View Full Version : Light trigger pull on 91-30 MN

06-24-2012, 03:30 PM
I acquired a 91-30 from one of the distributors, for a modest price. It is arsenal refinished, as in, no collector value, but I just wanted it for a shooter anyway. When I tried it out at the range, it seemed to have an excessively light trigger pull. At home, I gave it the "bump test" by hitting the butt plate against the carpeted floor, which caused it to fire (it was unloaded). Has anyone experienced this kind of trouble with a Mosin Nagant? Any ideas on how to diagnose the trouble?


06-24-2012, 06:29 PM
Lots of info on the net for "Mosin Nagant cheap trigger job" it's possible someone has already played with your MN, the usual suspect is installing shims (washers or even parts of business cards) between screws and parts to change the angle that the sear engages. I read up on the process and decided NOT to do it to mine for just the reasons you cited.

If you Google what I quoted you should get a fair idea of what might have been done.

06-24-2012, 06:34 PM
Lots of info on the net for "Mosin Nagant cheap trigger job" it's possible someone has already played with your MN, the usual suspect is installing shims (washers or even parts of business cards) between screws and parts to change the angle that the sear engages. I read up on the process and decided NOT to do it to mine for just the reasons you cited.

If you Google what I quoted you should get a fair idea of what might have been done.

Thanks, Mike. I looked at the engagement with the sear, and I suspected that there was mis-alignment. I'll check the web, and look for shade tree gunsmithing.


06-24-2012, 06:44 PM
Funny, both of mine have the reverse problem.....

06-24-2012, 07:49 PM
Same here as LEGEND,could stand on mine!!

06-25-2012, 08:54 PM
Sounds like someone did the shims under the sear, added a spring, or they could have done worse by removing metal by filing down on the sear assembly ( that's a mistake if they did... )rl] .. Ck out "Mosin trigger job" on you tube there are some videos that will help you and there are some really good trigger replacements for your M/N if you willing to spend the money.. Hope that helps ... enjoy you Mosin they shoot great cast boolits ...

06-26-2012, 06:25 AM
Thanks, everybody. This helps. BTW; for as ugly as they are, it's really a nice rifle to shoot. Long sight radius, good balance.
