View Full Version : Just Wondering

07-16-2012, 10:40 PM
If a person with a automatic casting machine and a person with a ton or so of good lead got together on a deal who would come out best in your opion?
Lets say the person with the machine cast for 50% of the lead. I am completly ignorent on using a master caster or any other auto machine,just wondering everyones take on it! I know it has been done when making shot but haven't herd of it for boolits.

Thanks Aaron
(this is just a thought game):lol:

D Crockett
07-17-2012, 11:19 AM
Aron if the caster with the master caster has the mould and just cast them I think you both would come out even . now if the caster had to size and lube them you would come out ahead of him unless he had a Magma auto lube michine one that you just had to feed the bullets to in which case I think you would come out ahead just a little . wish you lived in Florida I think we could do some biz togather D Crockett

07-17-2012, 09:35 PM
Thanks for the reply! I was thinking just the casting the size and lube to be done at loading time based on the gun to be used. The detached building I store in gets hot in the summer so prelubed might get kinda messy!


Ron r
07-28-2012, 02:21 PM
To bad you don't live closer I would love to
Do that