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View Full Version : 94 Win + mild loads + 10 yr old = SMILES

Alan in Vermont
06-27-2012, 07:57 PM
Started my 10 yr old granddaughter shooting my 94 with the 93 gr Lee RN and 3.5 grs. Bullseye. Little noise, just about zero recoil and accuracy as good as most 22s.

Second trip to the range today, I wanted her to work with a scoped 22, all she wanted was to know, "When can I shoot the 30-30 again?"

Last week we had our first range trip together. She has done a little shooting prior to this but not under the guidance of anyone I consider to have a clue. All he had taught her was what she needed to do to kill something, that's his entire approach to shooting, you only do it to kill critters. Anyhow, I thought it was as good to use the 30-30 with light loads and decent sights as it would have been to use a 22 (BL-22 Browning) with kinda hard to see sighting equipment.

Sat her down at about 10 yds with a water filled 1 qt plastic jug. Bang! Splat! She was hooked. I had 40+ rounds with us and I got to shoot 6.

I did manage to get her on the 25 yd line today with my scoped 10-22, she was shooting about 2" off the bench. I meant to take the BL-22 today but ran out of room in the rifle case and ended up forgetting it. Next time!

She played with my Single Six a bit, didn't do real good with it but that's OK for a first effort.

She finally got the 94 in her hands and was happy at last. :) She burned through 30-40 rds before she was getting tired enough that she was getting a little loose.

Another session or two in close and I'll move her back a bit. Now that she knows she can hit and get groups instead of patterns she will be able to handle more distance. I told her that I didn't care where she was hitting relative to where she was aiming, as long as they were clustered and that once she was grouping consistently I would adjust the sights so she was hitting her target.

06-27-2012, 11:13 PM
Sat her down at about 10 yds with a water filled 1 qt plastic jug. Bang! Splat! She was hooked.

Reactionary targets are a lot more fun than paper for kids. I still like them myself.

I had 40+ rounds with us and I got to shoot 6.

You expected to get more?????

I told her that I didn't care where she was hitting relative to where she was aiming, as long as they were clustered and that once she was grouping consistently I would adjust the sights so she was hitting her target.

That is one of the hardest thigs to get across to new shooters-- get a group first before messing with the sights.

Sounds like you both had fun.


06-27-2012, 11:23 PM
Even the most jaded of females will sport a big smile if you can get them to give shooting a try. An open mind like your granddaughter's brings mega smiles. Good for you. Simple pleasures are the best.

Jack Stanley
06-28-2012, 07:51 AM
Those are the kind of days I live for , I like few things better than to have niece , nephew or the children from the church burning through a bucket full of my ammo . When the talk about firearms comes along later in life they will remember the time you spent with them .
