View Full Version : Let me tell you how great CCI people are!

07-23-2012, 09:27 PM
I bought 8 tins of CCI caps from Bass Pro.#11 & #10s.I went to the range
& had but two go off with my cap & ball revolver or muzzle loader.Now let
me say this.I have used CCI caps for over 30 years, with out a problem.

This was my first.I e-mailed them & they got back with me very soon after.
They ask for the # from the side of the cans.They checked them out & are
sending me new caps.

No one is perfect, & a company to say I,m sorry & make it right is a very
good thing.CCI did me right & I will continue to use there products.


07-24-2012, 12:23 AM

CCI is working hard to get their reputation back after the fiasco they had around 05-06. Their quality control was so bad, they lost the government contract for small arms ammo. We were getting around a 5% failure rate with the ammo that had CCI primers. I would call a 1% failure rate unacceptable but just put yourself in a fire fight and have 5 weapons malfunctions for every 100 rounds you fire. It is not a fun situation, especially with a belt fed weapon, that will fire several hundred rounds a minute.

Best wishes,


07-24-2012, 08:48 AM
At the mid range match a couple weeks ago one of the guys was having trouble with CCI caps on his Gibbs. He had recently changed out nipples and thought maybe it needed to be polished down some. They would usually go off on the 2nd try but that is a PIA when you are trying to shoot a match and you are under a time limit. I gave him a can of CCIs that I had and he had no more problems. I will have to send him this.


07-24-2012, 09:15 AM
I bought 8 tins of CCI caps from Bass Pro.#11 & #10s.I went to the range & had but two go off with my cap & ball revolver or muzzle loader.
Boerrancher was that problem CCI had in the past encompassing all CCI primers and Caps? or just the modern arms primers? It appears this OP had the same problem, a bit more recently though. Just curious is all.

07-24-2012, 07:59 PM
I'm glad to hear that they responded to you. I have some #11's and some have very little or no primer compound in them. I have not contacted them, just switched to RWS and use the CCI's for clearing the nipple.