View Full Version : UPS lost my package!

BT Sniper
06-18-2012, 11:51 AM
YEP! My 3 custom reamers where supposed to be at my door last Wednesday. I was pacing the street ready to run down any of the big Brown trucks I saw.

Seems the package made it as far as the hub in Commerce City CO with an arrival scan on the 8th. Then there was never any departure scan of the package.

Just a shot in the dark here but I'm looking for anyone with some inside conections with UPS. I just goggled the CO. hub and will try the phone numbers in an attempt to track down the package. I have allready jumped threw all the hoops with tracking #s and calling the main UPS # but you can imagine how ethusastic they are about my meaningless package is to them.

You can bet I will request my supplier of custom reamers to use USPS next time with priority flat rate shipping.

The reamers are my custom designed .458 .475 and .500

The UPS investigation is supposed to come to an end at the end of this week. My custom reamer shop will be able to make me new reamers fairly quickly but for those that are waiting on these caliber dies from me it looks like it might be a couple more weeks before I get the reamers.


Good shooting and Swage On!


06-18-2012, 12:26 PM
How dare they!!!!!

Then again, people lose luggage at the airport all the time, and the Post Office is even known to lose a few packages.

I'm sure the package is somewhere. It probably got accidentally placed on some truck going in the wrong direction without a proper scan. Or, it's sitting under some conveyor belt, waiting for some underpaid soul to place it back on the belt.

If they accidentally routed it to my house, I'll send it along as fast as it gets here. I want my 500 mag die set! LOL

BT Sniper
06-18-2012, 02:16 PM
I'll get my set of reamers one way or another. Shouldn't take the shop to long to make me a second set. It just SUCKS.


06-18-2012, 04:38 PM
Better do Duke's first. LOL I'm still in no hurry.

BT Sniper
06-18-2012, 04:49 PM
I try to do atleast 10 dies on my first run of any new caliber. You guys will most likely get your dies at the same time. I'll keep you posted.


06-18-2012, 05:06 PM
Brian, when I ship or order expensive stuff, I insure it for the value, shipping and then some. That has paid off in the past. Trust me, the small investment is well worth it.

06-18-2012, 05:13 PM
I've had UPS loose a computer part that was sent to me from HP. After the investigation found out the driver delivered it to the wrong house, the driver had to try and retrieve it. Unfortuneately, the driver couldn't get it so the driver had to pay for a replacement part for me. I'm not sure who the investigation will point to in your case.

06-18-2012, 07:42 PM
I've had shipments by UPS that never got scanned from a previous departure location.... and then magically show up about a week later.

So, there's still hope that the original package will arrive.

BT Sniper
06-18-2012, 07:53 PM
That would be nice.

I got the brass today. I'll box up the .500 core seat die and the extra boxes for you and get them out ASAP. If I'm really good I'll have time to lap that 30 cal die up to .312 for you as well.



06-18-2012, 08:15 PM
I've had shipments by UPS that never got scanned from a previous departure location.... and then magically show up about a week later.

So, there's still hope that the original package will arrive.

Never had that happen till this year...now twice since January ( out of less than 20-25 packages). I wonder why?

Utah Shooter
06-18-2012, 08:18 PM
I have an inside knowledge of UPS and their Systems. Shoot me a call. Easier to talk then type.


06-18-2012, 10:25 PM
Man that sucks!! If your package was shipped via FedEx, I could help, my mother works for them. Please keep us informed!!

06-19-2012, 06:42 AM

Good Karma, regarding the missing shipment, coming your way!
The air is full of goodness.

That would be nice.

I got the brass today. I'll box up the .500 core seat die and the extra boxes for you and get them out ASAP. If I'm really good I'll have time to lap that 30 cal die up to .312 for you as well.



06-20-2012, 06:13 AM
I had an issue with Brown in the 90's with my racing team. Ordered all my stuff via UPS all orders were COD. Two years later after all my big orders for the car had come and gone big brown said I owed them money.
Had to call a supervisor about the issue. He said I never paid for the parts and had to have the money or they would send me to collections. Ofcourse I told him to repeat what he told me so he could understand what he was saying "you never paid on a COD you signed for." What part of COD do you not understand sir? None the less I asked what the amount was and he told me, asked him to hold for just a few mins while I check something. I found my book that had the reseats for that date and amount. I told him what day it was delieved and the reseat number the driver gave me. A week or so later I recieved a letter in mail saying the case was resolved and I owe nothing.

If it wasn't for me having the busness and having to keep all the reseats for taxs I would have been screwed and had to pay for the part all over again.

Brian good luck dealing with UPS and may it get resolved fast.

06-22-2012, 09:11 PM
BT, you ever get your stuff from UPS?

Utah Shooter
06-22-2012, 09:15 PM
I do not think so. He called me today saying it never came in. I used to work UPS and think perhaps starting a thread about lost packages and how UPS handles them may be in order. I just do not feel like typing a whole lot.

BT Sniper
06-22-2012, 09:27 PM
Nope no package yet. UPS investagation is supposed to come to a close on Tuesday??????

My custom reamer shop started work on my replacments on Wednesday this week and expect they may be ready some time next week.

The most I got out of UPS was that they ship all their (OURS!) lost and found packages to one of three locations. Salt Lack City, Missouri, or Atlanta if I understood them correctly. I had a hard time understanding any of that logic !!!!

Also got out of the gal that the package doesn't allways get scaned but sometimes just the trailer it was "supposed" to be on gets scaned so......... What a mess.

Here is the kicker, the package was adressed to BTSniper attn: Brian T------- so for any one that might recognize the BTSniper name, there it was in big bold letters on the shipping "to" address
on a package just the right size to slip under one's shirt. Needless to say I notified the shipper to delete BTSniper from my shipping address.

So time will tell I guess but I will have replacments on the way soon and I will be sure the priority is more then simple UPS ground!


Utah Shooter
06-22-2012, 09:54 PM
I will be sure the priority is more then simple UPS ground!


That is not what you should worry about. ANYTIME you have someone ship something to you make sure that they put your address as well as the tracking # INSIDE the box. If it ever gets lost and somehow the label gets ripped off they will have the info inside. They will open it see that and be able to at least tell where it should go. Trust me. They open all packages that get sent to the lost facilities.

How might a label get ripped off the package? Watch this video and pay attention to the #'s they say. How big the facility and how fast it moves. Errors will occur. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jllLZrzJ3M

Did your package go through here? I do not know. But can assure you it went through a facility like this.

Please feel free to give me a call again if you would like to.


07-02-2012, 12:10 AM
July.....any news? They find your stuff?

07-02-2012, 04:05 AM
You can bet I will request my supplier of custom reamers to use USPS next time with priority flat rate shipping.


USPS ain't no better, trust me. I once ordered an $800+ dollar sword for my martial arts, and it arrived at my local USPS but never left for my house. When I finally got the PM to track it down, she said they found the box cut open and the contents had been removed. Let me re-iterate: A sword! How the hell do you not notice an employee walking off with a 42" knife? That was that as far as they were concerned! Guy who sold it to me had a hell of a time getting the insurance money, if he ever did...

07-02-2012, 11:06 AM
That is not what you should worry about. ANYTIME you have someone ship something to you make sure that they put your address as well as the tracking # INSIDE the box. If it ever gets lost and somehow the label gets ripped off they will have the info inside. They will open it see that and be able to at least tell where it should go. Trust me. They open all packages that get sent to the lost facilities.

I use to do that all the time, since I never really had a problem, I quit doing that.
I think I'll re-start doing that NOW !

07-02-2012, 02:19 PM
UPS lost an over/under shotgun I had sent in for repairs.
It was 2 years before it was found standing in the corner of a UPS truck.
When I got the shotgun back it had been repaired but the stock was warped.
A person shouldn’t have to put up with their lack of competency.

I hope your package shows up sooner rather than later.

Casting Timmy
07-03-2012, 08:11 AM
I had a package lost once where I worked for all my custom components to build a machine. We sent in pictures of the components, drawings, and screen shots of the solid models to get them visuals of what the stuff looked like to help them find it.

They never would give very much information when you called in other than it was following their internal process, which I found out takes about 3 months when they loss a package and never find it to get you any money. That was probably the most frustrating thing about their process, they confirmed it was gone and now the process could advance to pay out. Then the pay out people say how much it was going to cost and had a research done, then after the second confirmation they still took their sweet time to write the check out.

If you can afford to reorder and don;t mind having a second set, I would reorder or be prepared to wait about 3 months.

Utah Shooter
07-03-2012, 12:20 PM
It shouldn't be that way. When I worked at UPS it was 8 business days to find the package. If it was not found then another 10 days to get the check out.

One thing you should keep in mind when shipping with UPS is they will reimburse the shipper of the package. Not the necessarily the one who paid for the product. Sure you pay someone to ship it but unless they use your UPS account to ship then in UPS eyes you are not their customer. In reality you really are not. Their customer is the one who pays them directly.

08-28-2012, 09:09 AM
I was acquainted about 10 years ago with a regional security manager for UPS. He handled facilities that covered about 3-5 states, and he had many internal investigations going on simultaneously. Involved cameras, after-hours inspections, auditing of records, and frequently waiting until they caught the theif red-handed so that criminal charges could be filed. I distinctly remember a case he told me about where an employee stole three Glock shipments over an eight month period. Caught him red-handed on the last one with video of him setting the box on the ground behind the dumpster outside and driving up and retrieving it after work. Depending on value (insurance) and/or sensitivity of the item, the investigation may get more complex, which leads to delays. Also, if they get too many "lost" or " misplaced" items through a certain line, they'll open an internal investigation like this. If it was a thief, he probably saw "Sniper" and thought it would be a high-dollar scope he could sell, but when he opened the pkg., he was probably sorely disappointed... My guess is the reamers are in a landfill by now.

08-28-2012, 09:39 AM
I built and shipped a box to go inside a MFRB for lead screws glue ect, all I ever received back was the label and a letter saying we found this and if you will fill out the form and wait 45 days we will see if you get your postage back. For $11.35 I do not think it is worth the time. Years ago before computers and the co I worked for sent the cks for pay day by mail one week no cks ten years later the cks were found in a traded off del wagon.USPS screw up also