' about a brisket shot just before he lowers his head to hook me.

07-27-2012, 03:58 PM
In “Textbook of Firearms Investigation, Identification and Evidence” Julian S. Hatcher says:

“Because the shotgun is intended to scatter a load of light shot, which will not kill even small feathered game at distances greater than about 80 yards, few people realize the extreme deadliness of this type of weapon at very short ranges, such as ten feet or under. It is doubtful if there exists today upon this earth an animal which cannot be killed, or at least instantly disabled with the 12 bore shotgun and a load of ordinary No. 4 shot, provided that the shooter wait until that animal comes up to the very muzzle of his gun before shooting. The result is that a veritable “rat hole” will be blown into the animal and the tissues in and around the wound will be pulped and torn horribly by the load of shot entering the flesh in a churning mass. Nothing could be more effective in stopping the charge of an infuriated bull, just to quote one example.”

But Jim you have got to be close and that takes a lot of courage with a Giant Tree Rat!

07-27-2012, 04:00 PM
Wife just put out a bird feeder in the tree. Didn't think I had enough moving target practice on rabbits or wants me to order a H&R Buffalo Classic. Hummm.

Chicken Thief
07-27-2012, 04:06 PM
In “Textbook of Firearms Investigation, Identification and Evidence” Julian S. Hatcher says:

But Jim you have got to be close and that takes a lot of courage with a Giant Tree Rat!

I do believe that i would soil myself way before something wanting to kill me got closer than 40yds charging me! Come to think of it i would be emptying an 8+ shotgun mag from that distance and inwards.

But i think 10yds and shot is the safest.

07-27-2012, 04:12 PM
In “Textbook of Firearms Investigation, Identification and Evidence” Julian S. Hatcher says:

But Jim you have got to be close and that takes a lot of courage with a Giant Tree Rat!

I've fired men that stood head and shoulders above me and told 'em 'pack your stuff an' hit the gate!' I ain't scared o' NOTHIN'!

07-27-2012, 04:18 PM
There's no such thing as "To much gun"....

but there is...OVERKILL... :-|

07-27-2012, 04:21 PM
A real man would jump down out of a tree onto the back of that beast and chew its throat out with their bare teeth.

07-27-2012, 04:22 PM
Perfect combination if you want to kill and bury in the same move.

07-27-2012, 05:02 PM
A real man would jump down out of a tree onto the back of that beast and chew its throat out with their bare teeth.

No, that's the definition of a dang crazy FOOL! :2 drunk buddies:

07-27-2012, 05:09 PM
I would want to make sure there weren't more of them. Having a herd of violent rodents like that could be bad around kids and women.

07-27-2012, 05:12 PM
Let us know how you make out. My Buffalo Classic is loaded and ready to go.


07-27-2012, 05:35 PM
I can see it now, gracing the pages of "Sporting Classics" or "Hairy Chested He Man Monthly"-

"As the cool dawn hemorrhaged across the horizon, Bwana Jim, Professional Dangerous Game Hunter and All Around Good Guy, readied his rifle and braced himself for another day in the game of death. Donning his well worn khakis, dusty pith helmet and assuring that his beloved Kabar was secured at his hip, he ventured forth onto the veranda of his spacious, elegant summer residence. Bwana Jims best tracker and gun bearer Fearless met him with his usual repast of eggs, ham, grits, pancakes, 2 rib eye steaks, a dozen slices of fresh toasted home made cinnamon raisin bread and a pitcher of Bloody Marys. Knowing that this breakfast might well be his last, Bwana Jim said a brief prayer of thanks, and of hope that he would be alive at this time tomorrow. "Bwana," said Fearless, "much sign of The Dreaded One in the Oaks Bwana! Much cuttings are found on the stumps. Many the diggings and claw marks on the bark Bwana. Perhaps today we meet him, eh Bwana?" Jim mused at the thought of finally having a chance at his arch nemesis, known among his people as "The Dreaded One". To finally come face to face with the devil that haunted his dreams every night these long years. Had it been years? Or had it been a decade now since last they crossed paths? Yes, 10 years now. "Strange," he thought, " it seems only yesterday that I was fighting for my life." Bwana Jim recalled with a shiver the memory of The Dreaded One, his razor sharp claws ripping at him and those bloody teeth, those awful bloody teeth!, just a hairs breadth from his throat. Yes, it well past time to end this. And now Bwana Jim, Floyd Counties last White Hunter, had the means to put an end to the nightmares of himself and the local indigenous folk whom The Dreaded One had preyed on since the days of their granfathers. Now he had the H+R Buffalo Classic, a veritable cannon which would hurl 500 grains of alloyed lead into the lifes blood of his mortal enemy- The Dreaded One.........

Or, ya could just set a rat trap with a slice of apple in it and have it done.

07-27-2012, 06:01 PM
Bret, great piece there! One correction if I may, Sir:

Five hundred and FORTY grains with a 74% meplat at 1600 F/S.

07-27-2012, 06:07 PM
I think I could stand to read a little more from Bret on this one. You last name isn't Capstick is it?

07-27-2012, 06:15 PM
Don't let your dog see that photo!!!
I made the mistake of viewing it on my big screen.

07-27-2012, 06:17 PM
I bet Bret can spin one heck of a yarn round a campfire!

07-27-2012, 08:08 PM
i love it.only here could you find this .and have a good time with it.thanks and God bless you all

07-28-2012, 08:04 AM
I think y'all need to find a hobby.

07-28-2012, 08:11 AM
I think I could stand to read a little more from Bret on this one. You last name isn't Capstick is it?

You are far too kind![smilie=p:

07-28-2012, 08:48 AM
Bret, that was great! If you aren't a writer you should be!

That is the biggest limb bacon I've ever seen. Look at how big he is compared to the Mopani tree next to him and the line of his back is higher than the "long grass". I bet when he sits back on his haunches to survey the country around him he would reach 12-14 feet!!! I believe you are amply armed......barely. I hope they don't migrate west of the MIssissippi....then again....maybe I do!

07-28-2012, 08:57 AM
I just bought a H&R Buffalo Classic. Ya' think a Lyman 460540 at about 1600 would be a bit much at five feet?


I think that with that load when you touched her off you would increase YOUR distance from the target from five to ten feet and your viewpoint would be the clear, blue sky. Just my personal opinion :kidding:

congrats on your new purchase.

BTW; Hows load development going on that 03?

07-28-2012, 11:11 PM
"As the cool dawn hemorrhaged across the horizon, Bwana Jim, Professional Dangerous Game Hunter and All Around Good Guy, readied his rifle and braced himself for another day in the game of death. Donning his well worn khakis, dusty pith helmet and assuring that his beloved Kabar was secured at his hip, he ventured forth onto the veranda of his spacious, elegant summer residence. Bwana Jims best tracker and gun bearer Fearless met him with his usual repast of eggs, ham, grits, pancakes, 2 rib eye steaks, a dozen slices of fresh toasted home made cinnamon raisin bread and a pitcher of Bloody Marys.

Thought I was reading Hemingway.

07-28-2012, 11:56 PM

If you can get closer, get closer. If you can get steadier, get steadier

smoked turkey
07-29-2012, 12:09 AM
Well...what happened? I expect to see this beast in the pages of some of the best hunting rags along with Bret's story of course. I definately would want to mount this one. Do you think a full shoulder mount or possibly a full mount. Yes a shoulder mount is perfect for this beast. It will certainly make the record books with it's size and all.

07-29-2012, 12:33 AM
[QUOTE=Jim;1791667Btroj, I think proper boolit placement would result in a 'DRT'.

From best I can tell, with that load, a near miss would be considered grounds for DNR! :grin:

07-29-2012, 12:38 AM
I just bought a H&R Buffalo Classic. Ya' think a Lyman 460540 at about 1600 would be a bit much at five feet?

Nah!!!! I say use a boolit that fits the gun....................fit is king right??? Don't worry about the aftermath, it's all about the accuracy!!! Imagine all that you've learned shooting cast and apply at all realms and beyond.

Southern Son
07-29-2012, 03:45 AM
We don't have many down under, so I ain't seen many, but that is the ugliest Elk I ever saw.

07-29-2012, 06:16 AM
We don't have many down under, so I ain't seen many, but that is the ugliest Elk I ever saw.

hilarious - the beer came out my nose.

07-29-2012, 06:30 AM
Thought I was reading Hemingway.

My first thought,,then it sorta sounded like Cooper...

Either way, pretty good.

41 mag fan
07-29-2012, 08:15 AM
Rumor on the internet has it, Jim was standing behind the front door peeking out, shaking like a leaf, with soiled underwear on, and a pool of sweat at his feet, while his fearless wife went out and took a picture before wrestling the beast to the ground, killing it and hauling it off the property so Jim would feel safe again!!!!

But who knows.....the internet is full of rumors!! :bigsmyl2:

07-29-2012, 08:36 AM
Great writing Brett. Whole thread is great fun. One of the reasons this is my favorite site, you guys&gals are great!:bigsmyl2::bigsmyl2: Tim

07-29-2012, 09:01 AM
Rumor on the internet has it, Jim was standing behind the front door peeking out, shaking like a leaf, with soiled underwear on, and a pool of sweat at his feet, while his fearless wife went out and took a picture before wrestling the beast to the ground, killing it and hauling it off the property so Jim would feel safe again!!!!

But who knows.....the internet is full of rumors!! :bigsmyl2:

LIES!! All lies!!

The only reason I didn't kill 'im is 'cause I couldn't get a clear shot!

07-29-2012, 09:50 AM
Rumor on the internet has it, Jim was standing behind the front door peeking out, shaking like a leaf, with soiled underwear on, and a pool of sweat at his feet, while his fearless wife went out and took a picture before wrestling the beast to the ground, killing it and hauling it off the property so Jim would feel safe again!!!!

But who knows.....the internet is full of rumors!! :bigsmyl2:

This thread is the best ever.

07-29-2012, 10:10 AM
Yesterday, I missed an opportunity to kill a Boone & Crocckett record Red Buffalo Hawk. The males run around 160 pounds and are named such because they have a propensity for killing adult buffalos. I captured this one with my camera set at full zoom as he was about 125 yards away. That stump he lighted on is about eight inches in diameter.

I spoke with a friend who is knowledgeable about these hawks and he suggested I use nothing short of a Barrett in .50 BMG as they have been know to charge and attack when wounded. He's looking into finding one I can borrow to kill one of these hawks.

I checked with the wildlife department and they told me the permits to kill one are $5000. I don't suppose y'all wanna pitch in and help me out with that?


07-29-2012, 10:20 AM
Yesterday, I missed an opportunity to kill a Boone & Crocckett record Red Buffalo Hawk. The males run around 160 pounds and are named such because they have a propensity for killing adult buffalos. I captured this one with my camera set at full zoom as he was about 125 yards away. That stump he lighted on is about eight inches in diameter.

I spoke with a friend who is knowledgeable about these hawks and he suggested I use nothing short of a Barrett in .50 BMG as they have been know to charge and attack when wounded. He's looking into finding one I can borrow to kill one of these hawks.

I checked with the wildlife department and they told me the permits to kill one are $5000. I don't suppose y'all wanna pitch in and help me out with that?


Jim, old buddy, I hate to bring it up but...........You may want to visit your eye doctor. That bird you posted the pic of does not have the hooked upper beak of a hawk.

07-29-2012, 10:34 AM
Nolan, ol' buddy, you just showed your ig'nance. Obviously, you have no experience whatsoever with the Red Buffalo Hawk. I'll cut you some slack, though. They don't inhabit Oklahoma, and I can understand why you've never seen or heard of one.

You stick to raisin' beef on the hoof and leave this dangerous game huntin' to more experienced people.

07-29-2012, 10:41 AM

07-29-2012, 11:22 AM
Jim, he's ready for you. Take back up!

07-29-2012, 11:41 AM
Oh-oh, this one looks like he means business...Ray

07-29-2012, 11:48 AM
Jim there's no such thing as too much gun, that's like too much money, a girl too pretty or a car too fast.

07-29-2012, 11:48 AM
No problem! I'll just switch to APs in the Barrett 50. That beer can armor don't stand a chance!

07-29-2012, 11:54 AM
Smart monster.
My dad always said. "Cover your rear".

07-29-2012, 12:23 PM
Watch OUT he's got a knife!!

07-29-2012, 12:36 PM
How insensitive can this get? To some of us this aint so funny. In 1969 I was captured by a pack of those squirrels in a park in San Francisco. You don't want to know.

41 mag fan
07-29-2012, 12:37 PM
Now Jim.... the real great meat hunter knows how to track his quarry, sneak in so close he can whisper in its ear and right when the quarry realizes he's been had, you grab on for dear life and wrestle the monster to the ground.
No guns needed. Now if you're hungry and skin and bones, unlike me, then yes....a gun is needed. No use expending energy where its not needed to be.

Now this picture i'm only going to show you and the fine folks here, these birds are very rare and very hard to find.
They call them the Brown Granite Crushers.
There are only found where theres granite rock, due to thats what they eat.. They'll get a softball size piece of granite in their beaks and crush it up, sounds like rifle shots going off.

Many a hunter and unsuspecting woodsman has died, from being under the wrong tree in the wee hours of the morning.......granite poop kills from 30' up.

These Brown Granite Crushers stand every bit of 8' tall, with a 16' wingspan. They weigh close to 500 lbs too, esp with a belly full of granite.

This picture i'm only going to disclose to you and the fine folks here, is a pride and joy picture of mine.
How I got my Brown Granite Crusher was i got butt naked, painted myself to look like a granite rock then snuck out in the wee hours and laid down in a granite rock pile and waited.
I waited for 3 full days, before he showed up in the early dawn hours.
Just when he was gonna grab a piece of granite to eat, I grabbed ahold of the 6' long beard he uses to brush the granite rocks clean before eating, I proceeded to beat that bird till he couldn't raise his head off his chest.
it was a mighty fight, I was all bruised up, but I got my bird.
Now heres the REAL kicker, that picture is of a live and true granite eating, breathing Brown Granite Crusher.
I spent 2 months whooping this bird in a cage, till i finally got it to where now it poses all day long on a table in my living room. At night time I let him go roost in a cage i built.
I feed him granite in the mornings, and occassionally will entertain guests by letting them hand feed him granite balls.
But heres the picture...enjoy!!


41 mag fan
07-29-2012, 12:40 PM
How insensitive can this get? To some of us this aint so funny. In the 60's I was captured by a pack of those squirrels in a park in San Francisco. You don't want to know.

Must've been gay squirrels, being they were in the San Francisco area

07-29-2012, 02:41 PM
Reminds me of a C&W song line from church.

07-29-2012, 06:40 PM
I just bought a H&R Buffalo Classic. Ya' think a Lyman 460540 at about 1600 would be a bit much at five feet?

That bullet'll probably work. You know what they say about slow moving cast bullets. "You can eat right up to the hole". Best get the pot boilin'. RD

07-29-2012, 06:49 PM
Longwood, I think he'd dress out at about 200 pounds.
If squirrels got to be 200 pounds, every predator in North America would be extinct, including man. Two hunnert pound squirrels would slap bears away from bait stations. They would chew the antlers off of trophy moose and elk just because they could. They would be ripping the roofs off of grain bins to feed and getting drunk by chewing through the pipes at the ethanol plants. Two hunnert pound squirrels would make for mean drunks.

A cold shudder is going down my spine just typing this!

07-29-2012, 06:54 PM
Shane, I need you down here ASAP. We're gonna do like Marlin Perkins and that dufus, Jim, used to do. Only this time, I'LL be the one to tell YOU to jump in the water with the 18 ft. alligator and wrestle him into submission while I stand on the bank, in front of the camera dressed in clean khakis and calmly comment while you're getting murdered.

07-29-2012, 07:37 PM
If your Brown Granite Crusher is anywhere near 8' tall then that is the second biggest pair of light switches I ever saw.

07-29-2012, 07:41 PM
if your brown granite crusher is anywhere near 8' tall then that is the second biggest pair of light switches i ever saw.


07-29-2012, 07:48 PM
We're gonna do like Marlin Perkins and that dufus, Jim, used to do.
While Marlin circles overhead in the helicopter, Jim jumps off the hood of the Land Rover and onto the White Rhino to tag it for further study. Watch as Jim tags the rhino...now watch as the rhino tags Jim..."

07-29-2012, 08:01 PM
what are you feeding them critters in Floyd?? that sucker is big enough to saddle and ride.

07-29-2012, 08:03 PM
While Marlin circles overhead in the helicopter, Jim jumps off the hood of the Land Rover and onto the White Rhino to tag it for further study. Watch as Jim tags the rhino...now watch as the rhino tags Jim..."

Yeah, really!

07-29-2012, 08:11 PM
what are you feeding them critters in Floyd?? that sucker is big enough to saddle and ride.

Jack Daniels, and plenty of it.

07-29-2012, 08:19 PM
Jack Daniels, and plenty of it.

Wooooooo!!! :2 drunk buddies:

Southern Son
07-30-2012, 03:46 AM
That buffalow bird, are they always that colour, or is that one soaked in some poor unlucky sod's blood?

41 mag fan
07-30-2012, 08:43 AM
Shane, I need you down here ASAP. We're gonna do like Marlin Perkins and that dufus, Jim, used to do. Only this time, I'LL be the one to tell YOU to jump in the water with the 18 ft. alligator and wrestle him into submission while I stand on the bank, in front of the camera dressed in clean khakis and calmly comment while you're getting murdered.

I've got that one in the bag my friend......i've been watching the marathon shows of Gatorboys on TV. Been mimicking their wrestling moves and a few of my own added in for entertainment and how to wear a gator down, so I could keep one in my bathtub.
Actually was just talking about that yesterday in the pool with the wife (was actually getting used to gator wrestling in the water), when we or probably just me is coming over....Looking like Oct, at this time and date.

One thing, we do the Marlin and Jim scene, I'll need you to hold my pure blood Indian Burmese Python. Had her since she was a neonate, she's 13' 1" long now, we call her baby!! :bigsmyl2:

Also, I've been getting schematics on those windows....thickness of glass, tinting, shatterproof, heights, and even the angles they're set at!!

If your Brown Granite Crusher is anywhere near 8' tall then that is the second biggest pair of light switches I ever saw.


Those aint light switches. I had light switches there and over the course of training this fine specimen of a Brown Granite Crusher, I trained him to flip the switches.
After his beak peckiing out the wall, I had a special pair of switches built, they're 2' x 2'. (I think he's far sighted, and needs spectacles, he kept missing the switches and putting holes in the wall!!)

The first switch is when he's got to poop. He hits it with his beak, a flashing light comes on, like a red strobe light, we'll open up the door, he'll hop down and go out to my wifes rock garden, and make a deposit. Wife never had a rock garden till I brought him home!!

That second switch is used when he gets lonely for other Brown Granite Crushers,
he flips the switch and on comes sounds from his own kind. I made a mistake the first time I think, I must've had Brown Granite Crushers mating sounds on it, he kept getting a little frisky, and i had to whoop him around a little to get him settled down.

That rock there beside him, is used to keep his beak sharp, and he occasionally likes to take a snip of it off, like a midday snack.

Those pine cones are fake, made of metal. We noticed he's kind of like a dog, butt itches at times, so we put them up there for him to scratch his butt on.
They used to be shiny.....as you can see they're brown now....from being used.

Bad Water Bill
07-30-2012, 02:24 PM

Just goes to show that the first "legend" teller ain't got a chance

07-30-2012, 06:38 PM
Sweet mother of Jaysus, what have I done?

Silvercreek Farmer
08-01-2012, 10:08 PM
I've been itching to shoot one with a 223 hollow point, but don't want to waste the meat!

08-03-2012, 12:41 AM
Silver - I've heard that elephants have been killed with .22's, but I don't think a .223 with HP's will have the penetration to humanely kill any of the beasts mentioned in this thread. I for one would hate the thought of a wounded nut cracker giving me "that" look. You know the one, equally as evil as any wife's glare. A full headlong charge, teeth chattering, froth coating it's muzzle....I have to stop there. I cannot bring myself to picture the aftermath of such an attack.

08-03-2012, 01:12 AM
Bret, can I get a signed copy of your novel?

Smart monster.
My dad always said. "Cover your rear".

First thing I thought when I saw the pic of that monster was
"protect your nuts!"

OK I stole that line from an advertisement in a magazine, pellet guns or something...

Tom W.
08-03-2012, 04:56 AM
Geez, I was gonna say "bark it."

08-03-2012, 06:29 PM
You would need about a 5" gun to "Bark" a monster like that.

08-03-2012, 06:33 PM
Well Done Bret. I'm gonna see if my wife will let you write my obituary.