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07-06-2012, 08:04 AM
I think someone is posting in my name. I have not posted there in maybe a year. I have only answered PM's when I get asked something.
The last time I looked I was not signed in but today I am.
I was given a warning for poor language, racial slurs, etc on the 9mm thread.
IT WAS NOT ME! I informed the administrator of that fact.
I have no idea how to find out who is doing this.

07-06-2012, 08:17 AM
Ask the administrator there to run the ISP that was used to post the questionable post. If you use a wireless router to access the internet and it is not password protected, apply a password. If it is password protected, change the password. Someone could be piggybacking your connection.

07-06-2012, 08:30 AM
I strongly dislike some humans nature to cause strife to others purely for a sadistic pleasure. Please contact the police as well since there are many local, federal and international laws that protect people from identity fraud and impersonation. Also change all your Passwords to an alpha numerical and if the site allows it with special symbols. Change passwords at least once a year if not every six months.

07-06-2012, 08:30 AM
OK, I will ask. Thank you.

07-06-2012, 08:51 PM
I caught the culprit, It was my grandson. He is bi-polar and thinks he knows it all from video games. He was on my sites. I seen the light from my monitor and sneaked up to see him on the site.
I put a password on the internet.
I have speed dial and all he did was click on my sites.
My god, you will not believe the cussing from from him.

07-06-2012, 08:52 PM
Yes I would believe the cussing. They have no respect these days. I am quite certain that his cussing would be made better with soap in the mouth :D

07-06-2012, 09:03 PM
Another reason my kids are Home Schooled! Public and most private schools are R rated till 8th grade then go to XXX in high school.

white eagle
07-06-2012, 09:04 PM
take him out to the wood shed and have him cut you a switch

07-06-2012, 09:07 PM
take him out to the wood shed and have him cut you a switch

If only

07-06-2012, 09:11 PM
Thats illegal most places now. Now you know why we have this problem.

Bad Water Bill
07-06-2012, 09:38 PM
My Grandmother used to say "Did you ever notice that the lord made your hand and a kids bottom the same shape? It has worked for a thousand years and you do not have to worry about misplacing it".

My grandmother raised 11 children and had 27 grandchildren and not a one of us ever spent a night in jail.

07-06-2012, 11:39 PM
You can not make them do anything; but you can make them wish they did.

07-07-2012, 12:48 AM
What did the 5 fingers say to the face?


Laws be darned. My kids know what it is like to be spanked, slapped, and when my stepson used a racial slur at school, thrashed like a pecan tree.

I will go to jail before I raise a Future Felon of America. And I do feel it is my responsibility to raise my own kids.

07-07-2012, 01:00 AM
im real sure i was what killed one of grandmothers peach trees. her breaking switches off to put on my butt. but you know she was all ways right

07-07-2012, 07:25 AM
I would have gone ballistic had my child done that to me. Totally unacceptable. She would have found all computers password protected. Hers included.

07-07-2012, 08:04 AM
He is 25 and is bigger then me. :lol:
He is extremely smart but can not do a thing. He gets money from his mothers SS so we can support him.
He really can name every gun by designation and what features each has. It must come from his games and lurking on my internet.

07-07-2012, 08:28 AM
25? Wow, I feel for you. I find threatening to kick him out and then actually doing it will wake them right up to just who the boss is. Problem is we love the worthless idiots and take them back. Been going on for a zillion years.

I'll say a prayer for you.

07-07-2012, 08:36 AM
Man, that is a tough spot. I do feel for you and your situation. I pray you find a reasonable and civil solution.

I JOKINGLY tell all my friends that since my kids are so big and I am getting older, I am going to wait till they are about 13 years old, take em outside, whip the living daylights out of em, and then pray they never call my bluff after that. Cause I am going to LOOSE the next fight real bad, I am sure. Again, this is just a joke.

07-07-2012, 09:50 AM
44Man, your computer can be setup to require a password to even get on it in the first place.
If you don't know how to do that, I can walk you through it. Just tell me what operating system it is running. (Windows XP? Vista? Windows 7?)

07-07-2012, 10:22 AM
I know what you're going through. My daughter is mild bi-polar and it was a tough road raising her. Certain meds did help a lot. While living with us I had to make sure all the guns had trigger locks because she had threatened to shoot herself at one time. Lots of arguments, screaming, etc.

Some of the issues did get better with time as she matured but everyone is different.

Love Life
07-07-2012, 01:32 PM
I used to do that to my brother's MySpace page. If he left it logged on I would change his status to "Checking out guys at the beach"

He out weighs me by about 60 pounds and is 8 inches taller than me. The repercussions were not good, but well worth it.

07-07-2012, 02:32 PM
And if you use similar passwords for all your sites the "child" might be able to figure out all your passwords. Also be aware that there are hardware and software key loggers that can record everything as you type it. If you feel something like this is possible from him it doesn't hurt to have it checked out. (You said he was smart about computers.)