View Full Version : How fast?

07-11-2012, 10:58 AM
I'm in the process of working up a good load for the Lyman 311041 bullet for deer hunting. How fast do I need to be driving it for deer out to 150-200 yards? I'm using pretty soft alloy and gas checks.

My current load is 18 grains of 2400 in a 30-06 for 1600 fps. I also want to get it working in my Winchester M94. I just need to figure out how fast I need it to be going to do a good job on Missouri Whitetails.

07-11-2012, 11:11 AM
If it will kill a person with you in the driver's seat, it is fast enough for deer or any known animal with the same skin/fat/weight characteristic. ... felix

07-11-2012, 11:23 AM
I think that 1600 fps should be fast enough IF you can place the bullet where it can do you the most good. I personaly think faster is better but not at the expense of accuracy. The current ( last I read) theory is with jacketed your max range is where you can keep everything inside of a paper plate. Since you are giving up a lot in velocity I would say if you can hit a soda can you're good. To be repeaditive, bullet placement is everything. Good hunting.

07-11-2012, 12:00 PM
Using the 311041 boolit in my 30-30's and 308's I have taken several deer with an accurate velocity of 1800 fps. As others have stated, accuracy is the main component.


Larry Gibson
07-11-2012, 01:51 PM
[QUOTE=pilot;1773128]I'm in the process of working up a good load for the Lyman 311041 bullet for deer hunting. How fast do I need to be driving it for deer out to 150-200 yards? I'm using pretty soft alloy and gas checks............../QUOTE]

A lot depends on the size of deer in the area you hunt. Where I hunt out west most 2 point (western count) bucks (black tail & Mulies) run 150 - 200 lbs and large 4 pointers will run 200 - 275 lbs. A large do may run 175 - 200 lbs but most doe, spikes and small 2 pointers run 125 - 175 lbs.

The 311041 with a mild HP has been my #1 cast hunting bullet for most .30 cals and a couple .31s with 10 - 12" twist barrels. Being able to push the soft cast bullet to 2000 - 2200 fps allows for enough retained velocity to give excellent expansion and terminal ballistics in the 150 - 200 fps range. With a clean barrel, sot alloy and good lube I can push to that velocity and maintain excellent hunting acuracy of 2 moa (at 200 yards) for the 1st 5-7 shots. Thus a 200 yard shot is my maximum range based on accuracy and terminal effectiveness.

Yes, a slower non expanding bullet in the right place will kill a deer but I prefer to kill them quickly for personal reasons......just m own choice is all. So, to answer your question I suggest you push to 2000 - 2200 fps for any potential 150-200 yard shots. Switch to a slower powder such as 4895 or slower, Use a dacron filler if needed, clean the barrel every 8 - 10 shots to ensure best accuracy with the softer alloy at higher velocity if needed.

Larry Gibson

07-11-2012, 11:15 PM
Our deer are fairly heavy. A buck over three years old will weigh 150 to 200 pounds field dressed. We try not to shoot any younger bucks. Antlerless deer will have a much greater range, obviously, with young of the year to adult does.

I'll get to work with that speed in mind. I have some 4895 on hand, so that's next.

lead chucker
07-12-2012, 12:36 AM
Black bear at 110 yards 200 gr 308 win 1600 fps it worked for me.

07-12-2012, 09:01 AM
I have taken a couple of Mo Whitetails with the bullet you mentioned. FPS was around 1750 out of my 94 Win. Both deer dropped on the spot each weight about 150 lb.

07-12-2012, 09:13 AM
I have only taken one deer in MO with a 30-30. I used the 311165 d by NOE and RE15. It was going 2200 or so. Worked quite well, shot was at 25 yards or so.

I think a greater velocity will help if you may shoot at 150 to 200 yards. Where I hunt 60 yards is a longer shot so I would feel fine at 1700 fps. I would want as much velocity as possible if I might shoot to 200 yards.

In the end itis like any other hunting, put the bullet where it belongs and all will be good.

07-12-2012, 12:02 PM
From my "wet phone book" terminal ballistics test, I got 17+ inches of penetration from a Lee 160 gr RNGC boolit at 40 yards when the muzzle velocity was 1550. The wound channel was impressive. That tells me an MV of 1600 fps is more than adequate out to 150 yards. My experience as a muzzle load hunter with 45 patched round ball (132 gr pill) says that 900 fps terminal velocity is more than adequate if I do my aiming part.