View Full Version : RCBS Lubra-Matic II Question

07-26-2012, 03:50 PM
I just got this unit, my question is: With my die ( THANK YOU BUCKSHOT) installed all the way into the Die locking Nut and then threaded into the casting should the nut thread down flush onto the casting? Mine does not, die bottoms out before.


07-26-2012, 04:08 PM
Not necessarily. Just make sure that the die body doesn't move up or down as you size your boolits. If this is a new die hand lube the first few boolits you run through the die. Some dies (RCBS for sure) don't like to be run dry and it can take a few revolutions of the operating wrench to get the die full of lube. If there is no lube between the die body and the center plunger the plunger will stick seriously and be very difficult to get to move.

07-26-2012, 04:13 PM
Thanks C.F., sized and lubed up 100 last night and all went well but that lock nut not being down and flush was nagging at me.

07-29-2012, 09:50 PM
The die should be fine as long as it is secure and not moving around. Just curious though, how much of the nut is not screwed in? If it's just a few threads then likely not a big deal. However sometimes in new machines there is a bit of metal or a burr that doesn't allow a die to go all the way down and seat properly. If you have used other dies and have not had issues it's likely the die is just a bit longer or possibly a touch fatter and not going as far down in the bottom of the lube-sizer. I would measure your other dies both the width and length to compair with the new buckshot die; it might tell you more.

07-30-2012, 01:52 AM
On one of my RCBS LAMs, early version, the nut only screws in about half way. I bought it second hand and it was that way when I got it but it works fine regardless. My other two LAMs screw in flush.

I can recommend the Perfessors die retention nut drivers to ensure the nut doesn't cross thread, screws in easily and snugs up tight.

07-30-2012, 05:00 PM
How high does the die stick out. I had a Lam 1 like that I was corresponding with Buckshot about for a fix.

I sent RCBS some photos, went back and forth a lttle, and ended up returning it for a brand new Lam 2.

07-31-2012, 05:55 PM
Here is a picture, just so everyone knows that nut is not cross threaded. the more I look at this thing they did a poor job with the casting.

07-31-2012, 06:03 PM
My nut doesn`t screw down all the way either. As far as I know it never has. maybe I should look into this further, even though I have had it for some years.

07-31-2012, 06:10 PM
If the die won't go flush with the top of the hole, I would talk with them. As I said, they replaced my Lam I.

08-01-2012, 06:07 AM
I am assuming oh boy that the dies are all the same length? could someone measure one for me.

08-01-2012, 09:45 AM
Here is a picture, just so everyone knows that nut is not cross threaded. the more I look at this thing they did a poor job with the casting.

So without the die the retaining nut does screw all the way down flush???

If it does then the die is either longer or fatter in diameter and not going down into the bottom of the lubricator like the other dies. Either way if the machine isn't leaking lube and your boolits are coming out lubed and sized right then it doesn't sound like a problem.

08-01-2012, 09:51 AM
Lyman sizing die I'm measuring is 1.561" long and a 0.701" outside diameter

08-01-2012, 04:14 PM
Thanks Rob for that measurement. Yes, without the die in the nut screws down flush. My custom die measures very close to yours, 1.569L x .698W. It does lube and size fine. I'm sure all is well it just seemed odd the nut and die didn't screw down flush.

08-08-2012, 08:36 PM
I had the same EXACT thing, except the casting was sloping the opposite direction. It went back to RCBS. The next one they sent the adjustment tube was about a half an inch off center. It went back as well. I finally got ticked and chewed them out over this. The third one was hand picked and perfect. RCBS is obviously having quality control problems with the LAM 2 castings. They are well aware of it. I would send it back...Contact Bill and he will take care of it.

08-09-2012, 04:03 PM
I had the same EXACT thing, except the casting was sloping the opposite direction. It went back to RCBS. The next one they sent the adjustment tube was about a half an inch off center. It went back as well. I finally got ticked and chewed them out over this. The third one was hand picked and perfect. RCBS is obviously having quality control problems with the LAM 2 castings. They are well aware of it. I would send it back...Contact Bill and he will take care of it.

Unfortunately I am the second owner.

08-09-2012, 04:23 PM

Unfortunately I am the second owner.

RCBS will replace it.

08-09-2012, 04:36 PM
RCBS have changed their (formerly generous) warranty policy:

"Your reloading press, reloading die, manual case trimmer or bullet mould is warranted to be free from defects in material or workmanship for as long as the original owner owns it. This warranty is extended only to the original consumer purchaser".


They have helped me a lot in the past and thus I've been a loyal customer.

Not that loyal anymore, after they wanted $20 for some gaskets and retaining clips for my (second hand) LAM II

08-11-2012, 12:29 AM
Thanks Rob for that measurement. Yes, without the die in the nut screws down flush. My custom die measures very close to yours, 1.569L x .698W. It does lube and size fine. I'm sure all is well it just seemed odd the nut and die didn't screw down flush.

Is the problem that the nut is cocked? If so, that's a problem that RCBS should fix. If the problem is that the nut simply doesn't screw down all the way to bottom on the casting - that is what we want! That means that the nut is fully seating the die - if the nut bottomed on the casting, we wouldn't be sure the die was contacting (and sealing) the seat.

Greg B.
08-29-2012, 12:48 PM
Mine doesn't screw quite to the bottom either. Since it has worked fine for the last 30 yrs. I am not to worried about it. In the picture you posted I am wondering if the casting is not quite perfect and slightly slopes downward on one side. If the sizing die is aligned properly with the bullet punch it shouldn't make much difference but if the bullets won't seat properly in the die I would be concerned.

08-29-2012, 01:23 PM
When I rebuilt and line bored my old Lyman 450 I used a facing tool to cut just enough material to make the face of the casting where the die screws in square to the bore. Made the nut easier to seat.

Echo has it right - you don't want the nut to bottom out. Only problem might be if there weren't enough threads engaged to prevent stripping on the upstroke. And a cocked face that makes it hard to start the nut straight can be a pain.

09-02-2012, 05:01 PM
Mine doesn't screw down all the way either, it bottoms out on the die before it reaches the end of the threads. When you think about it, that is a good thing.