View Full Version : postal shooting match

05-30-2012, 12:49 AM
i have heard of these for years and have never looked into the wherefor and howto's of them so im doing so now. can a few chime in with what makes up a postal match and what are the rules of such?

thanks for all who like myself...dont know about this match style.

Don McDowell
05-30-2012, 09:41 AM
The rules are what the originator deems them to be.
The targets are something available to everyone everywhere.
The targets are then shot and sent to someone to be scored.
Basically just like a regular shooting match , only you need faith that everyone shoots that target at 200 yds off hand and that some sharpy doesn't shoot it at 50 yds off the bench....

05-30-2012, 10:44 AM
thats exactly what i figured...the "sharpie" thing. was wondering if there needed to be witness's for the shooting and to sign off that it was done in proper fashion...but what a shame that we cant be trusted even to be honest when having fun huh?

05-30-2012, 03:55 PM
I would love to do this. No one at my club shoots any matches to speak of. there is a military shoot for black guns but my 38-55 is brown and only loads one at the time. I am not sure i am ready for 200yd matches yet but perhaps in a few months. sounds like a greate idea.

05-31-2012, 07:03 AM
i would bet that an open vintage scope match and a vintage open sight match together would fill the bill maybe for the first year...there is another poster that sounds like maybe spearheading a postal match so i am going to bow to his lead and partake in his match if it goes.

just would like to hear about different rules and regs for such as i have never been involved in one...but im hoping to change this.