View Full Version : Lee 6 cav alignment pins

05-26-2012, 09:15 PM
I have a Lee 6 cav mould that has an alignment pin that keeps coming our of the block just enough to give a gap between the blocks. I have pushed it back in 4 or 5 times but now it comes out after a few casts.
Pins are lubed with Bullplate before and during use.

Any way to keep them where they belong? I have even though of pulling the pin entirely, drilling for a set screw, and using that to heel it in place.

I don't know if preening the Al blocks a bit would keep the pin in place or not.

I am sure an adhesive won't work as the locks get too warm for most adhesive that I know of.
I really want to keep this old, it is from an old Lee group buy and it is my 45 Colt bullet of choice.

Any reasonable suggestions?

Von Dingo
05-26-2012, 09:22 PM
I've been considering a tapped hole from the side on one. Hopefully someone chimes in with some great experience.

05-26-2012, 09:47 PM
Most people with this problem seem to peen the blocks to retain them.


05-26-2012, 09:49 PM
I've had one Lee mold that did that, but only one pin on one end, the other three pins were OK. I took the pin out, and using a spring loaded center punch I put about a dozen tiny punch marks on pin OD. Drove pin back in and it's worked fine since.

A set screw would be my next choice.