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View Full Version : How to scare a charging Black bear

05-04-2007, 04:13 PM
Hello, It was about 3 or 4 years ago, I hunting a closed to traffic bush road on my mountin bike. I had straped a soft gun case to the side of the bike to carry my 7mm rem mag. This day ,my 6 year old little girl wanted to come with daddy, so even though was in full camo, I dressed her in brite pink coat, pants and her bike was BRITE pink. Little girl's dream. So we rode about 5KM into the bush through clear cut , undergroth , and timber. It was getting late ,so we turned around to head back, after 2KM we saw a coyote about 200m ahead got off bike got out gun and shot at coyote offhand, saw puff of dust and coyote dropped. Little girl wanted that tail. So we rode up to the dog got off our bikes and took a look. I could not see a hole in this dog. My little girl is asking where I hit it , and I am saying I don't know. SO I grab it by the ear to turn it over to see the exit hole and its brain fell out on to the ground. the back of its head was gone. I quickly looked at my little girl expecting her to freek. All she said was " He didn't feel that Daddy" So we load the dog on my bike and carry on. About 1KM from the van I was about 300m in front of my Brittany when I rounded a blind turn and saw a big black in the middle of the road. I locked the brakes and jump off the bike and start trying to get my 7 out of the case strapped to the side of my bike because the bear was running at me. I didn't have time to get the 7 out and I knew it. That is when my little 6 year old saved Daddy. She came around the turn in the road as a brite pink streak shouting WEEEEE. That bear kicked up dirt trying to stop, turned and ran hell bent for the timber. It never even looked back. To this day pink is my #1 color, I never though my baby girl could stop a charging bear!! Who would. eh

05-04-2007, 06:46 PM
That is a great story. I am glad to see you having fun with your daughter and sharing the sport.

You commented that your baby girl stopped the bear with her pink outfit and that reminded me of something my ex once told me: When she looked into my eyes, all the sands of time stood still. At the divorce I ask her about that statement and if she truely felt that way then why the divorce? She clarified the statement saying she was only being kind back then and what she really wanted to say was I was so ugly my face would stop a clock...

05-07-2007, 10:01 AM
Good to see that there were no hard feelings.

05-07-2007, 10:18 AM
Late at night last 10 December, a black bear turned tail and ran from me walking briskly toward him, grinning, in a Santa Claus hat. :mrgreen: