View Full Version : Save the condors

06-26-2012, 11:22 AM
Why don't they teach condors to eat around the lead?


“We’ve removed toxic lead from gasoline, paint and most products exposing humans to lead poisoning, now it’s time to do the same for hunting ammunition to protect America’s wildlife,” said Jeff Miller, a spokesman for the Center for Biological Diversity.

06-26-2012, 12:39 PM
When the megafauna disappeared from the North American continent the condor began to fade. Costal populations remained high because of the many large sea creatures that washed up on beaches.

Now that environmentalists won't allow a whale to beach itself, and dead carcasses are immediately removed to satisfy tourists, there is no supply of food large enough to support a condor population.

The species should be allowed to go extinct ... as intended.

If lead in dead game was a critical factor, magpies, ravens, and vultures should also be suffering the same effects ... but they are not.

It really irks me that a jillion dollars have been spent, and there is a grand total of 213 birds living in the wild ... which STILL need supplemental feeding by man.


06-26-2012, 01:14 PM
You hit the nail on the head there Charlie.

06-26-2012, 01:15 PM
214! if that is all there are they will be extenct in a few years and it will be yous and my fault even though I have never seen or care to see a Condor, can't be anyones fault but us evil gun owining, red necks. Face it we are evil, admidt it and you will feel better and "feeling good" is what life is about!

06-26-2012, 01:19 PM
the last condor died from eating shiney nickels.
they are retarded birds and have no capability of adapting to a changing environment.
this always leads to extinction of a species no matter whether it's protected or not.
there will however be human intervention, even if it's just one bird in a cage being hand fed [or intraveinously] just to p8888 us all off.

06-26-2012, 01:20 PM
What Charlie said, in spades.

This "Center For Biological Diversity" is a radical environmentalist organization that has mounted legal challenges to many hunting- and fishing-related questions in the State of California through misuse of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). They have held up trout stocking in many Sierra waters, endangering the fragile economic base of the Eastern Sierra communities. They support the idiot requirement for non-lead bullets in wide areas of California (my local deer zone among them).

As Charlie said, the poor condors have outlived their eco-niche. They should be allowed to pass into history with some dignity. Unfortunately, enviro-whacks believe that man is at fault for all things negative that befall flora or fauna, and from this moronic mindset comes such idocies as copper bullets to protect has-been species that are on their way out.

06-26-2012, 01:34 PM
We must save these large birds, I have it as fact that they taste better then spotted owl!

06-26-2012, 01:35 PM
I think that you are all right! Let nature take its course.

I do not trust their science and the data should be suspect. Remember the Liberals attempted to prove global warming with Al Gore at the helm. They proved that the planet is going into a cooling phase and then when they did not like the numbers that THEY came up with, they manipulated the outcome and the numbers to get the result that they needed. It was an international effort with e-mails floating around to prove it. Besides, If I was gonna make up a name for a Liberal and biased scientist I think I'd use "Myra Finkelstein"!

I do not believe the lead is from Bullets. More like leaded gas fall-out or something else that is concentrated in the animals that they consume. Like hawks, they are the top of the food chain and tend to concentrate toxins in their bodies.

Next it will be the manatee, another obsolete animal, "No fishing weights in the ocean off of Florida".

They are morons who need a cause. A place to waste our money. The Condor is just a big, obsolete vulture after all.

bruce drake
06-26-2012, 01:41 PM
Turkey Vultures and Ravens will fill the niche once the Condor is gone.


06-26-2012, 01:58 PM
what we should be looking at is the possibility that we are next.
With all the "safety" programs at our workplaces and the oversight
for our own good in every aspect of life, we are procreating and raising
Dumber and Dumber people.
As we keep catering to the lowest intelect we will see a degridation of intellegence to the point that like the lemming, we will be motivated to self destruction.


06-26-2012, 02:07 PM
what we should be looking at is the possibility that we are next.
With all the "safety" programs at our workplaces and the oversight
for our own good in every aspect of life, we are procreating and raising
dumber and dumber people.
As we keep catering to the lowest intelect we will see a degridation of intellegence to the point that like the lemming, we will be motivated to self destruction.



Cowboy T
06-26-2012, 03:28 PM
214! if that is all there are they will be extenct in a few years and it will be yous and my fault even though I have never seen or care to see a Condor, can't be anyones fault but us evil gun owining, red necks. Face it we are evil, admidt it and you will feel better and "feeling good" is what life is about!

No, it's Bush's fault.


06-26-2012, 03:39 PM
what we should be looking at is the possibility that we are next.
With all the "safety" programs at our workplaces and the oversight
for our own good in every aspect of life, we are procreating and raising
Dumber and Dumber people.
As we keep catering to the lowest intelect we will see a degridation of intellegence to the point that like the lemming, we will be motivated to self destruction.


There is a movie called "idiocracy". Follows those thoughts. Pretty silly, but it will be studied in the future for traces of time travel insight....

06-26-2012, 03:53 PM
When are they going to ban coins?

There has been progress on the problem of people tossing coins from stairways such as the ones at Mather Point. This is a condor issue since pennies are almost 98% zinc and we've now lost one for sure [281F this spring] and quite likely two [136F last spring] breeding-age female condors due to zinc poisoning from coins. (Of course we do not know where the condors actually picked up those coins.)

On September 27, National Public Lands Day, three rescue teams volunteered their time to the project under a Special Use Permit: the Arizona Mountaineering Club, the Central Arizona Mountain Rescue Association, and the Southern Arizona Rescue Association. Some of these folks come annually to pick up trash below the rim. This year they made a special effort to collect coins from below Mather Point, along with coins and trash below Lookout Studio and Grand Canyon Village generally.

The result was about 7 gallons of coins retrieved, totalling 28,010 coins from 22 countries plus the European Union, valued at $580.95! This includes all the most obvious coins on the rocky outcrops as well as considerable headway toward removing the large numbers of coins at the bottom of the cliffs. It was an impressive day-and-a-half-long effort, for which park staff and condor enthusiasts everywhere owe them a big thanks!

Clearly one weekend a year is not sufficient to keep on top of the coin problem, or the trash below the rim either. In fact the group did not have time to attack the area around the stairway by Yavapai Point (another problem area) at all. Todd Nelson, the park's Volunteer Coordinator is looking into getting together equipment for a group of people already skilled in climbing and technical rescue who might be willing to go below the rim on a monthly or bimonthly basis to keep on top of the coin problem. If you have the skills and are interested, please contact him.

We also now have 14 small "Coins Can Kill" signs ready to be mounted on railings down the stairways at Mather Point, Yavapai Point, and Lookout Studio, and a couple of sandwich boards with the same graphics already located at the top of both stairways at Mather Point.

06-26-2012, 03:58 PM
Maybe they should just ban PEOPLE in the condors habitat and see what happens?

06-26-2012, 04:11 PM
I don't know if it is true or not, but I have heard that those electric windmill farms that provide green power will also chop up contors. I know down here on the coast they chop up all sorts of sea birds and migrating birds. But thats OK, because they are green and beloved of the federal government.

06-26-2012, 04:19 PM
I believe the best way to "save the condors" would be to ban the tree-huggers and environmentalists. Once there is a return of common sense to the general population, things will get better. Then, we need to allow for the controlled burnings and harvesting of old dead wood to spur the regrowth of new forests for all these "lovely" creatures.

06-26-2012, 06:43 PM
This save a tree thing has gotten way far out of hand.
George was right about thinning out the forests so that they would not support wildfires
that destroy the whole forest.
Its just nature at work. When stuff gets too thick it burns up and starts over with all
kinds of new life.

06-26-2012, 09:07 PM
When are they going to ban coins?
We need to increase those coins.
I mean, when there is a problem ... wouldn't any good liberal progressive know you're supposed to throw money at it?


Mud Eagle
06-27-2012, 09:55 AM
Another story:


My favorite quote:

Such a ban is feasible because most manufacturers now make copper bullets as well as lead ones, and those pose no risk to the birds, Smith said, adding: "There's just no reason to use lead-based ammunition anymore."

That's it...there's just no reason.

06-27-2012, 10:45 AM
bradh - yea, I think they caught a guy who had been existing on Condor for 20 years there.

06-27-2012, 12:12 PM
Another story:
That's it...there's just no reason.

I don't understand how a mangled hunk of metal passing through the digestive system poses no harm to the bird, but the risk of heavy metal poisoning is the issue.

06-27-2012, 12:13 PM
Law of Causality... And the third variable problem. Also, nature says Condors should be extinct. Lead from bullets isn't the problem. These birds are getting it elsewhere, probably because nature wants them to die.

06-27-2012, 08:31 PM
There's only one condor I worry about going extinct. Guess which one that is...

Condor John[smilie=s:[smilie=s:

06-29-2012, 03:38 PM
There's just no reason to use lead-based ammunition anymore.

Spoken like a true liberal\progressive\socialist\marxist\tyrant: Everything is banned unless there is a reason. If there is an acceptable reason, then it is no longer banned, but mandatory.

06-29-2012, 06:12 PM
I remember reading several years ago that over 99 percent of all the species that ever lived are now extenct. Some of those species lied for millions of years. We have only been around for a few minutes in comparison. Many tree huggers have actually said it would be better if we were gone. I think they should all volunteer to go first. It's only fair since it was there idea.

06-30-2012, 02:19 AM
Only a LIberal COndor would be stupid enough to eat a lead bullet instead of the meat. Of coursem it owuld have to find the bullet first. I tend to find all the animals I shoot & most of them don't have a bullet inside them. Stupid solution to a non existent problem, like most things over educated Liberals toss around.

06-30-2012, 09:12 AM
Too bad we can't find those condor carcasses. Would make for a plentiful supply of bullet lead after the ants got through./beagle

mold maker
06-30-2012, 10:25 AM
Does all this todo about condors mean that when the last one is gone, we can again use lead boolits?????
Sounds right to me.
Down with the condors!!!!!

mold maker
06-30-2012, 10:27 AM
When the last condor is gone, will we be OK to use cast lead boolits again?

06-30-2012, 11:11 AM
Nuke the Condors!!!!! Clint :castmine:

06-30-2012, 12:40 PM
Did anyone catch this sentence in the article?

"So far, a ban on lead bullets in the birds’ habitat appears to have had little effect, the study found."

Even if the lead levels are actually as high as they say (which I find suspect) in these birds, where is their EVIDENCE that it is coming from hunters bullets? They just made the so called assumption that it is from bullets to support their anti-hunting agenda.
Since the ban on lead bullets is having no effect it is logical to deduce that the lead is coming from some other source. DUH?!

The bird is an ice age remnant that the ecosystem no longer supports, even if there were no lead contamination source. Just natural selection at work.

07-02-2012, 01:04 AM
The condor/lead connection is the sort of junk "science" that results from grant-chasing by experts to skew results to keep their paychecks flowing. I'm another that profoundly distrusts the "science" that is used to justify lead-bullet bans, Marine Life Protection Act, Marine Protection Areas, crow-hunting prohibitions, and about sixty dozen other idiocies foisted on California by the Cal-Berzerkley- and Stanford-indoctrinated Young Progressives/Mastercard Marxists/Birkenstock Bolsheviks.

07-02-2012, 02:34 PM
Did anyone catch this sentence in the article?

"So far, a ban on lead bullets in the birds’ habitat appears to have had little effect, the study found."

Even if the lead levels are actually as high as they say (which I find suspect) in these birds, where is their EVIDENCE that it is coming from hunters bullets? They just made the so called assumption that it is from bullets to support their anti-hunting agenda.
Since the ban on lead bullets is having no effect it is logical to deduce that the lead is coming from some other source. DUH?!

The bird is an ice age remnant that the ecosystem no longer supports, even if there were no lead contamination source. Just natural selection at work.
No, more likely form air born lead that settles in the water &/or foliage & eaten by other animals. There was abosutely zero evidence any harm was being done by hunters, but then this was never about saving condors. no it's about ending hunting in as many areas as possible. Anti hunters are anti gun & they almost all are enviro terrorists, even the ones working within our govt.[smilie=b:
So once again, for any dems that shoot, this is YOUR party, your enviro kooks. Vote Republican if you have a brain, otherwise, the country will fall further into dissaray & failed Euro type policy.:groner:

Mud Eagle
07-17-2012, 12:10 PM

07-17-2012, 06:43 PM
I Think We Have An "Enviro____" In Our Camp.

Bad Water Bill
07-17-2012, 07:08 PM
Can you say TROLL SICKO.[smilie=b:[smilie=b:[smilie=b:

07-17-2012, 07:20 PM
Perhaps the condors are picking the lead from the wheel weights of dead cars in salvage yards.

07-17-2012, 07:33 PM
That's from a biodiversity group, can't remember their name. I do recall seeing a notice with all of the groups officers, and many of the members listed on the internet, telling people to do all they can to do great bodily harm to them whenever possible. Good idea. They have had a free ride for too long, and need to feel the pain.

Marlin Junky
07-17-2012, 07:37 PM
If you want to visit CA Condors, go to the Grand Canyon National Park... they are doing fine there. How much property do they need anyway? Isn't a million+ acres enough?


Mud Eagle
07-18-2012, 11:25 AM
I Think We Have An "Enviro____" In Our Camp.


I hope you're not implying that I posted that because I am promoting that viewpoint. I posted it as an eye-roll...an ad that I saw on a webpage I was reading this morning that I thought was ridiculous, and right in line with the other idiocy that has been quoted and mocked in this thread.

07-18-2012, 12:52 PM

I hope you're not implying that I posted that because I am promoting that viewpoint. I posted it as an eye-roll...an ad that I saw on a webpage I was reading this morning that I thought was ridiculous, and right in line with the other idiocy that has been quoted and mocked in this thread.

WHEW! I thought we had another "de-programming" project pending. :)

07-18-2012, 01:26 PM
I believe the largest single kill of Condors was not caused by lead but by antifreeze leaking fom a vehicle.

07-18-2012, 05:09 PM
There is a "lost lead mine" hidden deep within the depths of the Grand Canyon. The Condors, with their keen eyesight and voracious appetite for lead, have rediscovered this lost mine. A group of ten to twelve of them were recently spotted chowing down on lead, and chasing it all down with shiny coins they found thrown into the Canyon by foreign tourists.

07-19-2012, 09:32 AM
Politicians remind me of Clyde Beatty, working in the circus wearing white spandex leotards. Had to crack the whip to make the drugged animals roar and jump around, so the customers think thy got their moneys worth. He started as a teen, cleaning cages, I guess that's starting at the ground floor. I suppose that is why Hollywood and the Pols get along so well.

07-19-2012, 03:20 PM
... A group of ten to twelve of them were recently spotted chowing down on lead, ...

I wondered about smelting condor carcasses, apparently
they litter the landscape & they're chock full o' lead!

07-19-2012, 03:37 PM
Nah, ya don't smelt em. Ya just go find their nest and underneath you will find their droppings...already perfectly alloyed and ready to go. Once in a while ya have to pick out a nickle or a dime though....