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View Full Version : Thank you SOLDIER

06-29-2012, 04:18 PM

This Generation raise me. Let me live free

Many gave all.
All gave some.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

For our tomorrow
They gave their today

Thank you

Bad Water Bill
06-29-2012, 11:50 PM
I was only 9 when the war ended.

I did have the honor to have many of those brave vets as friends neighbors and relatives after the war.

When I entered the Navy in 56 I had the pleasure and privilege to serve with many of those great men. Even a C.M.H bearer. (Mint Julep is another story for another day)

I flew in the reserves with pilots and tail gunners (I still have Dick,s Bears jacket) that flew off carriers in the South Pacific.

I could go on all day re living my past memories (yes I am that old) of the greatest generation this country ever produced.

My personal salute to all of those vets.

And EVERY vet that has ever followed in their footsteps.

07-01-2012, 04:22 PM
Well Bill, look at the apathy of a post like this. only 100 people even opened it. You are the only one to speak up. This is a sign of what has happened to USA.

To many dont care where we came from. But will cry when things aren't the way they wanted.

The Vets,they think this wasn't my war. Then it brings up the pain of there own war. I believe some still give some today.

There are some Posts that are just a fun post that get much more participation than this one.

For me I teared up when I watched the clip. Maybe I am just a silly old man.

But it is what it is

Carolina Cast Bullets
07-01-2012, 04:28 PM
I too am a Navy Vet. I wasnt called to "go in harms way" but had no qualms about it if I had been ordered. Thats part of the deal when you sign your name.

I've seen the clip a few times and yes, it does bring a chill and a small glimmer of Pride for those young men and women who wear our Uniform.

Fair Winds and Following Seas, Shipmates

USS Farragut DLG 6

aka Carolina Cast Bullets

Bad Water Bill
07-01-2012, 05:00 PM
I posted this one a couple days ago about the traveling VIETNAM WALL.


Only 5 comments

I live in Illinois and have sent many messages to members here about trying to get my 2A rights back. Still waiting for any of the many living anywhere near the meeting places to answer a message.

To date I am still waiting to meet a member from this site either in Chicagloand where we had about 10 meetings or down in Springfield where we march on the state capitol.

And yes I have met Otis and have spent several hours talking with that brave gentleman and Army vet.

07-01-2012, 05:46 PM
I am a 100% DV and I have a lot of respect for todays military person. I believe one of the things they miss is the comraderie that the military used to provide. I campaign all the returning vets I can to become members of the VFW and get their voices heard for medical benefits.

Most feel they are alone in this and balk at any organization that their gramps or dad belongs.

07-01-2012, 06:11 PM
World War II veterans, such as my father and those shown in the video, are the reason why I enlisted, not long after high school graduation. My father enlisted three-months after Pearl Harbor, at 30-years of age. He was single, had a decent paying job that he loved, and due to his age, may not have been drafted.

It's encouraging to see that those men had an enthusiastic and much deserved welcome, and I'm sure they were very surprised and felt especially honored. It won't be too long till they are gone. Many of them went on to serve in Korea, a truely forgotton war.

From Concord bridge to Afghanistan, America owes its continued existance to its many millions of veterans. Whether enlistee or draftee, whether in time of peace or war, they did want was required of them and kept America free. Daily, my flag flies is their honor.

Finally, a special thanks to Bad Water Bill for the two posts.

07-01-2012, 06:13 PM
this is the truth thank a veteran for your freedoms
]remember if they hadn't stood up you wouldn't be able to ignore them today
thank the teacher that taught you to read and shame on them for not teaching you the importance of our freedoms and a strong military and most of all a dependence on our All mighty Lord for our freedom.
Too soon I fear we will see our nation a communist nation and then many will understand just what they gave away. Many will be put to death because we believe in freedom, Jesus and also in that Flag we so proudly served under.\
We will never forget the oath we took so long ago for many of us and not so long ago for others to protect America from those who threaten us both foreign and domestic.

07-01-2012, 07:19 PM



07-01-2012, 09:33 PM

Most feel they are alone in this and balk at any organization that their gramps or dad belongs.[/QUOTE]

I think this has been true for years. Who even knows of the 40 et 8 or the GAR.

I joined at age 17 in 1956 and was out in 1960. That means I was too late for Korea and too early for 'Nam. I did serve with a lot of fellows who served in WWII and Korea, even with one who was in the Japanese Air Force in 1944. He was going through boot camp with me. Taught me some things about the difference of the value placed upon the private soldier by those totalitarian regimes and the American way of life. Too bad so many of today's young folks have no respect of the value of their heritage.

07-01-2012, 10:58 PM
Hurts too much to walk the. WALL.

8th Combat Comm

07-02-2012, 02:27 AM
I wasn't even alive for WW2, Korea, or Vietnam, but took my turn later, and now others have taken my place. Personally, I am grateful to everyone who ever put on our uniform, past, present, and future, and refuse to give up as long as we still have people willing to do it. Another thing that many vets I have spoken to about it never think about is this... Everyone of us remembers taking that Oath, correct? How many of you remember being released from it, because I dont! They may no longer pay me, feed me, or order me around, but they also didn't take back the training they gave me, and I know I am willing to serve again if needed, just like I would bet most Vets still are if capable. I just dont think we have lost yet, as every generation has it's great ones.

07-02-2012, 09:54 AM
AS to that oath we took for many of us so many years ago. AS long as America is free and we are losing that battle every day a little more we are bond by that oath.

We have a chance to begin the road back to God and Country this fall I just wonder how many will really have the guts to pull that lever for freedom instead of lies and communism?

I have been on the Army watch list for recall for over 30 years because of what I did when I was in and so far I have never had to put on the uniform again but would do so in a heart beat if asked.

Why because my family has been here since before the whites invaded and some of those whites were also my ancestors. My family has been in every fight this nation has been in since the 1700's. My family's blood runs deep in this soil and I will one day join them.

I hate the way the progressives have lied to so many and so many have believed in those lies and wonder just how painful it will be to pull away from those lies for many. This election this fall is so important that it will decide if America is a free nation or if we are to be like so many others destroyed and under the boot of a dictator and a communist.

Walk softly and carry a big stick and have the strength to swing it seems good to me. Nope have no use for unions, TSA, EPA, HSO, FDA, EDucation dept, FED, and feel it is time for Congress to become a part time job again and no pensions, no special hospital plans and you can only be in the federal government for 6 years total in your life time. The borders should be closed and manned by our military just like so many other countries have done.

The federal government is too big to much in control of our lives and has become its own worst enemy and that of the people of this great nation.

07-02-2012, 10:03 AM

This Nation is in trouble

We truly have a BROKEN ARROW

I repeat



41 mag fan
07-02-2012, 01:34 PM
Every soldier needs that treatment, like those WWII vets.
Esp, every soldier whose been thru wartime. Not scorned like the Vietnam vets were when they came home......alive.

07-02-2012, 05:31 PM
Vietnam veterans got to enjoy having garbage thrown at them, spit on, and called baby killers. Wonder how I know that ?? Vietnam veterans are the largest number that are homeless, living in the wilderness, and not getting the help they need medically. Why read the first sentence you will have your answer. I have talked to so many Vietnam veterans and they really do need to be treated like human beings not like some piece of useless being that should be shunned.

As to this nation being in a state of broken arrow, yes we are but how many realize just what broken arrow means??

07-02-2012, 09:12 PM
AS long as America is free ...

We have a chance to begin the road back to God and Country this fall I just wonder how many will really have the guts to pull that lever for freedom instead of lies and communism?
I am saddened by how many tell us ...

'Stick a fork in us, we are done.'
'I'll write in my own name because I am the only one with values.'
'It doesn't matter who you vote for, they're all the same.'
'The battle was lost years ago, and now we are the United Socialist States of Amerika.'
'Bend over and enjoy it.'

... and those are from 'conservative' quitters on this forum.


Bad Water Bill
07-02-2012, 11:13 PM
Tell me about it. Where I live we have 0 2A rights and I see many members of this site wineing and crying about it.

When we have a rally in the Chicagoland area I post it and say meet me at the meeting, I will be wearing ----. I have made 6 of the 8 meetings so far this year and not one booliteer has come forward.And yes I sent out many PMs but never got an answer.

We can not win anything if folks do not back away from their cumfy chair annd their puter and get out in the cold and rain(snow) to make our voices heard.

If a breast feeding mom can bundle up her 3 little children (age 4-2 & new born) in a stroller and push them the mile and a half in the protest march on the state capitol the first week of March why can these folks stay home and complain.