View Full Version : I Wonder

07-04-2012, 07:11 PM
Every Independence Day I find myself wondering if there are 56 members of Congress who would be willing to sign away their lives, fortune and sacred honor, as did the signers of the Declaration of Independence, if they found themselves in similar circumstances? For that matter, I wonder if there are 56 congressmen who have any sacred honor?

I know that there are many Cast Boolits members who would have no hesitation in signing such a document, just as there are many of us who had no hesitation in taking a certain pledge.

I thank the Signers, one and all, for their courage and foresight.

07-04-2012, 07:25 PM
I wonder how many of our recently past (and present) presidents would have led a group of solders into battle by boat and by foot in the middle of the night. I'm pretty certain that JFK, Reagan, and Bush II would have, even considering that one was a Democrat, one a movie actor, and another a Texas farm boy. The thing is they loved America, unlike some people, who just love power and control.

If "sacred honor" existed among politicians and lawyers I don't believe we'd be in quite the pickle we find ourselves today.


07-04-2012, 07:33 PM
Well said Gear.

It is about love of country that matters. Sadly, we have a government full of people who like power, fame, and money.

It is about we can do for them, not what they can do for us. Pretty sad of you ask me.

I would hope you could find 56 people willing to make that comitment but I am not holding my breath.

07-04-2012, 07:42 PM
If "sacred honor" existed among politicians and lawyers I don't believe we'd be in quite the pickle we find ourselves today.


Very astutely said Gear. In the politcal arena these days, Honor is more of a foreign concept, and thus we have the socialist democracy we have instead of the democratic republic we were set up to be. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen without "popular" support, and with so many people in our society today that would rather have the government take care of everything instead of being responsible for thier own decisions and actions, I doubt it will change substantially any time soon.

Then there is always hope, as we can see by the number of honorable folks on this website who make it the place it is - a really great place to share with others who are humble, respectful, honorable, and generous enough to share their knowledge and experience with others.

I personally wish everyone here a happy 4th of July, and pray God bless all of them.


Ken B
07-04-2012, 07:48 PM
Happy 4th of July God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!

07-04-2012, 07:58 PM
Grizcity, in another recent thread mentioned this:

"Somebody, whose name I do not know, once wrote: “A
study of history shows that the great civilizations of
the world have averaged about 200 years. The people of
the world have followed this timetable.

'The People go:

* From slavery to spiritual faith
* From spiritual faith to courage
* From courage to liberty
* From liberty to abundance
* From abundance to selfishness
* From selfishness to apathy
* From apathy to dependence
* From dependence back to slavery.'

We must assess our present place on that scale. You
may want to exercise your personal mental, historical,
spiritual and moral judgement as to where our nation
presently stands. Whatever your conclusions, remember
this one historical truth if we are to survive:
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm
33:12). The Bible is our nation’s point of reference."

In my estimation, the majority of even the good and decent folks of the nation are solidly on #6, a frighteningly large percentage are already at #7, and another large chunk are at #8. Don't believe that? Just look at what crawled out of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. Or take an honest look at Chicago, or L.A. Govenernent has created a welfare society of slaves, and are enslaving the rest of us slowy but surely by socialist law and elimination of personal, god-given rights.

There are a few of us at #1 or #2, but it's difficult to tell if that's because our beliefs and knowlege ground us there since we refused to deteriorate with the rest of the nation, or if we're skipping ahead to there having seen the writing on the wall.

Something to ponder, for sure.


07-04-2012, 08:06 PM
you cant get 56 members to man up for there own action little lone lay down their life

07-04-2012, 08:08 PM
I'm sorry, Michael, I didn't mean to derail your thread. I'm as passionate about independence and liberty as you are, and thinking about how many out there genuinely don't appreciate the things you mentioned today disgusts me. When you remove hardship, sacrifice, and immediate threat of invasion/capture/death from the minds of the people, they're bound to turn their minds to other things like bigger televisions and what brand of beer to drink. It's the way of things.

Thank you for choosing to serve our nation, and serving it well. You and those like you truly deserve the bounty, comfort, freedom, and security this country still has to offer, because you know well and will never forget what it takes to create those things. Happy Independence Day! :drinks:


07-04-2012, 08:15 PM
I think you could add to that list:
T. Rosevelt

Maybe some others but many wouldn't make the cut.

07-04-2012, 08:22 PM
I personally feel that military service should be a prerequsite for holding elected office, especially the highest one. Those of us who have served have experienced what Liberty and Freedom costs and have shown that those are the values we cherish and are willing to sacrifice everything else to preserve them. To us it's about love of country, not power or glory.

07-04-2012, 08:27 PM
Nothing to apologize for, buddy. And, thanks for the kind words.

Ironically, I have those steps printed out and wanted to post it, but it's nowhere to be found. I thank you for providing it.

07-04-2012, 10:09 PM
In the present day those who represent us go to the capitol to make their fortunes, not to risk them.

07-04-2012, 11:38 PM
Blacksmith, I was only mentioning the more modern presidents. I agree with most of those you mentioned.

462, the credit for the list I re-posted goes to Grizcty. I have that list too, on my laptop that's so old I don't know if it will even boot up anymore.


07-05-2012, 01:34 AM

Shucks Eisenhower was only a little older, I remember him I even went to his inaugration parade. Of course I remember Truman also but now I am dating myself.

I agree it is getting harder to find good presidents at least they don't get nominated. Good polititions - there never has been many but they are currently scarcer than hens teeth.

41 mag fan
07-05-2012, 10:06 AM
"From dependence back to slavery"

Thats going to come from 2 directions. One back to slavery will be the people to the gov't.
The other will be the gov't to its creditors.
The debt burden will enslave us and the U.S. will be no more, unless somethings done and quick.

Bad Water Bill
07-05-2012, 06:08 PM
I personally feel that military service should be a prerequsite for holding elected office, especially the highest one. Those of us who have served have experienced what Liberty and Freedom costs and have shown that those are the values we cherish and are willing to sacrifice everything else to preserve them. To us it's about love of country, not power or glory.

The big problem there is while in service you are taught HONOR AND RESPECT and that would disqualify most all politicians.

I wonder if there are even 56 congress folks that have ever raised their right hand without Xsng their fingers.

07-05-2012, 07:01 PM
I think you could add to that list:
T. Rosevelt

Maybe some others but many wouldn't make the cut.

Washington, Madison (not in the service, but as CinC, went to the battlefield to observe the British advance and had to run as they were marching on Washington D.C., Monroe, Benjamin Harrison, Taylor, Pierce, Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Grant, T. Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson (questionable,) Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43. Sorry if I left anyone out. Interesting bit of trivia: all who served were officers.

MT Gianni
07-05-2012, 07:19 PM
Considering Madison was about 5'2" and weighed around 125 lbs is less important than the fact that he knew how to lead and inspire others.

07-06-2012, 05:07 PM
I go with Gear! Well said! I would also add Harry Truman, he had primciple, and he wore the uniform poudly!

Bad Water Bill
07-06-2012, 05:31 PM
IIRC when Truman left office he and his wife got in their own car and drove themselves back to Mo and no one heard from them after that.

Like him or not he did leave with class.

He did make two of the hardest decisions any president has ever made and hopefully no other president will ever have to make them again.

07-06-2012, 05:49 PM
The big problem there is while in service you are taught HONOR AND RESPECT and that would disqualify most all politicians.

I wonder if there are even 56 congress folks that have ever raised their right hand without Xsng their fingers.
Honor! I still get tears to see the flag raised but I cuss at the worthless government.
We really need every single person in the country to serve, no exceptions for being a hollywood star. My brother in law served with Elvis in Germany. The man was upstanding.
Right now, I want Obama drafted and made to go through UDT training. Make a Seal out of him.
What do you think----10 minutes?

Bad Water Bill
07-06-2012, 06:55 PM
Nope only 20 seconds till he screams it is racism to expect me to to actually do this.

Then 2 NAVY SEALS take him by the arms and say NO brother it is simply survive if you are worth it.

Then he drowned.

His scam will not work when he faces REAL men of color.