View Full Version : Gun Auctions????

06-20-2012, 04:19 PM
I know many of you, like me visit gun auctions on the net.I can't beleave
some of the prices that are ask .I see cap & ball revolvers prices higher
than new.Also muzzle loaders & so on.

What's wrong here?Are buyer's that uninformed on what given guns
should bring.I would love to hear your comments.

06-20-2012, 04:29 PM
Same thought's going on there as at gun shows now, the sellers gun is made of gold and yours is just tin plate.

06-20-2012, 04:34 PM
just look at the newbe posts what load should i use? what is it worth? no one looks up anything any more

06-20-2012, 04:47 PM
i just scroll on past those guns with outrageous askin' prices. if ya back-trace'em some have been on for years & just keep bein' re-listed. they're lookin' for the p.t.barnum class of buyers. i only look at guns that are actually bein' bid on & at realistic prices. for what it's worth & have a good'en friends, bubba.

06-20-2012, 05:05 PM
just look at the newbe posts what load should i use? what is it worth? no one looks up anything any more

Oh, they're lookin' for information alright. They ask here and wait for someone to find it for them.

06-20-2012, 11:00 PM
Oh, they're lookin' for information alright. They ask here and wait for someone to find it for them.

YUP! I saw a good answer for them here. http://lmgtfy.com/

06-20-2012, 11:08 PM
You mean things like:

"Educate me..."

"Tell me about..."

"Total Noob wants to know..."

"Convince me..."

06-20-2012, 11:12 PM
Oh, and as far as prices on guns: I am almost leery to post any more on this forum after seeing the bidding go so high. I am afraid the buyers might be disappointed despite my best efforts to accurately portray and describe them. I started both at $1, so I don't think they are investment type guns, just good solid shooters.

06-21-2012, 07:15 AM
If one attends or observes an auction, any auction, estate sale, farm auciton, gun auction, any of them, one is best served to have done their research beforehand.

As to the ignorance of buyers, several years ago I was at a farm auction and looking over the half dozen clunker firearms that was there and some fella told me those would bring "over five thousand dollars.". I wouldn't have given $250.00 for the lot.

06-21-2012, 09:21 AM
I do not go to auctions, or frequent auction sites except as a reference point. Firearms always go for at least twice what they are worth. Another item that people go nuts over at farm auctions is arrowheads. I have seen broken pieces of junk arrowheads sell for $20 or $30. Not a piece of a broken rare point mind you, but a common one, and as mentioned I have seen beater rifles that I wouldn't bother to drag home if you gave it to me, unless I was going to cut it up and build something else on it, sell for hundreds of dollars. Bottom line people are stupid.

Best wishes,


AR-15 Cowboy
06-21-2012, 09:34 AM
The people that pay these high prices for junk are just uninformed impulse buyers. And that is what the sellers are looking for, the uninformed impulse buyer.