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View Full Version : The Model Garage

04-19-2007, 08:01 AM
Some of you may recall "The Model Garage" in the old Popular Science magazine. I found a site that has a lot of the articles.


I grew up reading the old Pop Science, Pop Mechanics and Mechanix Illustrated (remember MiMi? Hubba, hubba!). I don't think there was a garage or barber shop anywhere that didn't have a stack of them dating back 40 years. It's a step back for me to see Gus again. Enjoy.

04-19-2007, 08:30 AM
Thanks Bret! That site is priceless. My students will love it...well, maybe us instructors.

04-19-2007, 02:29 PM
When I was 12 I inherited my Uncles collection of POP's and I read every one from 1938 to 1969, when our family subscriprion ran out. In about 1975 my mom got on a cleaning binge and cleaned the attic and threw away 1938-1950. If I had those now I could retire!

04-19-2007, 09:57 PM
When I was 12 I inherited my Uncles collection of POP's and I read every one from 1938 to 1969, when our family subscriprion ran out. In about 1975 my mom got on a cleaning binge and cleaned the attic and threw away 1938-1950. If I had those now I could retire!

My Mom went thru my "Gun Magazines" when I was gone one weekend and threw them all out when she found a Playboy magazine. Unfortunately there was an original 1896 Winchester gun catalog from my Grandpa's roll-top desk and 2 1920 Outdoor Life magazines. The "sin of lust" had it's heavy toll.