View Full Version : Trap door prices?

07-21-2012, 03:41 PM
I was at the gunshow this morning and found a Jeweler I am antiquated with that has a 1884 full length TD that I would like to have but sickness and a few other things have tapped me out until November at least. It is a very clean rifle with a great bore and he said he would sell it to me for $500 if I wanted it. Well that would be great but he might as well ask me $5000 as I couldn't come up with that ether. Talked some more and he gave me his card and said if he didn't sell it at the show he would take a down payment and me pay it out by the month.
This I can handle when I get back to work I know that is a good price but do not know how good would you chime in and let me have some idea.
He also has 20# Goex powder he said he would let me have for $8.00 a #.and pay it all out if he doesn't sell it.

07-21-2012, 04:55 PM
I was at the gunshow this morning and found a Jeweler I am antiquated with that has a 1884 full length TD that I would like to have but sickness and a few other things have tapped me out until November at least. It is a very clean rifle with a great bore and he said he would sell it to me for $500 if I wanted it. Well that would be great but he might as well ask me $5000 as I couldn't come up with that ether. Talked some more and he gave me his card and said if he didn't sell it at the show he would take a down payment and me pay it out by the month.
This I can handle when I get back to work I know that is a good price but do not know how good would you chime in and let me have some idea.
He also has 20# Goex powder he said he would let me have for $8.00 a #.and pay it all out if he doesn't sell it.

Quick,,,Mr Lucky,,,
Go buy a lottery ticket!

07-21-2012, 05:16 PM
Not lucky yet the show is on tomorrow also, might get the BP as it is at home they will not let it in the show. Wish I had been born rich instead of so good looking. HA HA HA HA

07-22-2012, 04:55 AM
Both prices are very very good if you can get them even with time payments do so.

07-22-2012, 09:09 AM
the powder is a steal. the rifle is a giveaway. anytime you can buy a real rifle for less then half the price of a repro. you are doing great.

07-22-2012, 09:41 AM
I will get the BP regardless of what happens to the rifle, I am not planing on it as I can't imagine it not selling. He also said he had a large amt of 45/70 brass he picked up at a Estate sale and would make me a good price on it. I am hopeful on the rifle but realistically probabley not, the other stuff I can get I think. Medical bills really get high fast don't they! My wife has a severe heart problem and her insurance canceled her. We were out of insurance for two years and I accumulated a bill of over $40,000 I like seven more payments and I will be free again. I had medicare on me but she wasn't old enough at the time, I wish it had been me as my medical bill run less than $1000 a year all together.

07-22-2012, 09:50 AM
If that TD is the std. model full length rifle that is a darn good price. If that is an 1884 full length model with the ramrod bayonet feature (looks like a Phillips screwdriver under the barrel with a push button on either side of the forend nose) that are kinda on the rare side, that price is a real steal as they are going in the $2500 to $3500 bracket. Check it out on the TD site.Robert

07-22-2012, 09:57 AM
I will get the BP regardless of what happens to the rifle, I am not planing on it as I can't imagine it not selling.

Good chance it will still be there.
I went to a small show here locally a few weeks ago.
The cool guns were just sitting there.
Most of the sales were happening in the corner where all of the teenagers and younger kids were hanging out and drooling on ugly stuff that looked more like farming machinery than a nice gun.
It worked for me,, I bought a really nice little LowWall that I have been wanting one of since I was a kid.

Idaho Sharpshooter
07-29-2012, 02:58 PM
parts guns are going for more than that. I'd take twenty if he had them for that price.


Chicken Thief
07-29-2012, 04:00 PM
Someone wants to trade a TD for a Danish/Swedish RB. "We can feed pigs with the RB's here" but trapdoors are common as rocking horse poop!

07-29-2012, 09:41 PM
My buddys son-in-law was at a gunstore yesterday when a guy brought in an arm load of guns to sell. the owner bought them cheap but wouldn't buy the guys trapdoor so he followed him out and bought it .when he took it over to my buddys house he looked at it and it was an original carbine ,excellant shape with all matching serial nos. and even the cartouche looked new . now the kicker 200 dollars

08-01-2012, 12:38 PM
Some guys are just in the right spot at the right time!


08-01-2012, 02:21 PM
Gun store parking lots are great places to purchase a gun. One reason is it prolly is not stolen.
I know a guy that got arrested for purchasing a stolen gun in his own driveway. He had to fight a Felony.
The last Python I had, was bought in a gun store parking lot, from a seller that refused to get thoroughly screwed by the store owner.
The seller sold it for what he knew it was worth, and I was glad to get it much cheaper than the store would have asked for it.
I passed up an even better deal on a snub nosed SW 38, the day I bought my Sharps rifle.
I almost passed on the rifle just for principle when I heard the discussion.
The dealer was not only super greedy,,, he was also stupid. He sold me a Sharps as a black powder rifle (no paper work) and it is not a black powder rifle.
I will never go back to his store, after hearing how he was trying to rip someone.

08-01-2012, 08:46 PM


08-02-2012, 01:24 AM
Hell, Charlie--I'm both!

Ed in North Texas
08-02-2012, 06:37 AM
Hell, Charlie--I'm both!

I kinda figured it was an intentional error. Even if an unforced error, it was a funny one!


08-10-2012, 09:13 AM
was the sharps a cartage gun or one of the early linnen guns if the earley model then it is sold as a m-l. if it a cartage gun as in .45-70 then it is sold with the paper work.

Abert Rim
09-28-2012, 12:54 PM
Freightman, did you get the Trapdoor?

09-28-2012, 01:28 PM
Someone wants to trade a TD for a Danish/Swedish RB. "We can feed pigs with the RB's here" but trapdoors are common as rocking horse poop!
what are you doing with a picture of my ex wife?

09-28-2012, 02:35 PM
$500 is a hands-down steal on a complete 84 TD with a top condition bore!!!
Hope you get it. Worst case: if you get it and still need some cash you can easily turn it for a nifty profit.