View Full Version : Walmart survey failure

05-03-2007, 01:16 PM
I got a Walmart survey attached to my reciept recently. It said if I filled it out I would be entered for one of five $1000 gift cards. SInce everyone knows only illiterates and dopes shop at Walmart I would be one of six people filling out the survey. Considering the odds I figured I'd give it a try.

I answered blah blah questions until the question came up: What stores have you shopped at in the last month. List of store types and other at the bottom- fill in the blank. Ah HAH! I said to myself. I typed in "gun store" and killed the survey stone dead. Nothing. Frozen screen. I thought what if I'd typed in fabrics? (They're scrapping fabrics too).

I guess the survey has some choices that just aren't to be accepted.


05-03-2007, 05:16 PM
Ted, you have to learn to talk the talk. Just as you tell the Post Office that you are shipping "tools," instead of BULLET moulds, you put down "sporting goods" on Mall-Wart's jive survey!

05-03-2007, 11:33 PM
Sporting goods are British Cricket, baseball cards and hopscotch chalk. I want guns (and fabrics).

05-06-2007, 01:27 AM
When my wife and I were studying for our motorcycle license test back when, the VA DMV had online quizzes you could take to test your knowledge. At the beginning of the quiz, it asked you to enter your first name, so it could address you by it. Let's just say my wife and I typed in a two-part name we thought would be funny that caused the website to print, in red text: "and refrain from using inappropriate words" next to the part where it said to enter your first name. :mrgreen:

Here's the URL if anyone wants to see what the VA DMV considers "inappropriate":


05-06-2007, 02:44 AM
This word (http://www.salmonriverdesign.com/STUFF/F.JPG) seems to be OK... :mrgreen: (An actual screen capture from the quiz, lol)

05-06-2007, 01:14 PM