View Full Version : Gas checks shaving Boolits

07-16-2012, 11:00 PM
While I was seating gas checks tonight, I was getting lead shavings in the size die. I stopped and measured the boolit shank (.346) and the I.D. of the gas check (.342). Anybody got a suggestion on how to fix this? Gas checks are Hornady 35 caliber .011 thick with an O.D of .364. Please don't tell me I need a custom check maker. :bigsmyl2:

.30/30 Guy
07-16-2012, 11:43 PM
Go to the Vendor Sponsor Sales section. First entry is NOE Index ..........
Check out their gas check seating tool.

07-17-2012, 03:37 AM

I ran across this and am interested as well because I've had the same problem from time to time. Is there a thread explaining how it works?

P.S. I've bought a couple moulds from NOE and they're a good place to do business with. Al's a real stand up guy.

07-17-2012, 07:35 AM
Go to the Vendor Sponsor Sales section. First entry is NOE Index ..........
Check out their gas check seating tool.

Looks like a fine tool. I use my Loobrisizer to seat checks. Unless these will open up the check slightly, I don't see how it will help. I do appreciate the suggestion. :coffeecom

07-17-2012, 07:46 AM
I have taken a round head 1/4" stove bolt and placed the check on a solid surface and placed the bolt head on the check opening an tapped the bolt threaded end with a hammer, this flares the check opening slightly ,time consuming but solved my issue. You may have to experiment with different size bolts for different calibers . Annealing the checks with a propane torch before doing this process makes it much easier.

07-17-2012, 08:50 AM
Looks like a fine tool. I use my Loobrisizer to seat checks. Unless these will open up the check slightly, I don't see how it will help. I do appreciate the suggestion. :coffeecom

You may not need Al's seating tool as much as you need the gas check shank swaging( re-forming) dies that he sells. They are used in your loading press ram and your existing nose punch, and are counter bored to reduce and or round out the gas check shank to proper dimentions. YMMV

07-17-2012, 03:15 PM
Use Gator checks, make your own, or buy Al's swaging tool. I've found the shaved lead rings caused throat leading in some of my guns, simply digging them out of the "groove" with my thumbnail and re-lubing fixed it.

Recently I had a mould custom-designed for the Hornady checks with about 2/3 of the shank tapered like a crimp groove. Works VERY well with the hornady checks.


07-19-2012, 01:39 AM
You may not need Al's seating tool as much as you need the gas check shank swaging( re-forming) dies that he sells. They are used in your loading press ram and your existing nose punch, and are counter bored to reduce and or round out the gas check shank to proper dimentions. YMMV

Another tool I need to look into, do you have a link? I couldn't find it.