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View Full Version : Shooting glasses fogging

Lead Freak
07-17-2012, 04:16 PM
Any suggestions to keep shooting glasses from fogging? I live in Florida, and during these steamy summer months, I can usually only make it 2-3 shots, before I can barely see out of the glasses. Are ther any sprays that you've tried with good results?

07-17-2012, 04:26 PM
In Florida the scuba shops are full off sprays for swim masks.. same thing.
Light dish soap also works.

zomby woof
07-17-2012, 04:31 PM
Here is the answer. Pack a bar of Ivory soap in your range bag. Rub the "dry" soap over your entire lens. Wipe the lens off with a tissue. The glycerin in the soap prevents moisture to form on the molecular level. It works great!

07-17-2012, 05:28 PM
Parker's Perfect lens cleaning solution. I use it to clean glasses, binocs, scopes, etc. It leaves a fog-proof transparent film on the surface and it has been a good cleaner for me.

07-17-2012, 05:39 PM
If you're wanting a spray bottle, try a camera shop that sells SLRs. They all sell lens cleaners that are anti fogging. My 1 oz. bottle has lasted for years.

This stuff works well too. http://www.crizal.com/EN/Pages/default.aspx

07-18-2012, 12:30 AM
Give Rain-x a shot....... Auto supply store for windshields.


07-18-2012, 08:51 AM
I have no trouble until I put my ear muffs on. Then I don't breath right through my hollow head! 8-)

07-18-2012, 04:51 PM
Trace-thin film of soap, buffed with a soft cloth.


07-18-2012, 05:12 PM
I have no trouble until I put my ear muffs on. Then I don't breath right through my hollow head! 8-)

I have the same problem, Gotta wear ear plugs in hot weather

07-18-2012, 07:38 PM
I scuba dive and all those concoctions work somewhat, but so does spit. It is cheap and easy to find.

07-18-2012, 07:49 PM
One note. Some of these chemicals can ruin certain lens material. I use the stuff sold at local hockey rink. It works well. Have found it to only turn the cheap walmart Winchester branded yellow glasses for ever fogged!

07-20-2012, 05:42 PM
"cat ****" does work but I am not sure it is any better than the scuba mask spray that I tried. Please note, this is cat **** sold as lens treatment not what comes out of a meow

ok, got bit by politically correct editor......scatalogical term staring in "C" and ending in "P"

07-27-2012, 09:14 AM
"cat ****" does work but I am not sure it is any better than the scuba mask spray that I tried. Please note, this is cat **** sold as lens treatment not what comes out of a meow

ok, got bit by politically correct editor......scatalogical term staring in "C" and ending in "P"

Leadfreak, up here where I live the eyeglass-fogging problem is a common problem for eyeglass wearers because of cold, damp weather. We have lots of ski areas where the ski shops sell the branded stuff that OuchHot refers to--Cat(excrement). At least for the cold weather problem, this stuff works really well, rubbed on eyeglasses and binocular lenses before going out on cold and/or cold, drizzly days. It lasts quite a while after applied, too--a day or two at least before needing more. It comes in a little can and looks like solidified vasoline. The cans are about the size of a percussion-cap tin.

As I say in the vernacular, when there's no politically correct editors present during polite conversation with my buddies, "**** political correctness! As my cats would say: RRRRMeowRRR!!!!

Lead Freak
07-27-2012, 09:17 AM
Leadfreak, up here where I live the eyeglass-fogging problem is a common problem for eyeglass wearers because of cold, damp weather. We have lots of ski areas where the ski shops sell the branded stuff that OuchHot refers to--Cat(excrement). At least for the cold weather problem, this stuff works really well, rubbed on eyeglasses and binocular lenses before going out on cold and/or cold, drizzly days. It lasts quite a while after applied, too--a day or two at least before needing more. It comes in a little can and looks like solidified vasoline. The cans are about the size of a percussion-cap tin.

As I say in the vernacular, when there's no politically correct editors present during polite conversation with my buddies, "**** political correctness! As my cats would say: RRRRMeowRRR!!!!

Thanks. I've seen that stuff somewhere, maybe I'll start at Gander Mtn.