View Full Version : Wolf sighted

06-23-2012, 01:08 PM
After NCBS my wife and I went over to Jackpot, Nv (a fine 4-star base camp) to pay a visit to the Jarbidge Mountains of far north Nevada. Just on the Idaho side of the border as we headed up the dirt road into the mountains I spotted what looked like a very large, dark colored coyote near the cattle being readied for the drive to high mountain pastures. The problem was the "coyote" was at least 600 yards away and the animal still looked huge. when he turned to stare as he entered the tall sage, it was obvious I wasn't looking at a herding dog. I briefly considered a "shoot, shovel, shut-up" move to make the ranchers happy but all I had was my 22 hornet with cast boolits. Idaho has that area closed to wolf shooting anyway. There were no other people around for many miles.

06-23-2012, 02:10 PM
Bet we see more of those soon. The wildlife is coming... maybe that isn't good.

Love Life
06-23-2012, 02:14 PM
Wolf better stay in Idaho. According to our local game warden "Wolves don't exist in Nevada." I asked him about what if I see a giant coyote since wolves don't exist. He said "It may have a genetic mutation and should be shot."

The local game warden is a good man.

06-23-2012, 02:45 PM
Wolf better stay in Idaho. According to our local game warden "Wolves don't exist in Nevada." I asked him about what if I see a giant coyote since wolves don't exist. He said "It may have a genetic mutation and should be shot."

The local game warden is a good man.

Agreed--and with that outlook he deserves a cold adult beverage after his work day is done, on me.

06-23-2012, 05:20 PM
Don't talk, shoot!


06-23-2012, 06:05 PM
What wolf?

06-23-2012, 08:26 PM
my Idaho wolf tag still has a few days on it,i was comin along behind ya.
i get one just to have in the truck when i am out, as you never know when you'll see one of them nowdays.
one was sighted straight west of there on the california side not too long ago, it won't be long now till they are sighted around the bay area then down around LA.
i wonder if people will be singing a different tune long about then.

MT Gianni
06-23-2012, 09:43 PM
No the wolves are great crowd neither own animals or care if they chew on the homeless.

06-23-2012, 10:06 PM
No the wolves are great crowd neither own animals or care if they chew on the homeless.

Another reason that being homeless is such a tough job.

06-23-2012, 11:39 PM
There is much talk about letting us hunt them year-round until the quota is met, which would make me tickled pink because i could legally shoot one on the ranch!
we have one that has been sighted many times on the last week near Square Butte where we run some cows, i hope he doesn't start causing problems, and i almost hope i don't run into him because i don't want to be put in that SSS/don't shoot situation though.
You made the choice that ultimately leaves you with no chance of going to jail so i can't say you made the wrong choice by not shooting! If he was a touch closer you'd have had a tougher time, and then we'd have wanted to see pic's of what a .22 lead pill does to a wolf!

06-23-2012, 11:55 PM
All of my longer range shooting irons from NCBS (my 338 WM and my 6mm) were buried under the luggage in the back. My Hornet is easily good to 250 with the CB's. That "giant Coyote" was only about a mile from the Nevada line and in a couple weeks, that cattle herd out of Three Creeks and other Idaho ranches will get moved to the high pastures well inside Nevada where I am sure he will follow. Love Life - I hope you get to visit this area some day. It is like the Grand Tetons but without the people. P.S. The herds are black angus plus one enormous brahma bull that might go 1800#.

Plate plinker
06-24-2012, 12:12 AM
Pretty sure I saw one in s.d. Bout' 4-5 years ago. Might have been a mutant yote. Only had a bird gun on me though so I could get'em. :Fire:

06-24-2012, 01:01 AM
Yeah, the Texas Red Wolf doesn't exist here either. But I do have a couple HUGE Yote pelts in my collection. If they dont exist, I didn't kill one, did I?

06-24-2012, 01:34 AM

Love Life
06-24-2012, 04:12 AM
All of my longer range shooting irons from NCBS (my 338 WM and my 6mm) were buried under the luggage in the back. My Hornet is easily good to 250 with the CB's. That "giant Coyote" was only about a mile from the Nevada line and in a couple weeks, that cattle herd out of Three Creeks and other Idaho ranches will get moved to the high pastures well inside Nevada where I am sure he will follow. Love Life - I hope you get to visit this area some day. It is like the Grand Tetons but without the people. P.S. The herds are black angus plus one enormous brahma bull that might go 1800#.

Heck Quilbilly. There are so many areas I want and need to go see around this area. I bet you could have gotten him with the WinMag.

06-24-2012, 08:12 AM
I did not see one here in Michigan either at least that is what I am told by the DNR, last fall one howled early in the morning and another answered it sure shut up the coyotes!

06-24-2012, 02:55 PM
According to our local game warden "Wolves don't exist in Nevada."
Here in Arkansas, I was driving a dirt road just outside of town and saw a good sized black panther. I called up the local G&F and reported the sighting. I was told that I must have been mistaken as black panthers do not exist in Arkansas. I told the officer that he didn't understand, I didn't hear about it, I saw it not more than 20 minutes ago. He informed me that I must have been mistaken. I asked him what would happen if I blew a hole in it and flopped it down on his desk? He told me that he would write me a citation for hunting out of season.
Freakin bureaucrat! I thought it would be fun to make a fool out of him anyway, so I tried to hunt that sucker. Its one of those critters that is very hard to get up on apparently, because I never got that close again. I missed him by only a few minutes, but I never saw that particular cat ever again. However, in my time hunting and fishing in Arkansas, I have seen two more of them in the wild. It boggles my mind how I can keep running into such a rare creature, but can't ever seem get up on a really good buck? Oh well.

Plate plinker
06-24-2012, 03:02 PM
[smilie=1:Well that cat might be thinkin you look tasty Goodsteel.

Another TRUE story I know of regarding mountain lions that do not exist. S.D. Man I knew was out hunting deer with grandson and the pulled up on a friend in the same ranch. Watched him acting strange, thought huh what's goin on? Friend had shoot a deer and was goin to pick it up when he notice a mt. Lion stalking him. Yipes!!!!!

Marlin Junky
06-24-2012, 03:34 PM
...it won't be long now till they are sighted around the bay area then down around LA.

By now there should be an Obama funded initiative (must look in Nancy's "Health Care Bill") to trap and release into the San Gabriel Mountains. [smilie=1:


06-24-2012, 03:35 PM
Saw a couple of wolves in Colorado. First time, about 22 years ago, Igot a few quick pics from far away, and saw a game wardens truck at a restaurant. Went in, he was coming out, and told him of the wolf.

He told me there are not any wolves in Colorado. I looked him in the eye and said I have hunted many a coyote and THAT wasn't a coyote. He backtracked and said there were two packs DOW knew of, but they weren't admitting anything as some people would be very upset to know there were any in the state.

Plate plinker
06-24-2012, 03:43 PM
What a disaster this will be when the ranchers start losin calves left and right.

06-24-2012, 04:07 PM
He won't last long if he shows himself. The state of Nevada stands on the belief that there have never been wolves in the state and if and when they show up they will be considered an invasive species and open game. They have officially notified the Feds of this intention. It would seem that the sheep men have quite a bit of lobbying power in Nevada and would never stand for wolves here.

Bad enough we have to put up with the BLM's "wild" horses. We are up to our ears in the cayuses and no end in sight. The sad truth is that a good many of them are domestic horses turned loose by people that don't want them anymore.

Plate plinker
06-24-2012, 04:12 PM
Hmmmph horses another invasive specie.

06-24-2012, 06:34 PM
There aren't supposed to be any on the west side of the Cascades or south of North Cascades National Park either but a few years back I was out mountain biking a few miles east of Seattle in the early spring shooting pictures of trillium flowers in old timber. I was carrying the 22 hornet again. I rounded a bend on an old overgrown logging road and there were three wolves about 30 feet away. Don't know who was more surprised but they evaporated into the timber like the morning mist. Later I chatted with the game biologist for the regions and he said that if I ever wanted to pan gold, bear, deer or coyote hunt again in the area, I should forget about it and so would he. I did get some trillium pics and decided my hornet was a tad light for such an up close and personal event with wolves.

06-25-2012, 01:29 AM
I saw a Wolf in Yellowstone Park back in the late 70's. Saw a Bob Cat in AZ West of Roosevelt dam a few years ago.

06-25-2012, 02:11 AM
By now there should be an Obama funded initiative (must look in Nancy's "Health Care Bill") to trap and release into the San Gabriel Mountains. [smilie=1:


Just what the humaniacs and fauna fascists need--more great ideas like this.

Marlin Junky
06-28-2012, 10:02 PM
Just what the humaniacs and fauna fascists need--more great ideas like this.

Sorry :bigsmyl2:


06-30-2012, 09:25 PM
Goodsteel, out here in Texas, all us crazy good old boys saw mountain lions about twenty years ago. We told nobody until the officials announced that they are indeed walking right into town.

Pretty hard to ignore something wanting to drag your kids and pets off.


06-30-2012, 11:38 PM
Goodsteel, I have been told that black panthers don't exist in Washington either but a couple springs ago I was walking out to get our morning paper by our mailbox and there in front of our mailbox was a block cougar stretched out asleep relaxed as only a cat can relax (not much traffic on our dirt road as you might guess). I got up to about 15 feet from him and barked like a dog. Scared him half to death and i don't hunk he stopped running till he crossed the Olympic Peninsula. Ever since all we have had in the neighborhood is normal colored cats. The WDFW "removed" five within a half mile of our house 18 months ago. The WDFW swears there are no wolverines on the Olympic Peninsula either but guess what went through our yard last winter. personally, I think the less that the ecofascists know about what is out there, the better off those of us who live out here will be.

07-01-2012, 01:24 AM
Can't share your feeling on the wolves. We have one in the family (pack). If I had livestock at risk I'm sure I would feel differently. Besides, Timber, aka "the goofy wolf" is less than 1/2 wolf. We have had a near pure wolf, but he was atypical of the wolf mentality. Dogs who go feral often behave more like wolves than dogs.
