View Full Version : Spend your money wisely

BT Sniper
06-10-2012, 02:04 PM
There are many lessons to learn on how one spends their hard earned money. When it comes to swage dies the investment can vary from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Any dollar spent now days should be done so wisely. Take a little time and do your research.

We have a great site here with a lot of great shooters and a lot of info to share about this great hobby. We also have a good number of very talented people that have the ability to make many great tools to benefit our hobby. Many of these individuals have chosen to offer their products on our site and are now vendor sponsors. This has greatly increased interest in not only shooting but also swaging.

As customers you all should expect a high degree of professionalism from those that offer these products for sale. In my 4 years on this site I have had many great experiences and now as interest continues to grow there will be many new products to come from current vendors and probably more from potential future vendors too.

I only ask one thing from all of you potential customers, do your research and spend your money wisely with whoever you choose to buy your swage equipment from.

I believe in a popular saying when it comes to buying any expensive product, “it is best to only cry once over your money spent”.

Good shooting and Swage On!


06-10-2012, 02:50 PM
Being in the "figgrin' it out" phase, these seem like good words to heed.

With the assembling of brass, powder, and projectile many people come up with many widely differing combinations of gear to arrive at the same destination of a loaded round. Swaging seems to be affected by this phenomenon as well, and is complicated by compatibility issues of varying die threads. Given the rather staggering expense of the base equipment to generate projectiles for just one single solitary caliber, deliberation seems to be clearly indicated.

Good thing that I'm probably well over a year out on the final construction of the gun I'm primarily interested in getting into swaging for. Plenty of time to pick your brains.

06-10-2012, 07:46 PM
I've probably spent more than I should have over a couple of years BUT
now I can make a few weights of condom boolits in 2 different calibers
and only spent a few hundred bucks overall.
That amount doesn't translate to as many bullets if they were store bought,
I can make 'em cheap from here on.

(For non-swaging related molds & stuff add a few more hundred, but
that's for another thread.)

Trouble is now that I can swage these 2 calibers I want more guns
to shoot 'em out of!

Starting to look around, might want a Savage barrel in .40 cal.,
that 40/308 sounds good. Need to research some more.

Charter makes a .40 S&W Bulldog, in case I break a spring or something
that would be a nice backup. 'Course I have a 44 Bulldog but that won't shoot
the pile of 40 boolits I've accumulated so I need the other one, right?

Saw a guy on TV shooting a long-slide 10mm, he said I oughta have one.

If anyone comes up with more excuses to buy guns let me know.

63 Shiloh
06-11-2012, 03:08 AM
If anyone comes up with more excuses to buy guns let me know

Hmm, well since you asked.....

You have the luxury of living in a country with sensible gun laws.

You can buy a firearm 'off the shelf' and take it home with you that day! If I had that latitude, I would be buying a new firearm every payday:mrgreen:


06-13-2012, 01:44 AM
If anyone comes up with more excuses to buy guns let me know

Hmm, well since you asked.....

You have the luxury of living in a country with sensible gun laws.

You can buy a firearm 'off the shelf' and take it home with you that day! If I had that latitude, I would be buying a new firearm every payday:mrgreen:


You;re only a quick flight away from somewhere where you CAN do that and where you money is worth 30% more.. hence why I'm still here :)