View Full Version : Adventures in the thrift stores.

06-22-2012, 01:27 AM
Hit all the thrift and second hand stores that I could think of today. At my first stop, I found 4 small cordials for .50 each. they are marked Web pewter. Found a few things that brought some questions up. First was a glass bottom tankard that looked like pewter but was marked made in China. Also the metal was discolored and I've never heard of pewter tarnishing or discoloring like silver.

Also found a couple other things that looked like pewter, but were marked made in India. They were heavy for their size, so I suspect they were bronze that was plated or covered with something. Temptation was to put a little scratch in an obscure spot and see what was underneath but my sense of fair play and propriety said no.

Didn't find anything else until my last stop, this was at the Boy's Club Thrift Store. Found a nice big carafe for lack of a better word marked Zinn and had the angel hallmark. Way to pricey at $18 though. I asked one of the ladies working there if they ever put things on sale. She said that almost every thing in the store was half price on the last Saturday of the month. There were also the number 6 15 on the tag. She told me that this is the date the item was put out. She also told me that things over 30 days old are marked down 75%. So things will be on sale on the 30th but $9 is still a bit high for this piece. If I can wait until the 15th of next month and it is still there, I can get it for $4.50 and that would make it a worthwhile addition to the stock pile. Dale

06-22-2012, 07:05 AM
First was a glass bottom tankard that looked like pewter but was marked made in China. Also the metal was discolored and I've never heard of pewter tarnishing or discoloring like silver.

I picked up a large quanity of pewter at a flee market last week. Had what looked like a cake dish with it. It was marked plated on the bottom and that was about all I could make out. Since this piece made up a large percentage of my weight I decided to take the torch to it and see what happened.(it was pretty knarly looking and looked like something where half the plating was gone and what was left was heavely tarnished) I got it into small enough pieces to fit the small smelting pot I have and it melted and mixed fine with the rest of the find using a small electric hotplate. Just because it's plated don't mean it ain't pewter.