View Full Version : What to prevent trigger assembly parts "welding"

10 ga
05-25-2012, 11:05 PM
Couple of years ago put the old Remmy 581 away. It was cleaned and stored "properly". Couple of weeks ago got it out and the trigger was "frozen". Well my smith said the trigger housing was some kind of "pot" metal and had "welded" to the steel trigger. I understand how this happened and the use of anodes and the problems with non similar metals and how the welding occurs so my question is--- what can I use to prevent this from happening again? Any suggestions on the best stuff to use for storage, like more than a year, other than cosmoline? Heck, to prevent this again I'll get some Cosmoline and use it. Thanks, 10 ga

05-26-2012, 07:53 AM
Believe it or not, plain old vaseline will help. IN fact, most anything that will exclude the air/moisture from the surfaces will help. RIG grease would be among my first choices. I've seen the problem you encountered in guns, cars, boats, tractors...all sorts of stuff. It's a big problem in older chainsaws. Anything that provides a barrier between the parts will help as will a moisture free storage area if possible. I don't know why keeping them oiled and dry helps, but it does.