View Full Version : Experience with Aguila Colibri?

07-27-2012, 04:44 AM
I'm looking for some feedback on Aguila Colibri and Super Colibri. I did a search, but found very little.

Midway's description for the standard Colibri reads "It is intended for training purposes only."
The description for the Super Colibri reads "These rounds are powered by the rimfire primer only. They must only be fired in handguns. If fired in rifles, the bullet may remain lodged in the barrel."

My question is, has anyone used the Super Colibri repeatedly in a rifle with consistent success?

What puzzles me is, the M/V for the standard is listed at 375 and the M/V for the Super is listed at 500, yet there's a warning posted against using the Super in rifles.

I have an old Stevens Model 15-A single shot and am hoping I can use the Super in it without lodging.

Thanks, guys.

07-27-2012, 06:29 AM
Don't bother with it as it could lodge in the barrel and why take that chance plus the CCI Quiet is SO MUCH BETTER. 40 grain bullet about as loud as a average pellet gun (Not the high powered ones) and very accurate.

07-27-2012, 08:56 AM
Have you used it, JH?

07-27-2012, 09:40 AM
I have used them in both pistol and rilfe and have never had one stick but I ALWAYS check the bore or hear the hit before I reload. I have done about the same thing in a 223 by loading a pellet gun pellet in a primed case.

07-27-2012, 09:44 AM
Ive used colibra & super colibra of the two i prefered the super it was the most accurate from my rifles . But CCI cb long is more powerful and alot more accurate at 25 yards .
I havent tried CCI quite yet , but will pick up some when i find it. I still have about 100 CCI cb long left and about 400 super colibra.

07-27-2012, 09:56 AM
Colibri warnings
I've shot a BUNCH of these (bought a case from CTD years ago)
They're THE quietest round because of that low 375 fps.
I've never actually seen one stick in the barrel - even w/ a 28" target rifle - BUT, I found a bulge 2" from the muzzle of my absolute favorite 9422! AARRGGHH!
I'm guessing it was the colibri s.
Two great uses -
My 6 yo Daughter loves shooting them in a T/C Hotshot
& has learned to check the barrel.
also a 16" 9422 (not the bulged 20' one)
I keep it clean & listen for the impact.
With a S&W kit gun, I can shoot them out of trees w/o my wife even hearing it in the house.
There's a trick - velocity is so low that trajectory is very high on a horizontal shot - I don't take them at any range over a few yards, but Straight up, trajectory doesn't curve - the 20 grainer just slows down. Expect the need for multiple hits.
Also my boxes of Super Colibri DO have the warning about rifles.


07-27-2012, 10:44 AM
If you were just shooting the Colibri you shouldn't have enough oomph to bulge a barrel even with 2 or 3 stuck. I have removed 3 from a rifle with no measurable damage. That was from a rifle with a rough bore that I told the fellow NOT to shoot in the first place. BTW I removed the bullets to finaly reline the barrel for him.

07-27-2012, 10:48 AM
I use the super calibri for indoor training and have shoot at least 300 in the last week through my Winchester 52. Great for geting use to the light trigger and they will make one hole groups at 10 yards easy.
I use them for my Grandson in his cricket rifle outside while teaching him to shoot. Great for city shooting as they make less noise than any of my pellet rifle and they are good for 20 yards with minute of squirrel accuracy. Out of the 15 different 22s I have I have never had one stick in the barrel.

07-27-2012, 10:54 AM
Have I used what the Colibri or the Super Colibri or the quiet? I never used the Cobri or the super because of the warnings I also felt it was underpowered and not much useful and most CB caps have a rep for not being that accurate due to the stubby small bullet. I have used CB caps before and was not that impressed with them either as they were not that accurate. The quiet on the other hand I have shot several boxes now and am very impressed with it. Very accurate and enough power to kill pests and it is quiet about like the average pellet rifle (Not the High powered ones) I have given a box to 3 different friends who all were very impressed with the quiet.

They also are probably more flatter shooting then the colibri if you sight the quiet in 1,5 inches high at 25 your right on at 50. The Super is 500 fps and is only made for handguns according to their info and says not for rifles. The Quiet is made for rifles and is 710 fps. The heavier bullet retains more energy it is a no brainer as far as I am concerned.

07-27-2012, 11:16 AM
Ok I just checked and it's the Super Colibri that I have. I have run a metric ton of the stuff in my Henry Lever action without a single stuck bullet. It's accurate enough for what it is, but I wouldn't expect accuracy past 25 yards with it, even off of a rest. It's quiet, like an air rifle quiet. If you shoot with the sun behind you and low in the sky you can actually see the bullets flight with the naked eye.

Bent Ramrod
07-27-2012, 12:42 PM
I've used both the Colibri and Super Colibri in rifles and pistols. Nothing has ever stuck so far; I was on my second carton of Colibri before I even noticed there was a warning.

The trajectory of the Colibris is extremely high; even in rifles it's about a 20 or 25-ft proposition with a fair amount of vertical stringing. In pistols you can see the bullet arc through the air. The Super Colibris are a little more accurate, but also a little noisier. Still a ten meter or under cartridge.

Practice with a good air rifle would be more cost effective and accurate, but the temptation of a light load in a favorite .22 is irresistible.

Haven't tried the CCI Quiet yet; haven't even seen any on the shelves yet. But we are kind of out in the sticks here.

07-27-2012, 01:14 PM
All good information, thanks, guys!

07-27-2012, 01:19 PM
they do shoot out of rifles. they are still loud but ear protection really isnt needed but i still would recommend them.

check this out

paul h
07-27-2012, 02:12 PM
I've shot them out of rifles, as stated they are very quiet. I've shot them in the house and for close range target shooting they are fine. I've also shot them at the range and you can literally see the bullet in flight, and it makes a corkscrew flight path and 25yd "accuracy" was horrible.

They are a novelty round. I'd much rather shoot my air rifle, cheaper, more accurate, no stink, and no crud to clean out of the 22rf.

07-27-2012, 06:50 PM
I've shot them out of rifles, as stated they are very quiet. I've shot them in the house and for close range target shooting they are fine. I've also shot them at the range and you can literally see the bullet in flight, and it makes a corkscrew flight path and 25yd "accuracy" was horrible.

They are a novelty round. I'd much rather shoot my air rifle, cheaper, more accurate, no stink, and no crud to clean out of the 22rf.

Try the CCI quiet you will be impressed you still can see the bullet in flight but it is faster at 710 fps with no cork screwing and very accurate even at 50 yards. Sight in at 25 yards an inch and a half high and it will be right on at 50. Plus with the 40 grain bullet a serious pest round.

07-28-2012, 08:12 AM
I have a backyard range where I shoot Colibris in my pistols and Super Colibris in my rifles. I have shot thousands of rounds in many different guns and have only had problems in one, a Polish WZ-48 .22 trainer. Supers will stick every time in it.

I recommend shooting the first few shots into something where you can see the impact anytime you try them in a different gun.

I tested many quiet rounds and since sound if the most important factor on my plinking range, the Colibri and Super Colibri win hands down.

07-28-2012, 01:28 PM
Have you tried the CCI quiet yet? It is not loud

07-28-2012, 09:16 PM
I've shot at least a brick's worth of Colibri through an old Hopkins & Allen single shot. Not very accurate, even for plinking. I did once kill a skunk - (lung shot at about 30 feet - it went about 10 yards and keeled over). And a squirrel on the feeder, at about 15 feet range.

My beef with Colibri is the ring of hard fouling it leaves in the chamber. That ring starts damaging that little pellet they call a bullet after 20-30 rounds, and accuracy gets worse. Chambering a normal round almost impossible after a box of the Colibri. It takes a lot of soaking and scrubbing to get rid of that ring, I can attest. P.I.T.A. to say the least.

What little of the CCI Quiet that I've fired did not leave that ring, and was reasonably accurate, even though I was testing on a windy day. A much superior cartridge, IMHO.

So, what do I do now with the brick or so of Colibri I still have left?

07-28-2012, 11:15 PM
I've shot the Super Colibri in bolt action rifles without any problems. It's very quiet. I haven't tried the CCI but intend to.


07-28-2012, 11:16 PM
USCRA At 25 yards with my Marlin 80 I can put every shot into a 30 cal group. This stuff is really is good But I can see where with at that speed it would be susceptible to wind more so than a faster bullet. But this CCI quiet is vastly superior to CB caps no matter what brand. I am quite impressed with its accuracy at least in my gun. I also shot it in my Smith 22A at a pop can and my friend was using his old Single Six and both of us were grouping in the middle of the pop cans we were shooting at with pistols. I have shot it several times with the rifle only once with the pistol and that was when I did not have time to shoot at a dedicated target for group. I will do that some day also with the pistol but from what I seen with the can I suspect the groups also will be tight. My 22 A wears a Bushnell Trophy Red Dot so aiming is pretty easy.

07-29-2012, 09:20 AM
I have shot several hundred rounds of Super Colibri out of a couple of different rifles with no problems. Have not tried the Colibri.
Takes out squirrels at 10y, haven't tried it on anything bigger, or further away.
Quieter than many airguns, I think it's good stuff.
Another thing I've used it for, is the first cylinder full of ammo for a new shooter-one that's scared to death.
Utter lack of recoil, and super quiet calms them right down, then we can move on to regular .22 ammo.

07-29-2012, 09:59 AM
I bought a box of the standard Colibri and a box of the Super Colibri and tried each in my old Stevens 15-A. Prior to getting started, I ran a lightly oiled patch through the barrel. Both styles fired fine, no problems at all. I can't say that everyone would have similar results, but I know I can use this in my plinking rifle now.

07-29-2012, 10:11 AM
That is good Jim glad it worked out for you but I would try a box of the CCI Quiet too and see what you think. I think you will be surprised with the accuracy.

07-29-2012, 08:07 PM
I've taken about 4 or so rabbits with the colibri at around 30 feet with a single shot. you cant even hardley here them out of my 20"stevens barrel.

07-30-2012, 05:29 AM
I noticed yesterday that the falling of the pull cock makes more noise than the report does.

07-30-2012, 05:53 AM
I like LONG barreled 22's for quiet shooting... I tried these and twice had them stick in the barrel... I'll stick with the Remington or CCI CB bullets thank you...

I have two boxes of the CCI "quiet ammo" but have not fired any yet.