View Full Version : 43 mauser chamber relining

water bug
06-27-2012, 07:41 PM
If a .43 Mauser has a slightly bulged chamber, all else OK, IS it feasible and good practice to bore out the chamber, and install a new piece of steel ( 4140?) and then bore and chamber ream a new chamber? JOHN TAYLOR, IF you are still out there, please give your opinion . ANY ONE else feel free to respond. Would like to save the original barrel with markings. WB

06-27-2012, 07:47 PM
I had a Dutch Beaumont once that a old smith put in a sleeve or turned down a old barrel in 45-70 and fitted that in the chamber, worked great,

water bug
06-28-2012, 06:56 AM
SmokemJoe, Thank you. ANY one else Have experience? John Taylor ??

06-28-2012, 08:50 AM
yes when i worked for bob hoyt. we lined a .303 chamber to .38-55. lined a colt op cylinder to .25-20. and did a few others. all with out any problems.

water bug
06-28-2012, 11:33 AM
Thanks all for your encouragement and experience. Any advice or things to avoid comments would be welcome. WB

06-28-2012, 02:37 PM
Yep it works I have done a few like that in 45-70 but I don't have reamers for 43 mauser and I don't know who does.

Bent Ramrod
06-28-2012, 09:28 PM
I bushed and redid a .22-15-60 Stevens chamber that somebody had enlarged at the rear with a rat-tail file or something. I bored out the rear of the old chamber to .375", made a bushing with an internal diameter the diameter of the undamaged part of the chamber, turned a graphite rod to hold it concentric with the bore, soldered in the bushing, knocked out the graphite, cleaned away the solder and excess metal and rebored the bushing to match the undamaged part of the chamber. I finished it with a homemade reamer, which mainly took out the ring of solder forward of the joint.

I sweated that job plenty but it did turn out OK. I used a piece of mild steel for the bushing as it wasn't a hot cartridge. You may be able to rent a .43 Mauser reamer from one of those rental places. Unless the repair is a labor of love, it might turn out to be somewhat costly.

water bug
06-29-2012, 06:56 AM
Bent ramrod. What you did by bushing the part of the bore that was messed up, is exactly what I had in mind. I can do much machining, but do not have a lathe wit a big enough bore in the head stock for the barrel , to do the initial boring out. I will be a labor of love , if I do it , or have it done. I do have graphite. Any concern about loosing the steel strength by heating enough to solder? Use regular 60/40 solder? or Other solder? WB

Bent Ramrod
06-30-2012, 04:58 PM
Water bug,

I figured the chamber bushing (especially since it wasn't the full chamber, just the rear part) was under no particularly high stress, so I used regular 60/40 solder. The same soldering job, with the heating extended the full length of the barrel, is what I use for relining such barrels, although the modern trend is to substitute epoxy or Loctite.

The old barrels for .22 rimfires, and even for larger BP cartridges were generally just mild steel, so such heating shouldn't harm them unless there is something wrong with them already, this of course assuming you stick to standard BP loadings and/or ballistics. If the barrel has a good bluing, it may change the color slightly, but the barrels I redo are rust brown or polished white, so if anything, the heat improves the finish.

water bug
06-30-2012, 07:11 PM
Bent Ram rod, Thank you for the reassurance, and information. I understand. WB

07-01-2012, 12:24 AM
Just my 2 cents. I would be thinking about a new barrel. You can get into one for not much money, and it would be safer than what you are contemplating. I mean you figure all the time you are going to spend, plus renting the reamers etc. what's another $100 for a barrel?
Not trying to diss your project in any way, but It's something else to consider.

water bug
07-01-2012, 08:32 AM
Tim, Thanks for your thoughts. BUT where would I get a new barrel for a model 71 Mauser , in 11.15 X 60R chamber as original? Are they available somewhere? ( for not much money) . WB

John Taylor
07-01-2012, 09:35 AM
In most cases the chamber can be lined. The liner should be the same length as the brass and it would be a good idea to solder it in with a none lead solder. There are several solders that will work, I use the Brownells hi-force 44. If there is room I have threaded the liner and the barrel and used Loctite. I don't have the 43 Mouser reamer.

water bug
07-02-2012, 06:44 AM
John, If I am able to buy the rifle needing the chamber sleeve, Is that something , you would consider repairing for me? Please send me a PM with your contact information, and when it happens , I can contact you. I will be in No hurry. WB.

07-03-2012, 11:39 PM
I guess I was thinking about a caliber change, but I realize you want to keep the original barrel. I was just throwing it out there as an alternative given the expence of brass etc.
You have a good plan.