View Full Version : Marlinowners.com

05-05-2007, 10:56 PM
Hey guys. I just got off the Marlinowners forum and left there a little bit upset for a lack of a better word. Now I know there a lot of guys here that are members there,too and I am not trying to start anything or offend anyone here or there. I have enjoyed reading posts on there and have gotten a wealth of info there. Having said that, I saw a posting on the rifles for sale thread where a new guy did not understand that they apparently do not allow bidding only set prices. One guy on there accused him of not being able to read. When the guy responded, he did get overly profane and probably needed to be reigned in. The moderator actually dared him to try him if he did not believe he would toss him right off. Now I know these boards are closely regulated so that they do not turn into free for alls, but???? Am I being too thin skinned here? :???:


crazy mark
05-05-2007, 11:56 PM
My $.02 is that the moderator there doesn't want the site to go to h--l. He tries to nip problems in the bud. He was basically warning the guy to cool it or be banned. I too have a smart mouth at times but I do watch my language on the boards as children and ladies may be reading the posts. I have seen the same type of thing here and I do feel the moderators and site owners can do what they need to as we are guests and should behave as such. In other words if ya don't like what is happening on a board don't go to that board. Mark

05-06-2007, 02:56 AM
I joined GlockTalk.com in it's second year, and there were only a few hundred members. Most of the active ones would be in the chat room at set times a couple times a week. Developed some really good friendships over there, and I became a moderator there many years ago. One thing I've noticed is that whenever a web forum grows beyond some point, inevitibly, it becomes less polite, less warm, less mutually respectful. I don't know right where that point is, but GlockTalk's current membership is around 40,000, and the warm coziness that lead to pretty good friendships is long gone... MarlinOwners is suffering that fate now. Smith&Wesson Forums isn't there yet, but as it continues to grow, I see it happening there sooner rather than later, unfortunately.

When I've spoken with others about this phenomenon, they pointed out that it may have to do with shooters being more Type A personalities than the average, which leads this to be more of an aggravated problem...

BTW, one of the things I'm REALLY enjoying about this site is that it still seems really warm and welcoming. This is about my favorite gun web place now.

05-06-2007, 08:05 AM
Make no mistake guys. This "moderating" issue is a real delicate balance thing. I spent more than a few sleepless nights wonder how or if I did something stupid or if I was too this or that about something. From what I can tell the other guys go through the same thing. It' sad when something nice turns sour, so my condolences to you.

Dr. A
05-06-2007, 08:53 AM

thats nothing compared to recent years. Trolls, politics, and for some reason, unreasonably expensive firearms get people going over there. Newcomers beware! I choose to ignore the blather. Thats my right!:drinks: [smilie=1:

05-06-2007, 08:56 AM
Moderating anything: a board forum, a business meeting, or running a ball park or Corporation. They're all the same, just on different scales. Wherever you have people you have problems. Some folks are easy going and easily abide by the rules (which without would be total chaos). However some will do whatever they can to take over(tyranny) even if it is just a forum. Famous last statement Pump "The Moderator probably knows something we don't." It's a computer, kind of hard for some folks to not use the foul language when they're talking because of habit. But, you have to puposefully type in the words. Just my ................ .02. There has to be some guidelines & somebody has to enforce them. I would'nt give up on the site yet. 8-)

05-06-2007, 09:29 AM
After being a member of several other forums where a civil words and a little respect aren"t the rule, I"ve truely grown to appreciate this site. Why post if someone is just going to call you names and tell you how stupid you are? I tend to remember the moderators were pretty quick to fuel the fire too.
Thanks again for the effort you folks make here, it's really appreciated.

05-06-2007, 10:26 AM
Make no mistake guys. This "moderating" issue is a real delicate balance thing. I spent more than a few sleepless nights wonder how or if I did something stupid or if I was too this or that about something. From what I can tell the other guys go through the same thing. It' sad when something nice turns sour, so my condolences to you.

An outside opinion can be helpful. Ask Jumptrap or StarMetal...:kidding:

05-06-2007, 02:01 PM
I guess that is why I like this forum. I may not always agree with people on this board, but, at least I feel like everyone treats everyone else with respect. I hope that never changes here. I get enough B.S. from my customers. I am glad I can still come here and get away from it. THANKS!!

05-06-2007, 04:09 PM
Eat the meat, spit out the bones eh. We worry about offending people who don't give a:holysheep about offending us cause their Right and we are wrong, Hit them with kindness and it is like poision to a rat eh!! my 0.02$

05-07-2007, 07:36 AM
You're funny, funny guy Art! I miss one of those guys.

05-07-2007, 08:14 AM
I have somewhat conflicting feelings/thoughts on the issue of Moderators. I have no problems with the concept in general and it is probably needful. Moderators are just people and come at the task in different ways. Just as forum members go over the line from time to time, so do Moderators.

Civility is important, but being civil doesn't mean there is to be no conflict. Conflict can be positive and conflict avoidance can be negative. It depends on the circmstances.

On forums that deal with dangerous or potentialy dangerous activities, like reloading and casting, some confict become necessary for safety's sake.

05-07-2007, 10:09 AM
Good points from all.

For me personally, keeping discussions on an adult level demonstrates the credibility of an internet forum. It's just that kind of atmosphere that I think will eventually make or break a group like we have here. Those who choose to "throw their weight around" and abuse the concept of civility do more damage than good to a place like this. In the end, I believe that such behavior will serve to drive away more members and "1st time lurkers" than reasonable moderators; who are able to step in when it is necessary, but also exercise good judgement. Knowing when to keep their noses out of certain disagreements that have not degenerated into bashing and name calling, etc. is something moderators must do with consistancy.

I have seen a common type of trouble maker on different sites I have visited since discovering firearms forums on the internet in the Winter of 2001. They are the type of individual that seems to enjoy causing problems. Hiding behind the concept of free speech and "I can say whatever I want to whomever I want so "F OFF!" These individuals seem to always be spoiling for a fight. Any excuse to get into an argument with another poster and degrade that individual is what they seem to exclusively add to the forums content. They just can't seem to "agree to disagree" and walk away from a difference of opinion. Keep in mind that this is all done on a keyboard 100's if not 1,000's of miles away from the individual they are in disagreement with. My opinion is that it doesn't take much of a man to sling s**t at somebody you can't see face to face. As a matter of fact it makes one nothing more than a sniveling worm who is firing off cheapshots while hiding behind the safety and annonimity (sp?) of the web; knowing full well that nobody is going to confront them in person. I'll bet if it would ever happen to some out there they would prove themselves real quick to be a 1st class coward.

Now, I know that we have a lot of members who have "been there and done that" when it comes to every question you could ask about casting boolits. It doesn't take long to sort out who really knows their stuff and who is just blowing smoke up ones ass. I'm willing to listen to anybody's opinion and then I make up my own mind. Usually it doesn't take very long to figure out who's "full of it." Having been the target of one such individual here in the past I chose to ignore his baiting and jabs as many others seem to have over the last few years. I decided to work on resolving the problem instead of just arguing about it. In the end it seemed to work well enough and the issue was resolved without an all out war of words. I took that stand because being an adult about the problem and handling it correctly was more important to me (and the good of these forums) than letting my ego take over on the keyboard.

Didn't mean to be so long winded, but this issue kind of strikes a nerve with me.................................

Rant Off.

05-07-2007, 11:32 PM
..............I believe what happens as a board grows and membership increases we develope 'groups'. Just like the bunch from the old Shooters.com, just like the NCBS bunch. New members that either signed on about the same time, and groups more particular to a certain firearm type.

You recognize the handle of older members, regardless of their number of posts. We have members from the beginning here with 50-60 posts. But then too you can find it easy to lose track of others. Just like Boom-Boom having been gone.

Just like Oldfeller was always yearning for the "Old Day" at Shooters.com . Well heck, it was known the board was going to shut down and then they didn't allow any new memebers for months, so it was the same old bunch talking about the same old stuff. Not that it wasn't fun and with a certain comaraderie. And that was a fact as when the plug was pulled we all scattered trying to find out where everyone else had gone.

But just like a Church, if you aren't growing you're dying. It's a sad fact that as you grow you do lose something.

BTW, Art neither Jumptrap nor Oldfeller were banned. Both are welcome to post at anytime. Copy? Joe was banned.


05-08-2007, 12:28 AM
I'm with DUTCH on this one. I have had one person that worked real hard at being offended and tried to say otherwise.

The topic was factory service--or lack thereof. I made the mistake of using "you" instead of "one"--I'm just not that refined. Anyhow, I suggested a little conversation with the person answering the phone, rather than venting on them, might get you a "good guy sticker" on your request. It's worked for me almost everywhere. The guy got hostile and said I accused him of being impolite on the phone. I sent a public posting saying that no offense was intended or implied, but to quote GRANDMA "YOU CAN CATCH MORE FLIES WITH HONEY THAN VINEGAR." I related service from RUGER in less than four days with my method. I then got another round of his abuse and let him go un-answered. I hope he received the service he wanted from RUGER; but if he didn't.....

It's a rough old world out there, but we can make it a little better with some courtesy. Asking a question first is a lot better than showing the whole world what a fool someone's parents raised.


05-08-2007, 12:30 AM
A little history lesson. This site was formed after the Marlin site went down because Marlin got tired of it and the problems it had. It was basically a free for all site with no moderation. Some of the guys went to Greybeards at my invite and was not happy there either due to the strict moderation and went to Larry's site. Larry had problems too with some of the wilder ones that were used to the free for all at the origional Marlin site and shut down some areas and threatened to close down the board if things did not get better. Evidently they did as the site is still going. I posted there the other day about buying my Model 60 Glenfield 22 1981 vintage that I bought a couple of weeks ago. I figured I needed an other 22 rifle as I did not have one for a while just a pistol TT Olympia and a 22 mag Henry. I think most are probably civil now and the mods and the owner want to keep it that way so I do not think they let anyone get too carried away which works for me. I do not like forums that are free for alls, example is the AR forum. That is one reason I like this forum it is extremely helpful and friendly.

05-08-2007, 08:29 AM
I do not like forums that are free for alls, example is the AR forum.

Four Fingers of Death
05-08-2007, 01:08 PM
I hadn't thought about it, but I haven't visited that site for months and months, sounds like I'm not missing much.

05-08-2007, 01:43 PM
MarlinOwners finally got some moderators and things calmed down quickly. Then someone got the real bright idea to make a seperate forum just for a specific big bore caliber. The 45-70 vs 444 thing. This forum was hidden and by invitation only. Kind of hard to be invited when you don't know it's there. Eventually it came out of the closet, but was still by invite. Many were very PO'ed and either got booted or left. Now there's seperate, open forums, for all the calibers.

I visit once in a while, but regularly go to a spin-off forum at; http://levergunluvers.com/phpBB2/index.php

Most of the MO's originals are there now.

Four Fingers of Death
05-08-2007, 06:35 PM
The guys there with the 444/45/70 thing are a bit like kids building cubby houses for their 'gang.'

05-08-2007, 10:29 PM
More shooters are Type A personalities? Maybe so, but it had never occured to me...I thought most of those fellows were playing golf. Now around here, lots of obsessive-compulsive nitpicking types (don't look at me like that), but I don't know about "A's" Comments?

05-08-2007, 11:19 PM
I have noticed the m1911.org has begun to attract more folks in the past few years. When I joined there were less then a 1000 members and now pushing 16000.
John's forum is strict but that has helped keep that forum going bad. Moderation can be a tough job but it is necessary to keep a forum running especially one with sponsors.

05-10-2007, 09:55 AM
I visit four forums on a fairly reguler basis ;

Here obviousely,





And I must say I've found some pretty decent a knowledgable people on all of them . However I have also found some real pieces of work on each of them .

As far as the moderator thing goes . The guy on MO is pretty decent IMHO . He can also be very helpful most of the time [smilie=1:

But you know what they say opinions are like a part of the human anatomy , everybody has one and some people have two :drinks:

05-10-2007, 05:59 PM
The thing so many do not realize is that with rights come responsibilities. Thats what keep things civil and polite. I have frequented AR a lot in the past. Hardly do anymore. Places like this and SP forums are havens of peace compared to many. About the only places I go anymore.