View Full Version : Which press would you keep? RCBS Rockchucker or CH4D

07-24-2012, 11:54 AM
I have decided to simplify my reloading bench. I have 4 dillon Square deals set up for all my pistol calibers. My wife think's it's excessive , but I got 3 SDB's from my friend for free.

Ultimately, I want to get rid of either my rockchucker or CH4d. Just trying get some opinions.

Here's an image of my table. My Rockchucker, 450 lubrisizer and sdb's mounted.


Image of my 4d. It's currently unmounted and being used to hold myn powder throwers.


07-24-2012, 11:59 AM
Remember: they don't eat anything and they don't use electricity. Grease one of them down and stick it in a box for a year. If you still don't need it put it on here.
Or just send it to me whichever is easier.


07-24-2012, 01:57 PM
The rockchucker is more versatile since you can swage with it, but the ch is handier. I think I'd have to keep them both.

07-24-2012, 02:06 PM
Maybe I'll move the rockchucker to my shop and mount the CH in the garage.
BTW I also have a RCBS Progressive 2000 and Hornady Projector in boxes.
Most of my friends are leaving CA for more firearm friendly states and selling or giving me their equipment.

07-24-2012, 02:08 PM
I don't see why you'd need to "get rid" of anything. A single-stage press is always useful to have around. So's a CH like that. As far as what the wife thinks, I'm going to leave that alone.


07-24-2012, 02:28 PM
If you have a kitchen sink, dishwasher, and clothes washer, which one does she not need? Have here choose between the single stage or one of the progressives.

Kevin Rohrer
07-25-2012, 09:30 AM
[smilie=p: I'd get rid of the wife before either of those presses. [smilie=p:

That '444' needs some cleaning. Rusty presses are Verboten

07-25-2012, 09:52 AM
Had the same choice, thought I had to many press's so I sold my Rockchucker, not a month later I needed it, so if it isn't eating ' taxed, or sick better keep both.

07-25-2012, 01:29 PM
I have a Rock Chucker and a 444 also and wouldn't dream of getting rid of either. I use the Rock Chucker far too often and just recently had the 444 set up for .45 acp. It worked well but I just ordered the full set up for my Dillon 550, so I changed the 444 over to 7.62 x 39. It loads almost as fast as a progressive but nowhere near as complicated.

I also have an RCBS Jr, two Herters boat anchors, a little RCBS Partner press, three Hollywoods, a Pacific and several others all carefully oiled/greased and awaiting my pleasure. About the only reason I would consider getting rid of a press would be to give it to a youngster to get him started in reloading. But just to get rid of it in order to make room?

As mentioned, they don't eat much, take up little room and are always ready for you. You see, God designed them for man then changed his mind and created woman, who DOES eat much, takes up more room and.........Okay, I was kidding with that last part but you get the idea.