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06-09-2012, 02:35 PM
I have noticed that folks post some of the most off the wall stuff in this section so I thought I would slap down a few positive words about marriage.
I have been married for 6 years so far. That may not seem like a lot, but I can honestly say that I love my wife, and I still have her respect.
I met my wife in my late thirties. I had not had a serious relationship until she came along because women are nuts!
My wife impressed me with her positive mental attitude. She has Multiple Sclerosis and things are hard for her, but she had a chipper and upbeat attitude, and in no way was she mad at God that her life was so hard.
I met her, and 9 months later I married her, and I never looked back.
Shortly after getting married, her MS took a turn for the worse and we were in pretty rough shape financially, but I remember sitting with her in a hospital in Tulsa, watching CSI and just really feeling happy that we were getting to spend all that time together. I had to bathe her and help her do everything, but I loved her.
Since then, we have had ups and downs but we have stuck together through it all and she gave birth to a little girl 3 years ago.
This year has been rough, because she has been in a lot of constant pain all the time, but I never thought about leaving her or my daughter. I figure life is messy and you're going to hurt and you're going to be broke sometimes, but do you have a good friend with you or not?
I will say that there have been times where I had to dig my heels in and figured that I will die in this ditch, and I aint budging no matter what! but God never let us down. He always has brought us through, sometimes just in the nick of time.
What I don't understand, is that the hard times are the sweet ones in my memory. The very things that other people sight as the reason for the demise of their relationship, pushed my wife and I together, be it money, religion, intimacy, children, etc etc etc.
I guess I am just bull headed. I figure that God brought her to me. Also, I am a loyal person. If you ever convince me that you are in my chain of command above, below, or equal, I will stick with you like glue. Also, the people I love have to go to extraordinary lengths to change my opinion.
I just wanted to throw something positive about marriage out there in this crazy time that we are living in. I wish more couples could work out their differences and stick together. Its not easy, but the rewards are awesome!
I mean no offence to anyone who couldn't make it work. I know exactly how blessed I am to have what I have.

06-09-2012, 02:44 PM
Congrats to you both for your great relationship; that takes committment and working on it from both sides. My good wife and I have been married since 1970 and, for me, it is 'till death do you part'. That's what I said and that's what I meant. It just keeps getting better.

06-09-2012, 03:00 PM
Awesome. I love hearing success stories like that. I'll bet that in 40 years of marriage y'all have just about seen it all, right?

06-09-2012, 03:16 PM
I love my wife and my family. In 2 years time, i will have been married for half of my life. I'm 38 now and can't imagine not being married.

I recently had a dear friend pass away. George was the grandfather of my closest friend Matt. I have known Matt since our first day of school. George passed away recently after he and his wife Arlee celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. I hope to get there someday.

41 mag fan
06-09-2012, 05:29 PM
:bigsmyl2:Tim my friend, I hope this post wasn't because my wife is mean, with an evil eye.....:bigsmyl2:

Well I gotta change my story now. Wife po'd me this morning. With me running on 3 hrs sleep, and she wants to get gripy!!
So herre's the story.
13 yrs ago, was looking in the newspaper, there was an add for a trade. It stated: Wanted to trade, daughter for fine white gravy bowl.
I hoped on the typewriter like a chicken on a june bug, took a picture of the gravy bowl I'd bought just the prior weekend at a yard sale for 50cents, with my polaroid. Of all things I'd out on a whim had seen and bought.
Mailed the letter and pic, week later I get a reply. It stated they were interested in trading, but wanted to see the gravy bowl first. Went on to explain, the good points about their daughter.
Letter stated she cooks, cleans, does the laundry and WORKS at a real job. I couldn't pay my ex to do any of that.

So in the truck I hop, with directions in hand and head to N MN.
We met at a diner. I brought the gravy bowl in a plain old box, they brought their daughter in a plain white dress!!
My now mother in law tore that box open like a kid at Christmas, all I could hear is OHHH MYY John! Look at this gravy bowl, it's what I always wanted.
I looked at my trade...thinking to myself..not bad ...I might of got a deal for .50 here!!
Well after some formal and informal talk, we traded, and was heading to our vehicles, with us looking at a 16 hr trip back to IN.
I remember my now mother in law saying...you got a good deal there. She'll Love, Honor and OBEY. I liked that ...OBEY
Well the first few months went good, then we got married.
In the meantime, my mother in law had a dining room hutch built with a bedazzling array of lights all shining on her gravy bowl...

For 5 yrs I had to look at that gravy bowl everytime we went for a visit.
Finally I couldn't stand it any longer....
I told my MIL...you told me she cooks, cleans, does laundry, and you also said she would love, honor and OBEY.
Well she cooks, I've gained 80 lbs in the first 5 yrs....dang good cooking.
She does clean, house is nice and tidy.
She does laundry. BUT I have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting it right which drawer my sock and underwear are in. It changes weekly.
As for the love, honor and OBEY...
Where's the Love and Honor...??? And theres sure not any OBEY.

Soooo I asked, quite humbly, Is there anyway I can get a refund and have my gravy bowl back??? Or even have it back 6 mo out of the year???
FIL was watching a baseball game in the living room, that's attached to the kitchen. I hear him get up go into their bedroom and a few seconds later come back in and set back in his chair.
In the meantime my MIL just sat therre staring at me....gives me shudders just thinking about it. It was such a cold stare, it'd make ice water run thru your veins seem warmer.
What seemed like an eternity of dead silence, with my MIL just staring at me, I turn and look at my FIL. He's just sitting there, watching the game, but he had his 870 across his lap.....His right hand was just tapping the buttstock, rocking in his recliner the whole time.
After taking it all in, I said Well....maybe i'm just having a bad day, I think I got a pretty good deal and just wasn't thinking right.........
I heard my FIL mumble ever so quietly....good choice.

That was 7 yrs ago, theres now a padlock on the china hutch, and everythings hunky dory..........

06-09-2012, 05:44 PM
i ain't posting nuthin nice about my wife she reads this stuff.
and might think i like her. or sumthin.

06-09-2012, 06:25 PM
Been married to this Witch for 30 years this past April.. The two before her didn’t last that long. Did I mention she’s stubborn as a mule and resembles one from the rear. . .:oops: Don’t know what I would do without her !!:D

06-09-2012, 06:45 PM
Tomorrow is my 24th anniversary. Like any marriage, it ain't always been easy, but we're doing pretty well and have raised two fine young men.

Making a marriage ain't rocket science, but it does take some work on both parties' part. Glad to see there are others who have the sense of committment out there.

06-09-2012, 06:48 PM
Been hanging around this hard-headed Italian woman for 54 years, the best part is that I have been married to her for 42 of those years... Tim, may God bless you and your wife with many more wonderful years.

06-09-2012, 06:59 PM
I'll be hitched to mine 53 years this September, she has never said anything negative about my shooters and reloading. she is just not a complaining type of person,always easy going and has nothing negative to say about anyone. she is a keeper for sure.


bruce drake
06-09-2012, 07:38 PM
It will be 18 years this fall and she still puts up with my casting and shooting and gunsmithing of rifles.

Of course, I also put up with scrapbooking and hen-parties as well so its an even-steven marriage.

06-09-2012, 08:15 PM
Three weeks away from 28 years. That's half my life. I work long hours and travel some... every Saturday is like a date. We bickered playfully when we were young and we still do now.

I know she loves me... it's the little things. Like, I get hot dogs wrapped with bacon tonight!

06-09-2012, 09:17 PM
Couldn't stop laughing, roflol, Lamar!

06-09-2012, 10:22 PM
First wife, after 8 years, came to the conclusion that it wasn't fun being a wife or mother; my son was 2. I became mom and dad and was single for 10 years.

On a camping trip, just he and I, he was 13, I was frying a beautiful bass that he had just caught, he said, "Dad, I can't believe how much you've done for me all these years". I had to turn my head so he wouldn't see my eyes welling up.
He just turned 30. I have relived that moment a thousand times. He's not married, but has been with the same girl for 6 years, 2 years ago they bought a 4,000 square foot house together. He's happy and doing well.

Second wife turned out to be abusive and certifiable. That lasted months, not years.

I never gave up on marriage. Been married for the 3rd time for nearly 15 years now. She is considerably younger than I and is one of the finest humans to ever walk this earth. Sometime during the first few years that we were married she flat out told me that she would never say no to me.
A couple of weeks ago I told her I needed a new chronograph. She said, "how much?", I said, $600. She asked, "what does a chronograph do? I said it helps determine if your loads are within safe pressure ranges. She asked, "is this chronograph the best, most reliable one out there? (Oehler 35p). I told her I believed so. She said, "can you wait another month?"
We've both gone through some serious medical issues. cancer, cysts, neurological disorders, kidney and gall stones. I almost died 4 years ago when the e.r. doctor decided not to start an I.V. before stitching up a head wound that was bleeding almost like an arterial bleed.
Because she is so unselfish, I constantly question myself, is this what's good her or am I thinking of myself?
In 15 years we have agreed to disagree maybe 4 or 5 times, but we have never had a fight or even anything that could be called an argument.
We have absolute faith and trust in each other.
It pays never to give up.

goodsteel, you're right, if your marriage is good, the hard times do bring you closer together and bond you more tightly.
We are all very lucky to have these women who tolerate us, look out for us, stand by us, and love us, in spite of our faux pas, faults and weaknesses.

R. J., aka smokeywolf

06-09-2012, 11:06 PM
If my wife has a fault its that she wont fight with me like a woman should. There have been times that she screwed up (to my way of thinking at the time) and I said some things that I wish I hadn't, trying to draw her into a good old fashioned fight. It just kills me that she wont give in, and makes me feel like an idiot when I cool down and think about the situation. I do go back and humbly ask forgiveness in those situations, and true to form, she forgives me. That has got to be the definition of loyalty in my mind, and it puts good steel in our marriage.
In the same way, there have been times, in a particularly dark moment, when she asks me why I stick around when anyone else would have left and gotten a life without physical and financial trouble. I just reassure her that I'm not going anywhere.
Its not a perfect marriage, but its a good marriage. I suppose we sacrifice a lot, but I figure that when it comes to God, country, marriage, and kids, there is no price too great.

06-09-2012, 11:21 PM
Man, there is way too much touchy feelly stuff going on here. So let me muck it up. My wife and I have a love/hate relationship. That is WE LOVE TO HATE EACH OTHER! AND NEITHER OF US WOULD DIVORCE THE OTHER BECAUSE THAT WOULD GIVE THAT PERSON A REAL CHANCE AT HAPPINESS! So here we are stuck with each other. If my wife were a dog she would be a pit bull. Yes I married a PIT BULL, but then I would have killed a poodle.

Live, love, hate and make up. In case you dont know it, that's the good part.

06-10-2012, 12:11 AM
Hey that sounds just like my grandparents (both sides)!

06-10-2012, 12:30 AM
My wife and I met 10 years ago this month. We'll celebrate our 10th anniversary in October. I waited a long time for her, figured there wasn't much point in waiting any longer.

No, it's not all roses every day. Like everyone we've been through the bad stuff life throws at you: health and money issues, cancer, too many funerals (she still misses her mom), extended unemployment and lots of worries. Right now we're dealing with our 6yo son who's having a flare-up of juvenile arthritis (no fun).

Even with all the ups and downs, I wouldn't go back to single life for all the money in the world. Number four is on the way and it's getting awful crowded in this little house. Some days I do miss having some personal time and space, but it's still worth it. It's not all about me anymore.

Hey that sounds just like my grandparents (both sides)!
Mine too!

06-10-2012, 04:46 AM
Good on you for standing by her, and you have both been blessed to have each other i say!

As of 5 days ago Miss K and i have been together for 18 months as a couple and were best friends for 3 years before that, having met in 4H at a very young age, and i asked her to marry me 6 months before we started dating, she said i better have a ring next time or she would have to say no! Luckily she was kidding (I think) because she has agreed that we're getting married after we both graduate college in 4 years. There is something truely special when you find the right person, it makes you wonder what you saw in any other person before them! The last year has been very tough on both of us after an amazing 6 month "honeymoon" period, while I'm sure nothing compared to what you and your wife have went through. We have had to deal with her mother that hates me for being the only person that has ever stood up to her abusive husband and told her by choosing him over her kids she couldn't expect them to stick around and for supporting them when they decided to move out. We also have been to every doctor in Northcentral Montana to try and diagnose a unknown ailment that has caused K to lose 15 pounds from a girl that only weighed 105 to start, causes her to be sick every day no matter if she eats or not and has totally drained all of her strength lately it has gotten even worse as she is burning muscle mass now. But through it all, there is the faith in each other and the Faith in God that has kept us going and makes us stronger every day. I don't know that this means i could even begin to fathom what you have been through, but i do know when you love the right person for the right reasons, you do it with no option for anything but full dedication
God bless you and your family Goodsteel, you are more of a man than most will ever hope to be and you deserve the best in life!

Love Life
06-10-2012, 06:29 AM
My wife is my better half. Not a day goes by where I don't esk myself "How did you manage to get her?"

I am angry, cranky, opinionated, and leave for long periods of time to save the world. She deals with me and is always waiting for me when I get home. She is an outstanding mother, and keeps me fed. She is my sanity in this world, even though I hate it when she pokes holes in my wild ideas.

With that being said, I don't smell any eggs cooking yet and I have been awake for at least an hour...

06-10-2012, 07:22 AM
With that being said, I don't smell any eggs cooking yet and I have been awake for at least an hour...
Yeah what the hey?
I think I'll ask angie what s up with that! (I don't think mine came with the breakfast option, just dinner.)

429421Cowboy, you need to get that ring! Its very important. I sold my boat to get my wife's ring. The boat + my meager savings got me a nice little diamond ring and wedding band from the[ jewelry dept. at JC Penney's. It was the best I could do, but she cherishes that ring more than just about any possession. We were hard up for money one time, and we were talking about selling some guns. I casualy mentioned that we could sell my ring or even hers because its the only articles other than the guns with intrinsic value in the house. I will not be making that suggestion again let me assure you! Anyways, do what you have to to get that ring, and when you propose, make for darned sure you make it a surprise! If you make it special, and set it up right, it will be a very good memory for her for many years. Just my 2 cents.

You know, I have made an observation about life. It seems like nobody has the perfect life. A life without trouble is a dream world. It seems like everybody got spooned out the same amount of garbage and each of us has to deal with the hand we've been dealt. That's one thing I don't get about some of the divorces. Seems like some of my acquaintances over the years have gotten divorced again and again, and each time I saw nothing really bad about their setup, except that they ran into some trouble and folded like a kite. I think they are telling themselves that they don't deserve this misery, and go looking for a way out instead of dealing with it, only to find that "everywhere you go there you are". I wish I could talk some sense to these folks, because they just jump from one relationship to another and never stick to anything. I just think that God loves it when a man or a woman draws a line in the sand and commits to stand, come hell or high water. Its a noble thing to do this. I am a christian. I know that if I hold the line, then I will out last any trouble that comes toward us. I mean the worst life can do is kill you, and if that happens, you get a free pass to a place where there is no trouble and victory is realized.
However, I'm honestly afraid that when we get to heaven, God will make my wife his personal assistant, and set me to sweeping the streets of gold. My wife is daily racking up quite a treasure in heaven, but I'm afraid when I get there, I'm going to be as broke as I am now :violin:.

06-10-2012, 08:29 AM
Friend, you have a good outlook. I wish I could be as positive all the time, but I'm weak often times. The world would be a better place if more felt like you do.

Love Life
06-10-2012, 09:25 AM
A life without problems is a dream world and sounds kind of boring. Having a positive outlook is everything. If you are mad et everything all the time, then everything will suck all the time. Being positive makes the good things mo' better and the bad things not as bad.

Goodsteel- I'll be using the sight for the the first time today. It looks really great, and with the lite pipe installed it makes it much easier for me to see. I'll measure the gas check shanks later, but I am off track here.

Back on track. I would not be where I am today, nor have accomplished what I have accomplised had I not had a strong woman by my side. I still get mad when she tells me I can't I can't get a new puppy though, and I still don't smell any eggs...

mold maker
06-10-2012, 10:00 AM
After being married for half a century, to the same gal, I have learned what to expect, or not. We brought two great kids into the world, and now they have given us four Grandchildren. We all live on connecting properties so we all see each other every day. What else could ya possibly want?
If your life isn't as blessed as mine, I feel for ya.

Don Purcell
06-10-2012, 10:57 AM
Just made 35 years here not including the 5 1/2 years of dating during and after high school. Have a daughter that is 31 yrs. old that she and her husband have given us 4 grandchildren that we are nuts over. Our son is 28 yrs. old and has autism and lives with us but he is high functioning and we are very proud of him. Was it all a bed of roses? No! But we have been blessed in so many ways.

06-10-2012, 07:18 PM
I think any man that has been married more than 3 weeks has grounds for divorce !![smilie=w: Just saying . . . . Not like you really have to . .

06-10-2012, 07:33 PM
I think any man that has been married more than 3 weeks has grounds for divorce !! Just saying . . . . Not like you really have to . .
The thing is, your'e absolutely right! The same goes for the women-folks. Holding on takes selflessness, and commitment, but no marriage ever experiences deep rewards, until both partners have had to make sacrifices.

06-10-2012, 07:39 PM
I wouldn’t trade the one I got now for a free meal at McDonalds, any thing on the menu. .

06-10-2012, 07:56 PM
I don't know; you know I heard they might come out with a double McRib!:kidding:

06-10-2012, 08:05 PM
I don't know; you know I heard they might come out with a double McRib!:kidding:

I hope your not kidding :kidding:

Going on 19 years now, and while we don't always see eye to eye, we support each other in every way - hope I can get another 18 years in.

Chihuahua Floyd
06-10-2012, 10:25 PM
26 years end of the month. Lost 3 wedding rings, OK 2, but lost one off them twice. Only ring I need is her halo.
Moved twice, two girls, never enough money, always enough friendship.
Still open doors for her, cook for her, bring her coffee in bed on weekends. Remenber guys, the Bible says we are to make the coffee. Whole book about it called HEBREWS. lol
Have reservations for a week in Chattanooga.
Keeps getting better.

Love Life
06-10-2012, 11:16 PM
Did somebody say double McRib?

06-11-2012, 08:06 AM
goodsteel you know those McRibs are pretty good.. She’s a pretty good cook but this time of the year she’s always complaining about how tired she is from mowing and weed-eating. Then in the winter she grumbles about cutting and busting firewood.. What’s a man to do. I would luv to help her but I don’t have much time with all the casting and shooting and hunting.

41 mag fan
06-11-2012, 09:05 AM
Oh man I woke up Sunday morning feeling kinda sheepish....Couldn't figure out why, till now.
Had to show my wife before she left for Indy...I told her...see this is what I do when I work all day floating in the pool and drinking. I told her not to keep handing me them Bud Ice.
Now I've got to drink to forget I drank Saturday and that I said something nice about the evil eyed old battle axe....what a vicious circle.

06-11-2012, 02:42 PM
Goodsteel, as usual there is a lot of wisdom in your posts.

Both you and your wife are lucky to have each other.

I have been married for almost 23 years to my wonderful wife and my baby girl just got married a couple weeks ago. Luckily my son is only ten (see my avatar) and will be around a while. I am lucky as well.

06-11-2012, 07:42 PM
Hey your story is very familiar to me but kinda backwards. I was in my late thirties and she was 31 I'm the one with the ms and she has been a angel sent to me. We spend all of our time together. She helps me cast reload and she even likes to shoot. We dated for 5 months and then married we are about to have anniversary number 6 next month.
I feel your wife's pain literally. When I met my wife I was taking a form of chemo to fight ms. Lucky for me the dr. that gave me the chemo understood the pain ms patients have and he gave me some good pain pills. After that he sent me to a pain specialist and he gave me some really good pain meds. The whole time my wife has been at my side she takes such good care of me it's unbelievable. I just started taking tysabri a pretty risky move since the chemo and I have the gene that can cause plm. Basically it.s a brain infection that will kill you and I have a 1 in 100 chance of that happening. My wife new how nervous I was and she wasn't allowed to be with me so she text me the entire time just to help me calm down. Yeah being married is great

06-11-2012, 07:54 PM
My wife is on Tysabri too, but her chances of PML are much less. More like 1 in 3000. Still, it was one of the hardest decisions we have had to make. It is a terrible thing that you have to take a chance with your life just to keep from winding up in a wheel chair. She had to get a port put in, and last week we found out that it broke inside her body. Now we go in on the 28th for surgery to replace it.
But you know what? A good marriage relationship is worth all the trouble that the world can throw at us. The lines have fallen to us in pleasant places.

06-11-2012, 08:01 PM
Wow That is not good news I did my second treatment on last Fri and as of today I'm so wiped out I can barely type this. I was hoping it would give me some more energy. Oh well the pain level drops after each treatment. Good luck on the surgery my prayers are with ya

06-11-2012, 10:25 PM
Thanks, and don't worry, it gets easier (at least it did for Mrs. goodsteel) its a little rough getting started.

06-12-2012, 12:40 PM
MS is wicked wicked disease and in all honesty I couldn't go thru it with out the wife I have now. When she found me I had just been divorced and lost everything. I had all but given up and was starting to really drink a lot I mean a lot. but she took me any way. I haven't had a drink in 2 years and have a reason to fight again and found out I still have some fight left. Good luck to you and your wife. If you or she needs to just vent or talk about it shoot me a pm. Sometimes just talking about it eases some of the pain