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View Full Version : My Last Rifle - I mean it. Really!

04-27-2007, 01:40 PM
Got caught on this one. My FFL just had to call the house to say my "New Rifle" had just arrived. The wife was surprised? since I told her the Roller was IT.

Several thoughts:

1) Get a new FFL - for $25 transfer he ought to keep his mouth shut.

2) Telling her "It's just an old used H&R single shot" doesn't work as well when the shipper packs a receipt in the box.

3) She made a list of the contents of all the racks, cabinets, etc. Tough to beat.

4) I need to start buying Her some guns! I'll just keep 'em safe for her... [smilie=1:

The culprit: http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=70133330

04-27-2007, 02:01 PM
Got caught on this one. My FFL just had to call the house to say my "New Rifle" had just arrived. The wife was surprised? since I told her the Roller was IT.

Several thoughts:

1) Get a new FFL - for $25 transfer he ought to keep his mouth shut.
Absolutely! And only give the new one your work #

2) Telling her "It's just an old used H&R single shot" doesn't work as well when the shipper packs a receipt in the box.
Oh this old gun I've had this forever.

3) She made a list of the contents of all the racks, cabinets, etc. Tough to beat.
Always have a safe and don't give her the combo.

4) I need to start buying Her some guns! I'll just keep 'em safe for her... [smilie=1: Jewelry might work better, although it runs up the overall costs of your arsenal.
The culprit: http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=70133330

You can always tell her that you sold a couple to get the new one, and there is the old stanby, they are a good investment.


MT Gianni
04-27-2007, 05:41 PM
It does look nice though. Gianni

04-27-2007, 06:28 PM
That is a beaut.

I show her how much my guns have appreciated from time to time.

Sometimes the comment comes up when monies tight... "Well sell one of those guns", and I fire right back with, "Cash in your 401K".

That ends the argument.. :mrgreen:

04-27-2007, 07:01 PM
I traded my fledgling 401K for a Ruger Red Label when they first came out - never looked back. :drinks:

04-27-2007, 07:52 PM
Don't buy her guns......just buy her JEWELRY.....works ALL the time.

Idaho Sharpshooter
05-14-2007, 06:52 PM
my wife doesn't bother me about my toys, I don't bother her about hers...

My grandfather told me, about forty years ago, that the key to a long and happy marriage was to marry a woman that makes as much, or a little more than you do,
and has been on her own for a couple years. You will never hear anything about "We/Our $$$"... so far so good.


05-16-2007, 08:13 PM
Had a good friend who used to "Win a new gun" about three or four times a year.
Would go to muzzle loading shoots and when he got home he would show his wife the new rifle he had just won. Wife thought he was some kind of Danial Boone, and was proud as punch of him. Probably got away with it for about 10 years until one of his friends told his wife about it, and of course you know how that went, right back to his wife. I take mine to Cabellas and show her the used gun rack and compair what I bought over the years with what is on the rack, and what I paid then and what they are now. She and I are both convinced that rifles make good investments.

05-17-2007, 08:16 AM
[ I take mine to Cabellas and show her the used gun rack and compair what I bought over the years with what is on the rack, and what I paid then and what they are now. She and I are both convinced that rifles make good investments.

Absolutely, only problem is that when I cash in my "INVESTMENT" I reinvest it in a better "INVESTMENT".:drinks:


Gun Junkie
05-22-2007, 07:47 PM
Tell her you're thinking about becoming a fisherman instead of a shooter and leave brochures for new bass boats laying around for a few days. Of course you'll have to buy a new 3/4 4x4 diesel to pull the boat......That ought to do it![smilie=1:

05-22-2007, 08:19 PM
"Honey, would you believe how good the gunsmith made my old rifle look?
Almost like new, don't you think?"
Get into the details. This will be so boring she will tune you and the gun out in about 1 1/2 minutes.
Then onto enjoying the 'refinished' rifle.
Use to work for me right up until the divorce! :-)
DaveP kywoodwrkr

05-23-2007, 12:03 AM
I will be married fifty years a year from now (AND, to the same woman). Every time I get a new rifle or handgun, I show it to her and tell her what I paid for it. I NEVER lie to my wife.

I can't believe you guys have to lie about a little ol' rifle purchase. Pitiful, just flat pitiful (and you call yourself a MAN). Real men don't lie to their wives. They don't have to...


05-23-2007, 12:38 AM
DITTO on that one Dale53 :)

05-23-2007, 08:09 AM
I don't lie, I just don't bring it up. I don't question the money she spends and visa versa. As long as the bills get paid and money goes into the retirement account no harm no foul. Besides it is the only vise I have anymore, well there is a brewsky at the end of a long day, and life is to short, anymore, to drink cheap beer.
Most of the guns that I have sold in the last couple years have been sold at a profit, so they technically are an investment. For the most part that money goes back into guns though.
BTW I've been married for 33+ years, through no fault of mine. She deserves a special place in heaven for putting up with me for that long.


Four Fingers of Death
05-23-2007, 08:38 AM
Rules of 'engagment.'

1) Never lie.

2) Never answer questions that haven't been asked. Omiting to mention something that was not specifically asked is not lying, just poor interview technique by the other party :D I am not one to give 'advice', but after 22+ years in Law Enforcement, I have seen people get themselves in deep by talking too much at the wrong time.

3) Remember the first rule of holes= stop digging!

4) Concentrate on the positive (rare, collector's item).

How's that song go? "We ain't wrong, we ain't sorry and it's probably gonna happen again!" :D :D

05-23-2007, 10:41 AM
:p :razz: There's a difference between a lie and blowing smoke. Smoke is camoflage, pure and simple. Ethical in love and war. My wife of many years enjoys verbal fencing, makes more than I do (right now), and spends her money as she sees fit - as do I. None of that prevents us from pointing out the others foibles when the time is right. She also knows that I trade guns, and is more concerned with "safety" issues than other things. She has her hobbies, I have mine. Some we share while others provide convenient "bones of contention". We stopped posturing years ago, at least in public, but I can see where that might be fun, too. :razz: :razz:

05-23-2007, 04:51 PM
You guys just think you have problems. I introduced my girlfriend to shooting about two years ago. Last year I was the only one at our annual club shooting match that she didn't beat... and I only beat her by one silhouette! Now she owns seven guns and just bought a gun safe. She even bought me a Marlin Cowboy for my birthday. She's turning out to be a worse gun nut than I am. Now what's a man to do with a gal like that?

05-23-2007, 05:44 PM
Lovedogs - Answer to your question....marry her!

As to the acquisition of firearms best to tell her you told her about the purchase two months ago and suggest to her that foregetfulness is a sign of aging. Should work once and be good for at least two guns before you are on the carpet thinking about all the reason why new guns should not have large front sights on them....

Take Care


Four Fingers of Death
05-26-2007, 09:33 AM
You guys just think you have problems. I introduced my girlfriend to shooting about two years ago. Last year I was the only one at our annual club shooting match that she didn't beat... and I only beat her by one silhouette! Now she owns seven guns and just bought a gun safe. She even bought me a Marlin Cowboy for my birthday. She's turning out to be a worse gun nut than I am. Now what's a man to do with a gal like that?

"Now what's a man to do with a gal like that?"

Marry her quick!!!!!

PS, I forgot, practice harder or get used to getting your a$$ smacked when she gets a bit more experience.

05-27-2007, 03:19 PM
buy her a bigger caliber(flinch) and practice more(U).

06-30-2007, 04:26 PM
As well as Dale53. Been married for more than a few years now and I don't lie to the old lady. I will buy guns and show her(online/BlueBook) how much of a deal I got or how much I saved. I have also bought her guns in the past too which always makes her happy. But no lying, it just opens the doors to too many future problems. And it just aint right.

07-02-2007, 11:28 PM
When I meet my wife I was on the run, One suite case and 3 guns with me in the Texas Pandhandle. Shooting and rough necking and machince shops, She new then and now guns met more to me then her, Just got 8 more in the last 2 weeks.They are worth more then dimonds she buys, 35 years later now. Smokemjoe

07-04-2007, 09:19 AM
I don't buy a ton of guns and am a scrooge by nature. I have enough utility guns so now I concentrate on guns I really want. If the right gun comes along at the right price, I buy it. Simple. By the same token, if she wants new clothes (lots of them) she gets them. I make sure the bills are paid, the savings are funded and the kids have what they need. Beyond that, why worry/

07-04-2007, 12:13 PM
Yesterday another Ruger No.1 found it's way into my safe. The thing I have going for me is I have another safe at my office and often transfer guns between my house safe and office so my wife is used to seeing guns go in and out, she never asks any questions so I do not have to make up stories! Another great thing about my marriage is that my wife is from Europe and goes back to her family for 10 weeks each summer :)

Nine-Toed Omar
08-06-2007, 04:40 PM
I'm a disabled USN Veteran (SS) and have a darned tight income - not to mention six kids! (1 at Univ. of South Alabama, 1 on her own now, 4 in the house) Getting money for guns is tough when the wife certainly brings in more cash, things are tight, and she handles the finance.

Lady Beth takes car of me though. She occasionally will come in with something for the "Ol' Busted Guy" like a Win '94 Trapper .45 Colt, a Ruger New Vaquero .45 Colt, or a new barrel for the Encore. That's two guns and two barrels. Heck, I'd love to have more but all things considered I figure I'm in good shape.

08-06-2007, 05:35 PM
Hey Hairtrigger............Will your wife's family adopt my wife????

10 weeks each summer to myself............

Naaaaaaaaaaaa....I would probably end up in jail or dead from all the fun I would have.

Just kidding. I'm retired and she still works. Life is good.

08-07-2007, 09:10 AM
" Just kidding. I'm retired and she still works. Life is good."

WBH enjoy it while you can. I retired about 20 years back and had it made in the shade so to speak. Wife retired last year and my new job started the next day. I now have to entertain her most of the time so my play time is limited. All is not lost she lets me go shooting once a weak and to the gun show once a month. Now if I just could fined a lawn mower that fits her hands.