View Full Version : MYPIN pid controller question

06-28-2012, 08:32 AM
UI have two of the little MYPIN 4-something pid's, both of which overrun the set temperature.

Someone tell me the settings from a MYPIN that's working correctly?

I'm about to have to join the Hair Club for Men over this project. TIA, LC

06-28-2012, 08:39 AM
What are the current settings?
I only need the P, I and D settings.
but what is the input type also.

Here is how to set it:

P = 0 (zero)
I = off
D = off

Have a watch and paper and pencil handy - a lot of patience helps too.
Now set the unit to 300º and let it come up to temp.

Mark the temp it stops at and the time.
watch for the unit to start heating again.
mark down that temp and time.
mark down temp and time it shuts off.
rinse and repeat 3 more times.

you should get a chart something like this
off on
Cycle 1: 323 271
2: 314 284
3: 311 281
4: 313 282
5: 312 283

and your times between,

#1 and #2: 836 sec.
#2 and #3: 534 sec
#3 and #4: 542 sec
#4 and #5: 551 sec

Now for some math.

P = ((323 - 271) X 100) / 2610 = 1.99 (The first cycles temp reading, round result to 2 places)
I = (534 + 542 + 551) / 3 = 542 (throw out the first time and average the rest)
D = I / 6 = 90.3 ( you can divide by about anything between 5 and 15)

06-28-2012, 05:14 PM
Many, Many thanks!

See also: CARUMBA!!! LC