View Full Version : 300 pounds of telephone cable sheath

evan price
06-26-2012, 06:04 AM
Scored a wheel-barrow full of telephone cable sheath. The junkyard guys stripped it to get the copper wire inside. Time to melt it down to ingots.


Here I'm preheating some of the larger stuff. Started with a cold pot, put in the smaller pieces, added a few cupfulls of used motor oil. It had rained a week or so ago and the bottom of the wheel-barrow had water standing in it. If you look at the left end of the long piece where it curves down to the ground you can see the water drips on the concrete. I don't like Tinselina very much but if you preheat it the water evaporates off safely.


Here's the pot going good now after the first flux and skim the crud off, adding more lead and more used motor oil and letting it all burn down. The telephone cable had a lot of powdery stuff inside and a string of waxed paper with the maker's name on it running the length of the lead. The motor oil flux leaves a nice crusty slag that traps impurities, and it also gives plenty of carbon for reduction of oxides. Plus, it is free and I have no shortage of it.


Here's as many of the ingots as I could get to stay on the scale without sliding off. I use cast-iron ingot molds for pure to make it different from the other alloys I melt. These are between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds depending on which mold I used. Turned out to be a bit over 300 pounds of shiny ingots. I dump the molds into a bucket of water to cool them faster.

Hopefully there will be more of this at the junkyard. It's good stuff.

06-26-2012, 06:34 AM
My Father was a Bell Telephone Lineman back in the 60's. We cast literally tons of this stuff with a little 50/50 solder added into .38 wadcutters. Good memories...

Congrats on the score!

06-26-2012, 02:48 PM
What I wont do to trade for pure lead. Congrats on that find!!

06-26-2012, 07:21 PM
What I wont do to trade for pure lead. Congrats on that find!!

I still have about 600 pounds of that 1960's stash in the basement. All Dad's associates would drop off the old sheathing they took out. We cast tons, gave away tons more to the other guys at the gun club and he finally had to tell the guys to stop bringing it over. Back then, lead was everywhere free for the asking. Who knew that one day we'd be where we are today?

When Dad had the addition built on his house in 1988 or so, there was at least 4 tons left under the back porch that got torn down. I took about a ton and the rest went into a dumpster.

Wish I had a chance at all that cable sheath again today....

06-30-2012, 08:46 PM
Great score... Cable sheathing is something I haven't been able to come a cross yet. Purdy ingots too! :)


06-30-2012, 09:50 PM
When I worked Road Const. I salvaged a lot of cable sheathing also. That was before my casting days. It all went to the scrap dealers.

07-02-2012, 04:10 PM
Hey guys he has some of this is the Swapping Selling forum. Better get it while you can. Seriously.

L. Bottoms