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View Full Version : Wisdom teeth being smart

tomme boy
06-05-2012, 08:15 AM
Man I have had major pain for the last several days. My wisdom tooth on my right jaw has never came in. Well, none of them have. But this one seems to be trying to be a smart as*. What ever happened I don't know. It has my whole right side of my face sore. Doc told me a few years back it was going to cause problems one day the way it grew. Can't get into the dentist for another couple of days.

06-05-2012, 08:26 AM
You need an oral surgeon and not a dentist. It will only get worse until extracted. Most people just don't have room for the wisdom teeth. No need to ask me how I know this!

06-05-2012, 08:34 AM
I still got mine, but then again, I've got a big mouth. Just ask anybody!

Wayne Smith
06-05-2012, 08:42 AM
Oral surgeon is the ticket. You may need a course of antibiotics first if you have an infection, and the pain suggests strongly that you do. Any MD can prescribe those. No surgeon wants to operate with an active infection involved.

06-05-2012, 08:58 AM
I had two wisdom teeth extracted when I was about 12 years old. It did NOT hurt. The procedure was quite painless and the surgeon gave me some medication for use after the anesthetic wore off......which is when your hair stands on end.

Trust me, it will be a relief to get rid of those things. Makes ya wonder how our forefathers ever survived such events!

Dark Helmet
06-05-2012, 02:30 PM
Get yourself some wintergreen flavor gum and or breath mints- keep it close to the affected area. May help til you get to your appointment(s).

06-05-2012, 05:39 PM
I just had my last one extracted wed before last. It just stopped hurting mostly a few days ago. Fortunatly they sent me home with oxycodone. If it hurts try taking 4 200mg ibuprofen. You should be able to do that once a day without issue untill he can get you in. Ask me how I know. I had a root canal done, but I waited a week after it started hurting to get anything done. I took hydrocodone like pez with no decrease in pain. The ibuprofen worked. A cold compress on the outside of the jaw feels good too.

06-05-2012, 05:54 PM
Approximately fourteen years ago our son wanted to join the Marines and they said fine, but you must have a complete physical. His teeth x-rays showed that a wisdom tooth on each side needed to be extracted. Cost me one thousand to get er done. I don't remember him complaing about pain afterwards.

Wayne Smith
06-05-2012, 06:41 PM
And also remember, or learn, that clove oil is a local pain reliever. You can get it at any drugstore and it is quite effective and doesn't taste too bad.

06-06-2012, 12:08 AM
Thank goodness I have all my wisdom teeth in and pretty normal, the wife had them out
and it was like carpentry or being a stonemason, hammers, chisels, pliers, yikes!

Best of luck, and I agree - ask for an oral surgeon.


06-06-2012, 01:17 AM
When I was 20 I woke one morning to find my jaw locked shut. Couldn't open my mouth. Turned out that one of my wisdom teeth had decided to grow in. It hadn't hurt, but had apparntly caused swelling on the back of my jaw. Somehow pinced a nerve or something and boom, lockjaw.

I thought maybe I was sick, always heard of lockjaw, and was a bit freaked out. Went to the doctor, he said I needed a dentist. My dentist said I needed an oral surgeon. Gave me anti-inflammatory meds, and my jaw was open the next day. Said if I didn't have them removed, it would probably happen again as my jaw didn't have enough room.

Oral surgeon removed them, interestingly I was only born with 3. He removed all 3 and I have never wanted to be knocked out so much in all my life. Looking back on it, it probably wasn't that bad, but that hammer and chisel freaked me out a bit. I wanted to be put under, but couldn't afford it. Then a couple of days with mild pain killers and I was back to normal. The cotton they shoved in there hurt worse than anything else afterwards. Good luck,

Wayne Smith
06-06-2012, 07:13 AM
I had mine out (only 2, one impacted) when I was an undergraduate at WVU, had it done at the WVU Medical School. After it was done an intern read my sheet, looked at me and said "50mg Demerol, 25mg Valium, you should be asleep!" I looked at him and said "I don't wanna be asleep, I'm havin too much fun!"

I remember them chiseling on my jaw but not much else. I just remember being fascinated by what they were doing. My first experience with oral surgery.

06-06-2012, 08:20 AM
i had mine taken out when i was 30. all 4 at one setting. ate some aspirin the next days and i was good to go.

06-06-2012, 08:40 AM
I was born with out them. Never had em, never will. Now my butt AND my mouth are dumb!

06-06-2012, 09:12 AM
Had all 4 of mine out in service, by USAF dentists. Top 2 just fall out, no drama. The bottom two were something else. Bottom right was coming in at an angle, so the dentists (2 were working on me, one learning, the other never did it before - right!) tried to split it - but only broke off a cusp! Had to go the hammer & chisel route, with me balling my fist & providing support from the outside of my jaw, all with just a local.
The left lower had grown attached to my jawbone, so the dentist (who I guess was an oral surgeon - I guess) had to cut my gum on the outside to expose the root so he could get it out. Had to chip away at the jawbone, and finally got it out. Said I would probably have some bone chips erupt through the place where the tooth had been - and he was right. Eight bone chips (I was counting) erupted over the next several days, the last one while I was on the firing line @ Lackland AFB during the All-AF Matches, fortunately during a Slow-Fire stage.
Hope this doesn't cause you any additional trepidation re your upcoming bout with the tooth dude...:bigsmyl2:

tomme boy
06-06-2012, 12:32 PM
I can not get in to the surgeon till next week. The pain has gone down a lot so I should be able to make it with out any problems. Been sleeping with a ice pack at night an it seems to have helped.