View Full Version : Does Anyone Here Have a Great STI GP6 Pistol?

06-29-2012, 07:14 AM
Although I have a collection of varied and excellent handguns, my favorite is the Slovakian "Grand Power K100" imported by STI as their GP6 (Grand Power 6th version)
I was one of the first in the US to get one 2007, after waiting 2 years for it to pass thru both county's export/import permits, State Dept. and ATF testing and approval.
STI is the sole importer for this great semi-auto pistol.
I love it for many reasons:
1) It's Incredible accuracy (Gold Medal winner of many shooting competitions in Europe and around the world) of this Slovakian made 9mm pistol.
2) The wonderfully ergonomic way it feels in the hand.
3) The very low recoil for a midsize frame.
4) The dependability and reputation of STI behind it
5) It has the absolutely sweetest factory trigger imaginable required by STI, from Slovakian maker "Grand Power" before putting their name on it.
Here's the one the Slovokian Police have:

06-29-2012, 08:46 PM
I've always wondered about those pistols.

After veiwing that footage -- WoW! What controlability! Very impressive.

06-30-2012, 12:27 PM
I've always wondered about those pistols.

After veiwing that footage -- WoW! What controlability! Very impressive.

I told a female friend on another forum about...she went and bought it the next day, shot it at a range. She said people at the range were watching her because she/it was so accurate. Her brother was with her, and he went out and got one too.

I can not speak highly enough about the STI GP6!
The 1st thing anyone notices when the hold it, is how Absolutely good it feel and points in their hand!