View Full Version : I'm officially in touch with my inner Geek.

07-02-2012, 06:27 AM
Oh the humanity! The horror! I don't quite know what happened yesterday, but somehow, I wound up with a I-phone and a facebook account all in one day!
All I know is Saturday night, my cell-phone bit the big one, then yesterday, I went to At&t and decided to get a cheap smart phone so that I can use that awesome "Square" thingy (or something like it) for the business.:drinks:
Then home I come and commence to call a friend a couple towns over, and he informs me (in addition to several others over the past year) that I would be crazy not to have a facebook account. Sounds like a decent idea, but now I have to go and ask Mrs. goodsteel for assistance getting the blessed thing set up. Mrs. goodsteel who has endured ridicule from me for years about wasting time on facebook. Well, I swallowed hard like a big boy, burped back some black feathers (crow sucks) and now I have a facebook account.
Whats next? Here in about a year, you'll probably see me driving to work on a segway with a blue tooth in my ear, and twitterering, and saying stuff like "whatever" and "like its so like awesome right?" (this is me shuddering)
I blame cast boolits for all of this by the way. If I hadn't found castboolits, I never would have started dinking with this computer and getting all technical and stuff.

07-02-2012, 06:34 AM
I was looking through this forum one day, and I realized that in spite of my aversion to Facebook, I was actually social networking. Say it isn't so.


Wayne Smith
07-02-2012, 08:02 AM
Coleman, the original Social Networking Company - around the campfire. That was a good advertisement a year or so ago. Social networking has always been done, this is just another way to do it. My problem with Facebook is that it makes one way too available - and in my business that's overwhelming. Tim, in your business it might be an advantage.

07-02-2012, 08:26 AM
I got the same ridicule the other day. My flip phone bit the big un and I called ATT. The rep tells me that the Rugby Smart is the same price as the regular rugby. Then he reworked my plan and got the data plan included and still cut my bill.
I havent given in to the Facebook account yet.

Trey has updated his status!
Drinking coffee, lookin for love. Send.

07-02-2012, 08:40 AM
My wife is on Facebook , but never cks. her posts< I end up deleting her notices. She isn't very social I guess, been around me for 52 years and my anti- social activity has rubbed of.

07-02-2012, 09:08 AM
I hate smartphones and refuse to use them.

Sent from my Droid 4G LTE.

07-02-2012, 09:37 AM
http://castboolits.gunloads.com/imagehosting/170694ff1a3fed2727.png (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=5734)

07-02-2012, 09:56 AM
friend request sent.

07-02-2012, 10:25 AM
:oops:This is not as easy as it looks! I turned down Jons freind request on facebook, and I was trying to send a message to my wife this morning that said "I love you baby" and i think I actually sent it to a customer.:oops:[smilie=b:
He's probably gonna think my business perks are a little over the top.

07-02-2012, 10:40 AM
Well I hope that "square" thingy didn't get mixed up and change the shape of my "round" thingy parts you are supposed to be shipping.:kidding:

07-02-2012, 11:11 AM
Can the "man bag" be far behind?

07-02-2012, 11:26 AM
Hey, you could look tuff and still carry your stuff!

07-02-2012, 12:11 PM
Member Jim Fleming has this face book page a lot of good folks there NO POLITICS ALLOWED!
+700 members he would like 1000 so answers and information flows better.

07-02-2012, 01:20 PM
i am so far behind,my phone doesn't even have texting or a camera.
it makes phone calls real good though.
i got my bill friday and had used an overwhelming 2 minutes of time last month.
it might be because i don't have any friends.

Love Life
07-02-2012, 01:23 PM
:oops:This is not as easy as it looks! I turned down Jons freind request on facebook, and I was trying to send a message to my wife this morning that said "I love you baby" and i think I actually sent it to a customer.:oops:[smilie=b:
He's probably gonna think my business perks are a little over the top.

Now that is funny right there! It may open up a whole new clientel for you...

Next it will be a fanny pack. Once you have mastered it you will move to the manbag to hold your smartphone, Ipad, and "Green" refillable aluminum water bottle.

Runaway! Runaway!

07-02-2012, 01:30 PM
You might want to know that 1 in 2 divorce fillings now mention facebook :)

07-02-2012, 03:22 PM
My wife wanted an I-phone so I thought it would be great to be able to use one of those ballistics programs in the field so I got one also, but a Samsung.
The Samsung did everthing well except phone calls, so got another Samsung, same thing. Now I have an HTC Droid. It is a great phone, but still makes marginal phone calls. And I can't figure out how to use most of the stuff so am going to sign up for the free class.
All this also cost me about $350 to get the phones and protection programs and doubled the monthly bill. And I still do not get alot of my phone calls.

I have really thought about paying the cancellation fee and shutting off my phone. I would save money and not have the frustration.

I think Facebook would put me over the edge.

07-02-2012, 03:40 PM
Please no pictures of you touching your inner geek. :p

Lloyd Smale
07-02-2012, 03:52 PM
hell i still struggle with basic internet and emails.

07-02-2012, 11:36 PM
I fought the temptaion of Facebook for quite a while, until I had to contact a former classmate. I still don't do much posting, but like being able to get contact info from those whom I have lost touch with over the years.

07-03-2012, 08:46 AM
I thought it would be great to be able to use one of those ballistics programs in the field
You can do what!!!!!!!!!!!
This might have more perks than I thought!
I can say this, the call quality with the i-phone is awsome. Making sure I'm calling the right person is taking some work.

41 mag fan
07-03-2012, 09:27 AM
:oops:This is not as easy as it looks! I turned down Jons freind request on facebook, and I was trying to send a message to my wife this morning that said "I love you baby" and i think I actually sent it to a customer.:oops:[smilie=b:
He's probably gonna think my business perks are a little over the top.

Anderson Cooper just came out of the closet, If you text that to him, like you was trying to do to your wife, your business might go thru the roof!! :kidding::bigsmyl2:[smilie=1:

07-03-2012, 10:14 AM
there was a thread a while back with shooting apps, let's see..


My shooting app consists of range finder, topo and slide rule.

07-03-2012, 12:43 PM
As an IT professional I have an aversion to Facebook as well. It's probably second only to the old America OnLine as a single source vehicle for spreading viruses. Someone wrote several years ago that people will willingly give information on their Facebook accounts that would take a private investigator months to accumulate. Potential employers look at Facebook pages to learn about applicants. I closed my original Facebook account a couple of years ago. One of my nieces posts all of her equestrian competition information on Facebook so I reluctantly set up a new account but entered only the minimum required information and have posted exactly nothing on it. It was worth it. She won the World Championship for Amatuer Class Equation over Fences at the Pinto World Championships in Tulsa.

There's a lot on the Internet; just be careful how you play.


mold maker
07-03-2012, 01:08 PM
I use the $10./month, phone with no features except a ringer. I can't make pictures, no texting, tweeting or anything else. My phone # is 1 digit off the None Emergency County Communications #, and I get more of their calls than my own. That's the only social function I can stand.

07-03-2012, 03:49 PM
Don't do any of the games, or app requests. That is where the viruses hide. (In Facebook, I mean)
I was going to send you an invite, found way too many TM'S!

07-03-2012, 03:57 PM
I have a shot time app on my droid, works great.

07-03-2012, 04:43 PM
Concur with posting #18! Just don't need it!

07-05-2012, 08:51 AM
Facebook gets a lot of politics on it one nice thing is that on my local unions page we have some racist criminals that are openly discussing illegal acts (burning Detroit to the ground and killing white people). After mentioning this was wrong I was blocked so I developed a new page and name just to report the offenders they were all except one removed by Facebook. That one person never posted anything illegal he just started ALL the conversations I suspect he had a alias also which had been deleted. If so he does not appear to have made anymore though he still calls for socialism in place of our current government.