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View Full Version : First Kill 45 2.1 Bullet

07-08-2005, 12:27 PM
I made my first kill with one of 45 2.1's 6.5 cast bullets. I used my Arisaka 260 Rem. to take a crow out of the top of a tree at about 75 yards. Because of virtual no recoil I could watch the bullet impact and the crow was dead before his feet ever lost their grasp on the branch.

Thanks to 45 2.1's help I got this rifle shooting cast accurate enough to enjoy using it like aforementioned.


45 2.1
07-08-2005, 01:18 PM
What, no pictures of blown up crow.

07-08-2005, 01:38 PM
I made my first kill with one of 45 2.1's 6.5 cast bullets. I used my Arisaka 260 Rem. to take a crow out of the top of a tree at about 75 yards. Because of virtual no recoil I could watch the bullet impact and the crow was dead before his feet ever lost their grasp on the branch.

Thanks to 45 2.1's help I got this rifle shooting cast accurate enough to enjoy using it like aforementioned.


Joe, there was an error in your post, doubtlessly the fault of the computer or software. The 'zero' after '75' was left out. Knowing your legendary shooting ability and the equally legendary accuracy of your guns, I'm sure that all of us know the crow was really killed at 750 (measured) yards. And there was not a big enough piece left to photograph. Enjoy.

07-08-2005, 01:49 PM
Shyt! How did I mess up...thanks Art.

No pictures, he fell on the hillside of the creek which is very dense vegetation and...well..loaded with copperheads and an occassional rattler. I gaurantee you he was dead when the bullet hit him. There's more...so I'll get an actual body count and autopsy.


07-08-2005, 02:38 PM
Shyt! How did I mess up...thanks Art.

No pictures, he fell on the hillside of the creek which is very dense vegetation and...well..loaded with copperheads and an occassional rattler. I gaurantee you he was dead when the bullet hit him. There's more...so I'll get an actual body count and autopsy.


Tell "CatMan" that copperheads and rattlers are breeds of cat and he'll clean out that hillside for you...

07-08-2005, 08:23 PM
Merciless, just merciless.......nice shot, Joe.

07-08-2005, 08:34 PM
Well Deputy Al, the perpetrators were dressed in all black and they were airborne, so I had to put a halt to it. Using my SWAT TACTICS SNIPER ARISAKA in the new undercover SWAT caliber of 260 Rem, it was an easy shot. There's no rules to abide by so I wasn't required to use a FMJ round.
