View Full Version : I was watching an advetisement...

06-12-2012, 01:08 PM
And I almost saw a hunting show! What a joke these hunting shows have turned into. Nothing but advertising and pluging product during the hunt. After the shot they smile for the camera, instead of being ready for a follow up shot if need be. I understand the commercial aspect but stickers on guns and product placement with the dead animal? Well wanted to get that off my chest. That said I much more enjoy reading the storys of real people and hunts here. John

06-12-2012, 01:23 PM
well said

06-12-2012, 01:38 PM

I used to love the outdoor channel and their shows. I used to call it "The huning and killing channel". Now I dont even have it on my cable lineup. Like you I feel these shows now are just junk.

VA Shooter
06-12-2012, 03:26 PM
I could not agree with you more

06-12-2012, 03:48 PM
SOme of the fishing shows still seem to be instructional in nature and aren't just blatant advertisemenst, but I agree, I haven't seen a hunting show in a long time that wasn't just a plug for various commercial products. Most of them seem downright silly.

06-12-2012, 03:51 PM
I've just about quit watching any hunting shows for the same reasons. They are mostly a half hour long commercial. Even the commercials in the show are advertising the same thing the show is advertising.

This thread reminds me a bit of the old joke:

I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out.

06-12-2012, 04:47 PM
Yes, they're pretty sad...

06-12-2012, 07:28 PM
what is worse is the unethical shots And downright Illegal stuff

what the H3!! do they think they are teaching the up and coming hunters??

06-12-2012, 07:37 PM
I used to watch them occasionally, but when the women starting putting on more make-up than Tammy Faye Baker, I quit with it.

06-12-2012, 08:21 PM
I never, ever watch LIVE hunting shows anymore. The $6/mo fee for the DVR added to the Dish satellite system is soooo worth it. I haven't watched a commercial in months........just fast forward through them. And, I have more time at the loading bench (and the cast boolit forum!) That still does not spare me from the sometimes shameless product endorsements expressed over a dead animal!

06-12-2012, 08:38 PM
I haven't watched a hunting show in so long. They just lost my attention when they lost their attention in hunting.

Bob Krack
06-12-2012, 09:11 PM
I'm not sure what ya'll are talking about. I have not looked at a television screen for probably four years. 'Course, I don't miss it at all.


06-12-2012, 09:47 PM
I am disgusted by the lack of respect they show the animals. They try to make hunting a numbers and stats game and belittle the animal whose life they ended. If the critter wasn't up to their standards why kill it?

06-13-2012, 01:10 AM
99% pure junk. I used to watch alot, but after being flooded out of the house for 6 months so no tv, i realised just how flat out lame alot of the shows are. With few exceptions the should call them Shows One, Two and Three, because they are all so interchangable its terrible. I can only handle so many showsa full of monster whitetails and the incredible backstory with sheds and trail cam pic's for 4 years before the ended his life in a foodplot. It all runs together and seems the same after a bit, and gets boring, while cheapening hunting for the average guy.

lead chucker
06-13-2012, 01:45 AM
I feel the same as you guys I get tired of all the adds. I don't watch the out door Chanel as much as I used to. I do like to watch Jim Shockey. I think he is the real deal. What I don't like is all these guys sitting in these raised enclosed blinds in full camo over a food plot baiting deer. It kind of takes all the woodsman ship out of hunting. They shoot a deer and see it drop and whisper, what are they whispering for, the deers dead. When you are in a raised enclosed blind whats the camo for. They also shoot these deer that any normal hunter would be proud to have hanging on there wall and not seem to really apreciate the animal. I don't know seems every thing is so commercialized these days. So tell me guys, how many of you bought a butt out tool? What will they think of next. I bet you will never see Jim Shockey use one.

06-13-2012, 02:51 AM
So tell me guys, how many of you bought a butt out tool?

actually it was a gift thank you very much!!

Shockey is classic, his are some of the few hunting DVD's i own and will watch over again.

06-13-2012, 07:26 AM
I still like to watch a few minutes of "The Nuge" (Ted Nugent) every once in a while. You have never seen a man so excited to take a doe and all he talks about is eating it. He is like the Bubba Gump of the deer hunting world.
Ders deer burger, deer stew, deer n dumplins, grilled deer.......

06-13-2012, 07:50 PM
then you haven't seen me shoot a doe! I am one really excited fellow when I get a deer.

mold maker
06-13-2012, 08:54 PM
Every thing has turned into unreality TV. Some management Tinkertoy, is ruining all of what used to be enjoyable fare on TV.
The drama in a hunting show was the hunt, not the big grin of the ad idiot.
I used to look forward to a rainy Sat. or Sun. just to have the time to watch. Now I'd just as soon stand in the rain.
By the way, I discontinued the cable tier with the Outdoor channel.

06-13-2012, 10:27 PM
I do work with a nonprofit organization that takes kids with disabilities and life threatening illness hunting and fishing. HS is one of the sponsors and they practically require the plug in the photos and such. They want exposure.
The organization needs all the support we can get, so we oblidge.

I can't sit in front of the TV long enough to see an advertisement. I was forced too somewhat several months ago due to a fall and I wasn't moving around much. What I saw then of hunting shows was very commercialized and very questionable ethics.

I've canceled the dish and put my family on antenna. They watch it just as much as before so I think it's a bargain.

lead chucker
06-13-2012, 11:41 PM
I'm usually lucky if I see a deer much less get one. I get real excited when I get a doe. We are allowed 5 deer a year. August 1 threw end of September is bucks only oct 1 till end of year is any deer. Now that I'm shooting cast pretty exclusively I get real excited when I get one. It's like I accomplished something special. I have shot a lot of black bear over the years and this year I shot one with my cast bullets. Talk about getting exited. You would have thought I was Roger Raglin.
I don't think that guy gets as excited as he acts. Not buying it.

lead chucker
06-15-2012, 02:28 AM
I feel the same as you guys I get tired of all the adds. I don't watch the out door Chanel as much as I used to. I do like to watch Jim Shockey. I think he is the real deal. What I don't like is all these guys sitting in these raised enclosed blinds in full camo over a food plot baiting deer. It kind of takes all the woodsman ship out of hunting. They shoot a deer and see it drop and whisper, what are they whispering for, the deers dead. When you are in a raised enclosed blind whats the camo for. They also shoot these deer that any normal hunter would be proud to have hanging on there wall and not seem to really apreciate the animal. I don't know seems every thing is so commercialized these days. So tell me guys, how many of you bought a butt out tool? What will they think of next. I bet you will never see Jim Shockey use one.

lead chucker
06-15-2012, 02:40 AM
What is up with this sight. It posted the same post again a day later. Strange.

06-15-2012, 07:09 AM
Don't watch much TV. When I do it's the Discovery channel, Nat. Geographic, and sometimes the History channel. And FOX news.


06-15-2012, 01:32 PM
I also do not like the music that accompanies the hunting shows. Worse than a rock concert.

We used to have a local show in Michigan that was great. A father and son team. Showed how to tie fishing knots, hao to work the lure, etc. Lots of other great tips also. That was over 30 years ago.