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View Full Version : Old news, but thought I'd share anyway

07-09-2012, 04:26 AM
Many of you might remember when Lloyd Smale's shop burned down over three years ago. In the fire he lost some Dillon equipment, and some of the membership here had, I believe, sort of petitioned Dillon to assist him with replacing it. I don't know for sure how it all worked out, but I remember the company was certainly intent on doing what they could to help.

I thought that was a heckuva nice thing for any company to do, and sent them an Email saying so, but I used an account I don't check much and their reply got lost in all the spam and junkmail. Tonight I was clearing out several years worth of old Emails and came across Dillon's response to my email, and I thought I'd share it with everyone here, even three years after the fact it sort of gave me the "feel goods" and those are in short supply lots of places these days and maybe the rest of you could use some, too.

Dillon Precision's response from Friday, May 22, 2009:

"Our philosophy is simply to treat people the way we would like to be treated. A fire is a very traumatic, life altering event. If in some small way we can assist in returning his like to normalcy, we are happy to do so.

Thank you,

Dillon Precision Products, Inc."

I don't own any of their stuff because I've used some of it and there are some things that don't suit my particular fancy about their presses. My reasons certainly have nothing to do with their quality, warranty, business philosophy, or their customer service. I wish there were more companies out there like Dillon.


PS just in case anyone thinks this is a solicitied advertisement or such, I assure you it is not. If any of the mods think this is inappropriate, just delete it.

Dean D.
07-09-2012, 05:00 AM
Thanks for sharing that email with us Gear. It's always nice to know which companies have a heart.

41 mag fan
07-09-2012, 07:56 AM
Dillon is topnotch on their warranties. I've heard of presses going thru fires and they replace it or completely refurbish it.
Nice of them to even email you back about your concerns.

07-09-2012, 12:05 PM
I've never been treated poorly by Dillon's customer service. I heard a long time ago in my early days of loading about a fella that kicked over a can of powder in front of a space heater and burned down his shed.
Dillon replaced his press too.

07-09-2012, 12:20 PM
I remember when I was living in Phoenix working in a machine shop and one of the guys brought in a 550 that the RAM was rusted in place that was in a fire, and asked me if it was worth a shot to see if Dillon would replace/repair it. Well nothing ventured nothing gained was my response, he took it in and they didn't replace it but they sure did fix it for him at no charge. In my mind it's a great co. to do business with as far as there warranty work is concerned.

07-09-2012, 01:59 PM
That's just good business practice. The goodwill generated by acting that way is the best sort of advertising, and whatever money they lost in doing so is made up in spades down the road. Kudos to Dillon. Would that other companies shared that attitude.

Lloyd Smale
07-09-2012, 04:08 PM
they were fantastic. For those who werent around my polebarn burned down and i lost every bit of my loading gear. Many here were unbelievably generous. I was up and running in the garage in just days and now actually have a much nicer setup then i lost. Part of what i lost was 5 square deals and a 550. I contacted dillon on the advice of someone here and they said i could take either a new sd or a 550. I told them id prefer a 550. they sent me a brand new in the box square deal with a strong mount and bullet and case trays. Theres lots of good company in this hobby but theres not another company in any bussiness that would go out of there way like that to help one of there customers. At first they insisted i send in at least a part of the press to prove i had it but when i told them there was nothing left but some square deal dies they sent the press anyway.

07-09-2012, 05:54 PM
Wow! Three years already. The days go slow and the years go fast...

07-09-2012, 07:15 PM
I LOVE MY DILLONS AND YES THERE GOOD TO WORK WITH REAL GOOD GUYS.i will always use there tools.i have a sq deal and a 550 b.and plan to get more toys from them.

07-10-2012, 11:42 AM
Many of you might remember when Lloyd Smale's shop burned down over three years ago.

Yep. I remember Gear. Thanks for posting this.

07-10-2012, 01:08 PM
Thanks for the post geargnasher, I want to know about the companys who treat people like they mean somthing. It gives me hope in humanity, especially after how banks and insurance companys treat people nowdays. I remember the good folks when I consider a purchase, price isn't everything, servic is a big factor in my decisions.

Put together a thank you email to Dillon and add my name to it. I know this helped out Lloyd big time .

Gary Percle

07-11-2012, 04:26 PM
Hell, my roomate snapped my SDB handle in HALF. I called them before I even bothered to send it.

"The new one is in the mail. We don't need the old one. If he can break this one, let us know how he did it, we'll put some more gussets in the next design."

The only other company I've had such good luck with replacing blatantly abused and destroyed tools is Leatherman, and I've sent them some real haggard stuff.