View Full Version : Calling Pressman..............

07-09-2012, 08:41 AM
I happen to like the older equipment. It's fun to have around and use, so when I saw this pop up on Ebay I kept an eye on it. The price has escalated to a ridiculous point in my opinion and I'm curious as to why since it really doesn't look like much of a press. Is the "Multiplex" something rare or just made of a valuable alien alloy?:bigsmyl2:


07-09-2012, 10:43 AM
Is the "Multiplex" something rare or just made of a valuable alien alloy?

Someone obviously knows something about the press and what it's worth as a collectible, or someone is just not very bright. I'm interested in what pressman has to say about this one too. Note that it has compound linkage.

Kevin Rohrer
07-09-2012, 04:33 PM
Since the question was addressed to Pressman, I'll let him answer it.

I will say that if anyone has access to a copy of Sharpe, it has a picture and article. Also, these presses were made in a small town in SE Ohio, and as a member of ARCTA, I went there a couple years ago to try to locate one, or anyone involved in the process. No joy, but I plan on making another trip shortly.

07-09-2012, 08:10 PM
They are scarce. I have one and that is the second I have seen for sale. The price is getting up there and scarey.

Kevin is right, they were made about 1953. The company also made some dies. Memory is short right now. I will have to dig out the original file. Right now it is bed time, 19:00 hrs. I get up at 0200 hrs. Got me one of Barack Obama's "green" jobs, pays good but the work is hard. You remember, all those green jobs he was going to save toe economy with? Right?


04-15-2013, 12:21 AM
Hi Pressman,
Just got a Multiplex today. Pretty simple press, huh? Also got a Green Machine. The guides are worn out, it's dirty as heck, but it looks like it's all there. On reading a couple of threads, it sounds like it's a tinkerers dream.
I also picked up a(n) Hornady Pro 7. It is in need of one of the spring cams to advance the shell holder. The whole cam is missing. It was seized up, but is now been set free! It'll look good next to my other Projector. I'm fairly new at this press collecting game. The Lyman T-Mags are finding me. I'm up to 3.

04-20-2013, 06:37 PM
Uh, I guess I better tell you, I'm not the one who bought the one on oooobey. Mine was a surprise that was hiding in a bucket of other goodies that showed up with a few other "dead" presses. I don't live to far from Logan, about 1/2 hr. The presses came from Centerburg. I'd be interested in more of the history of these Multiplex's. I like old stuff, I love it when it still works.

Kevin Rohrer
04-21-2013, 03:20 PM
Infidel: Did anything come w/ that Multiplex? The dies are supposed to be as scarce as hen's teeth.

You have to post some pics of it. Them's the rules! :popcorn:

As soon as the weather warms up a bit more, I'll be taking a trip back to the Logan area in the Pcar to do some more knocking on doors.