View Full Version : newb question

06-22-2012, 11:40 PM
Please forgive my ignants but are there a few types of swaging? I understand the making of jackets and forming them around a lead core as swaging, but is that same term also used in making all lead bullets by forcing lead thru a die resulting in a bullet. The question is if this process is even done. A guy told me that retail swaged bullets are just cast bullets that are further refined in a swaging die. I'm puzzled and want to know because if I can make these, often mentioned," boolets" by just forming them, without casting, than I may try this with my unused Hollywood Senior

06-23-2012, 10:44 AM
Swaging is the forming of a bullet by pressure not casting. I swage both straight lead and jacketed bullets. Both processes are called swaging.
when swaging straight lead boolits you will need to do one other operation and that is knurl or cannelure your boolits so you can lube them. I knurl them and tumble lube them in either straight Lee Liquid Alox or White label Xlox. or the 45/45/10 bullet lube recipe here on the forum. I have had good results with all.

Not bragging just hoping to show you some of what is possible in the world of swaging.

06-23-2012, 07:01 PM
Thanks for response, looks great.