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View Full Version : Great Ted Nugent Pro Gun article

04-20-2007, 03:57 PM

Once again He says it like it is!
talking about how gun free zones are actually only good guy gun free like
Virginia Tech.

04-20-2007, 06:36 PM
Right on! I emailed my opinion to CNN, for what good it will do. I am not one who will not give an opinion in polls or no speak my mind on gun matters due to fear of retaliation. IMHO such persons do not deserve the freedoms they have if they will not stand up for what is right. If it puts me on a list or under a spotlight, I will fight that much harder. Rant over for the moment. DALE

04-21-2007, 04:15 AM
Once again, thank God for Ted!
A genius named Tom Plate offered an opposite opinion (see link at end of Nugent article) which was archetype liberal splunge. He "surrendered" just the other day to a handgun wielding mugger, who didn't shoot poor Tom, obviously because of his rapid compliance, or as he put it, "surrender". The man doesn't believe in self defense, and so neither should anyone else. Surrender, wait for the cops (more civilized), and everything will be alright. If we give up our guns, then we'll have a safer world, and rapists won't rape/torture/kill you, muggers won't stab/beat/rape/rob/shoot you, robbers won't break into your home and bind/rape/torture/rob you and burn your house down. No, that only happens to people who look like they might resist, and guns make matters even worse. We all know that the bad guy rule book calls for nicer treatment for those who capitulate. All fuzzy bunnies and sunshine.
Just look at his picture. He couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag, although I'm sure he's a great back stabber. His unwillingness to defend himself and others is rationalized by his feelings (fears) and what in his opinion is immature behaviour (self defense). What this sissy doesn't get is that I and many other gun owners would smack a would-be assailant upside the head with whatever is handy, if a gun wasn't. That is where many anti-gunners reveal they're true nature - cowardice. Nature doesn't like cowards, tends to weed them out. Let's not folow those particular lemmings.
Owning a gun begins with the decision to not be a victim. That decision takes courage. Tom has decided to choose the opposite.
Thanks to Ted Nugent for speaking for all of us, and for having the heart to do so.

04-21-2007, 07:40 AM
I read alot of the replies to both Ted Nugent and also Tom Plate. Those emails are the scariest part. There alot of regular people out there that actually believe that if we give up our guns the world is a safer place. WHAT??? How does that add up?

04-21-2007, 08:37 AM
That Plate character needs to read history. Several readings into the lives of our founders, and many who did not survive that period but participated, will reveal that they did not surrender. The King wanted to control the colonists. The colonists, not all as some were loyal to the crown, did not wanted to be controled by the King. His wanting to surrender does NOT mean that I do. His attempt to control me by forcing me to surrender is just more of the same. He's the one who does not get it. I choose to protect myself. I do not choose to force others to do the same.

04-21-2007, 09:58 AM
Have you noticed how the media refuses to accept the logic, common sense, and reality of what Nugent says and documents. Take a look at yahoo today, and there is a headline about a 1944 Miss America, taking out the tires of a robber and holding him at bay with a handgun! One for the old folks! Bet that doesn't hit the major news media.

Lloyd Smale
04-21-2007, 10:00 AM
Thanks for the excellent link!

04-21-2007, 11:29 AM
I sent CNN a response. We'll see if they use it. I'll do my best to repeat it here:

I agree with Mr. Nugent completely. Murder has been a part of the human condition since the beginning, only the tools have changed. The modern phenomena of mass shootings is the result of the creation of "NO SELF DEFENSE ALLOWED HERE'" zones, in combination with the huge media reward for the villan. Before the media age, murder was primarily commited against specific individuals for specific reasons. The killing of multiple innocent victims is simply the cost required for the villian to reap the media reward. And the media always obliges, putting the villans face, grievences, life and mental problems out on the world stage for days.

I truely believe this is why they do it. These villans may start with an individual they have some specific connection to, but the rest of the killing is all about insuring their time on the world stage.


04-21-2007, 01:52 PM
I don't believe for a minute that this coward (Tom Plate) was robbed at all. Being a writer and and anti gun zealot he will write anything to persuade others to agree to his cause.

04-21-2007, 01:57 PM
Great artical. I put my 2 cents in also.

04-21-2007, 03:01 PM
Yes, I sent in a response and signed it.