View Full Version : Amarillo, TX connections?

06-18-2012, 10:46 PM
Me and a couple of guys from my unit want to blast some hogs. We are stationed in Denver but we are looking to travel down to TX. I found one place that will let us kill a few for $150 a day but we have to drive over 13 hours! So I was wondering if anyone here would had connections around Amarillo, TX for a hog hunt or anywhere within reasonable driving distance. If someone is looking to rid their ranch of as many hogs as they can, we are your guys! Or we can just do a simple hunt for a pig or two. Thanks for your help!!!

06-19-2012, 11:08 PM
Check out texashuntingforum, guides and outfitter section. Might be something there. Good luck!

06-20-2012, 12:47 PM
i believe there is an outfit in utah about 5 hrs from you that offers pig hunting.
someone showed me a brochure,from a hunt they were gonna do there [somewhere in the vernal area as i recall]
asked if i wanted to go with them.
but i have issues paying someone to take care of their vermin problems for them.

06-20-2012, 01:10 PM
I agree with the previous poster. Why should one have to pay to solve a landowners problem of being overrun with destructive vermin. They should be paying you to rid them of feral hogs, or at least allowing you to hunt the hogs for free.

06-20-2012, 02:56 PM
Exactly, that's the main reason I wanted to see if any of you guys out there had a hog problem in the area that we could take care of. I think one reason why some ranchers/farmers are hesitant about letting guys they don't know come in and blast some hogs is the liability issue. I'd be more than willing to sign any waivers needed and since I'm military I can get emergency medical care at no cost to me. So I don't have any reason to try and get money out of someone because I blew off my toe or something stupid. I think there are a lot of people that would love to blast some hogs but are restricted because they don't have friends or relatives that have land they can hunt on. So some ranchers are taking advantage of the situation and trying to make some money off the deal, which I don't entirely blame them for capitalizing on the situation. But it does seem a little rediculous when some ranches are trying to charge almost a grand for a weekend hunt for nuisance hogs.

06-20-2012, 03:07 PM
There is always cheaper hunts on craigs list the Amarillo one. A lot of them are for around Memphis. You could always walk the river and hope you see one, but be sure you do not get off the river the ranchers up there are just waiting for you to step on there land to get you arrested. Long standing feud over public and private land.

06-20-2012, 03:13 PM
Yeah I will deffinately keep an eye out on CL. Before joining the military I worked at Gander Mountain down there when it first opened. I knew someone that had plenty of land and a huge hog problem that was going to let me go out and kill some. Being an 18 yr old kid without a rifle or any hunting experience I kind of blew it off. Really kicking myself now.

06-20-2012, 05:06 PM
I am on a lease in Claude, about 30 minutes from Amarillo. It is primarily a deer lease but there are plenty of hogs. It borders the Palo Duro canyon.

The problem would be is that it is 2k a year to join. There are 3 openings if you are interested.

06-20-2012, 05:57 PM
Yeah that's quite steep for me. Especially for some hogs. Thanks though!

06-20-2012, 10:00 PM
I live in Texas and y'all are right about paying to hunt or to help control the vermin.
90 % of Texas is privetly owed and hunting is a Bisness the land owners know it and if you won't pay there price the next guy will. I'm ready to move back to my home state of Idaho.

06-20-2012, 10:37 PM
Yeah that's quite steep for me. Especially for some hogs. Thanks though!

It is steep. Worth it to me because I was paying outfitters that amount to hunt a few times a year. This way I go over as much as I want andi get deer too.

If you want to hunt in New Mexico, there is public land along the Pecos River. A place called Brantley WMA. It is very thick and hard to hunt, but the pigs are there.

I wish I could help more. If you want to try Brantley I can shoot you some gps coordinates.

06-24-2012, 10:20 PM
I had a friend who owned a huge ranch in Oregon. HE turned the hunting rights over to a man who managed the game and sold hunting permits to anyone willing to pay the price. Now this friend had hundreds of other friends, most of them hunters and I'm sure he realized early on that if he let some hunt for free he would soon have a permanant camp ground on his land. That is to say, RV'S as for as the eye can see.

06-25-2012, 08:51 AM
I completely understand why ranchers and farmers charge to hunt their land. Especially with the economy, I'm sure they are looking for anyway to generate profit. What I find hard to understand is some farmers will hire the state to come out and do helicopter hunting on the hogs when they could find responsible guys like me to do the same thing without a helicopter of course for free. I understand there is a liability issue and they don't want other stuff shot up. But that's why they should have a liability waiver and only allow responsible hunters. How would I prove I'm responsible? I guess that's an answer only the farmer/rancher can answer.

06-25-2012, 12:36 PM
It only takes one bad hunter experience to turn a possible free/ friend landowner into an antihunter or pay thru the teeth landowner. I've been blessed with several friends who own very good hunting properties. I have on several occasions canceled my hunt to go help my landowner friend pickup trash or mend fences and retrieve scattered livestock as a result of slob hunters. This is what it has come down to, be a friend first then a model citizen/hunter or be prepared to either pay the big bucks or sit at home. Just my 2 cents FWIW.

06-25-2012, 01:53 PM

Agreed! Unfortuneately, being in the military does not allow me to make friends/aquantances with many locals. So it looks like until I retire and settle down somewhere, I'm either **** out of luck or going to have to make A LOT more money. Thanks

06-25-2012, 05:46 PM

Agreed! Unfortuneately, being in the military does not allow me to make friends/aquantances with many locals. So it looks like until I retire and settle down somewhere, I'm either **** out of luck or going to have to make A LOT more money. Thanks

Check with the local chamber of commerce in Childress, Paducah, Memphis, Amarillo, Canyon, Canadian etc, etc. Lots of landowners will advertise with their chambers and all the chambers will have websites so get a map and get busy.

06-25-2012, 06:00 PM
Got this one at the lease Friday night.

A friend and I are going to Brantley WMA on September 1st. He is in the same boat as far as paying for a lease. We are going to combine dove and pig hunting. You are welcome to join us if you like.

Face to face is the best way to convince a rancher you are responsible. Being in the military should go a long way also.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8027/7435098726_d320a1f970.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cjhollic/7435098726/)
Last Import-0 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cjhollic/7435098726/) by Crawdaddy Mark (http://www.flickr.com/people/cjhollic/), on Flickr

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

06-25-2012, 06:21 PM
I grew up on a ranch close to Amarillo (North of Bushland actually). My grandfather used to allow folks to hunt the place, until the destruction started. Fence posts shot off at the ground, holes in stock tanks and windmill blades, trash and other debris. He finally just said no. There are a lot more irresponsible pretend hunters than there are real hunters. That's one reason why a lease is so expensive. If you pay that much for a hunting lease, you are not going to risk getting kicked off for being a jerk and losing the money.

06-25-2012, 06:48 PM
Crawdaddy, I appriciate the offer but I'll be in Arizona that weekend on a dove/quail hunt with my wife's family. Nice pig!

06-27-2012, 12:45 AM
I have an outfitter who hunts a few ranches (including his) in the Caprock Canyon area of the Panhandle. Hunting hogs isn't about helping out the farmers and ranchers anymore. It's about leasing, insurance and state outfitter/guide fees. My outfitter charges $150/hunter w/ 2 day, 2 hunter minimum and it's doubtful he covers his expenses.