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04-25-2007, 12:13 AM
My job requires that I spend a lot of time on the road, all of Iowa and parts of the surrounding states. Many of the miles I drive are “off the beaten path” and I pass through many small towns and settlements.

Well, since I got interested in this “molten metal” thing I’ve started to notice every “WE SELL TIRES” sign I drive by. Yesterday I stopped at one of those “WE SELL TIRES” places in this little township (population about 2500), bought a soda and struck up a conversation (ya’ know, the weather, corn prices, etc.). The owner/mechanic asked about the sign on my van, what kind of work I do, and so on. After about ten minutes I asked him if he had any used wheel weights he wanted to part with. He and his helper looked at each other like I was some kind of nut, than he pointed to the corner and said “Yea, there’s two buckets of ‘em right over there, take ‘em if ya’ want ‘em, just leave me the buckets”. Well, I dumped them on the floor of my van (from now on I’m gonna’ carry empty buckets) and handed him his buckets back. He pulled a dead cigar out of his mouth, squinted at me and asked, “what ya’ gonna’ do with all them sonny?” (I’m 49). When I told him he smiled, we shook hands, and he told me to stop next time I passed through.

I’m thinking, with all the miles I drive on mid-western back roads, I’m gonna’ have all the free WW’s I can use. And, the best part is, the company I work for is going to “foot the bill” for the gas and miles to retrieve and haul them. How sweet is this?

I need to start lookin’ for “WE FIX RADIATORS” signs.


04-25-2007, 12:19 AM
Yes, that is sweet. You need to carry some "rewards" for these generous people.

04-25-2007, 01:14 AM
You start picking up WW's like that and you had better convince your Boss to get you a dump truck as a works vehicle. :-D

Yes, the people in some of those backwoods off the beaten track have a different outlook on life.

I asked my chemist the other day if he would sell me some sulphur for chamber casting, as soon as he was happy I would blow somethin' up with it, he asked how much I needed.


04-25-2007, 03:46 PM
Similar story here. I don't cover quite the ground it sounds like you do, but I have 13 counties in VA and several in WV occasionally. A 5 gallon bucket is a permanant addition to the bed of the work truck so I can stop at all of those out of the way tire shops.

04-26-2007, 07:21 AM
Same here, i've been on the road in a work vehicle 1/2 ton pickup for almost 20 years. OMG the things i've brought home FREE. And to think i just started collecting silver gold (lead) for a couple years now. I was looking all over for WWs and shazzamm i found a nice supply a few miles from the house.There just is not anything like being on the road, the people you see and talk to. Some are brilliant some you wonder how they survived past 12 years old ( the ones that should be on wellfare,too dangerous to be in the work environment)

Ohio Rusty
04-26-2007, 10:04 AM
I carry a pair of the large size coffee cans (and kevlar gloves) in my little Malibu. I've had some success stopping in at places and asking them if I might fill my coffee cans with wheel weights. Not having room for an extra carry bucket, my coffee can have worked out well for getting wheel weights. BTW ...a full coffee can of WW's weighs between 22 and 25 pounds according to the bathroom scale.
Ohio Rusty

04-27-2007, 07:41 PM
Glad to hear you guys make out os well! I just tell everyone I know that I need lead. And it gets to my house in drips and drabs.

04-27-2007, 10:36 PM
You need to carry some "rewards" for these generous people.

Do you have any suggestions for “rewards”?

I had to make an another short run yesterday, about a four-hour round trip. I stopped at a three places and picked up another bucket and a half. That makes 3˝ (6-gallon) buckets this week and all for free! I stopped at one place and thought I’d hit the “mother load”, they had 3˝ buckets of WW sitting right by the wheel balance machine. The tire guy told me his brother-in-law was gonna’ get the three full buckets, uses them to make weights for his racecar, but he did give me the half bucket.