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View Full Version : Dilemma....ncbs 2007. Comments Please.

04-17-2007, 06:16 PM
It's hard to believe that I'm having such a succession of screw-ups. All these years since 2000, scheduling went easily and no conflicts appeared. THIS year....???

I checked on the second Jehovah's Witness convention brought up by NVCurmudgeon, and it is another big one. No hope there for much in the way of accommodations. The weekend following that JH convention, we have High School Rodeo Finals in town, with everything jammed up solidly.

I am tired of selecting dates and watching them get torpedoed. Should be grateful to live in such a popular, go-gettin' town, but this is starting to be verrrrrryyy tedious for me, and also (I'm SURE) for anyone hoping to attend..

SO! I had Karen track down the County's Events Co-ordinator, (not an easy job apparently) and it seems that the FOURTH weekend of June, the 22, 23, and 24th, has only the "Mexican Rodeo" in town, which same is a smaller event and doesn't plug up the town like the other events do.

Although the weather is bound to be hotter at that time of year, I'm still prepared to recommend it. Let's allow a 24-hour comment period, up to Wednesday at 6pm PDT or so, and if folks believe they can live with those dates, we'll run with it. If we DO decide to go with June 22-23-24, I STRONGLY urge you to reserve accommodations SOON!

Again, my heartfelt apologies for running y'all around like this. It's just one thing after t'other. The only saving factor is that the dates are being pushed away from us, which hopefully will allow the necessary time to adjust personal schedules and reservations.

04-17-2007, 07:02 PM
BruceB: If it's held JUne 22-24th ,Bill & Joy Onceabull will be there if we can still walk on our own!! If you decide to stick with June 1-3,we will be thinking about all the fun you are having,while I'm flyfishing the W.Yellowstone area. That annual event has shrunk up by 25% this year, as 2 regulars pulled out,one just this week..Condo rental shares are ,of course ,up accordingly,although we keep the deposit one had put up.. The other gent lives among the perpetually washed in suburbs of COFFEEVILLE,Wa.and is still employed so drew a pass on the deposit..B.I.L. has instructions to retrieve leased moulds and proceeds,unless renewals are arranged,should the June 1-3 dates stick.. Good luck is due you..Onceabull

04-17-2007, 11:08 PM
Bruce, we'll be there the 1st or the 22nd. I like the second weekend, will allow me to celebrate my 60th birthday with people I like! The offer to come over to help you get it all set up stands.

04-18-2007, 12:43 AM
Bruce, we'll be there the 1st or the 22nd. I like the second weekend, will allow me to celebrate my 60th birthday with people I like! The offer to come over to help you get it all set up stands.

Bruce, I'm quoting Urny because I agree entirely with him, except for the part about celebrating my 60th. (It's too late.) But I'll be glad to attend HIS 60th.

04-18-2007, 01:04 AM
Bruce, you gotta be tearing your hair out. Either weekend works for me, I figured on camping anyway.

04-18-2007, 11:46 AM
The fourth weekend works for Lori and me and would be able to help early or whatever you need.


04-18-2007, 11:55 AM
Bruce B.
The 22nd is better for us as Marlene and Mom will come along. Either way I'll be there.:Fire:

A great big THANKS for your endurance!!!

04-18-2007, 01:17 PM
Well I guess I will still see you in 08 .All June is full up in our place...Dean

04-18-2007, 09:57 PM
Nobody has taken me to task for the monumental ***** which has surrounded the nailing-down of the dates for NCBS '07. I appreciate that, believe me.

The 24-hour period for comments having elapsed, and with no opposition being evident, I now take this slippery bull by the pointy things out front AGAIN, and say:

JUNE 22-23-24 will be the dates of the '07 Shoot.

Now folks, please make your reservations soon, and PLEASE don't tell me that the Islamic Federation of Social Doing-Good is convening here with six thousand True Believers that weekend. If so, t'hell with it...I'm a-leavin' town. Sorry to hear that Powderburnerr can't make it, but at at least his entire month was filled already.

04-18-2007, 10:09 PM
We well be in Winnie by Suppertime thursday.CobbMtmac ,Sis,& Mom expected about the same time from southern approach..If there needs to be a work part that evening,let us know... Thx, Bill&JOY Onceabull

04-18-2007, 11:07 PM

You are the greatest, thanks for hanging in there.[smilie=1: We will arrive as onceabull said, late day Thu. 6/21 and possibely sooner. I just made Resv. at the Gold Country BW. We will be ready to help early Fri. am. or Thu. evening if needed. So call us at 623-6999 if and when.

I know we are all going to have a great time, can't wait to see everyone.:drinks:

04-19-2007, 08:22 AM
June 22,23,24 it is then. I will still show up a few days early and putz around. As I have nothing else better to do..Found some more steel I got. These are small, as in actually smaller than 1/2 size sillywets for big bore guns and some even smaller ones for shooting 22,s at. Have a few sets of airgun sillywets also but who cast for airguns. Ha,Ha..See you there...Walt

04-19-2007, 10:17 AM
Thanks for hanging in there I know how busy Winnemucca can be. The people running the convention center/tourist promotion have been very good at bringing more events to town over the last few years and planning something like NCBS around them is difficult. Thanks again for hosting the event and all the hard work for you and your family.

TimB and LoriB

MT Gianni
04-19-2007, 05:51 PM
I am busy both weeks but appreciate all that is going into keeping this shoot alive. Gianni

04-22-2007, 01:35 PM
Mr B,

I checked the calender at work and I am free that weekend. So look for me Fri at the pig or wherever we decide to have the rools commitee meeting. Can't take any extra days off, but seeing as I live in Fallon now, Winnemucca is a short jaunt. I ordered a mould from Dan at Mountain Moulds for the 405 win. but don't know how fast his turn around is. But I am sure I will have lots of other goodies to bring including the M1A1 I picked up at the Big Reno show. I checked out your thread on loading cast for it and found it very informative. Can't wait to get started.

Any word from Buckshot on the new date?


04-23-2007, 07:26 AM
................June is a wash for me. My folks were coming over from AZ for a visit during the 2nd week of my vacation for the ORIGINAL date, but then that was changed so they were going to come over during the 2nd week AFTER Memorial weekend. But when it went to June I had a conflict with the other night shift guy at work, so it went back to the original date in May. The later June date is when our "Slack pickup guy" (the one who'd work for me) is going on vacation!

BruceB no problem on your part at all. You do plenty enough running around and work putting this together when the date DOES work out! My hat's off to ya.

One consolation is that you guys get the new range all fixed up, you know concrete poured, tables and overhead built, put in some target stands and such. Get it working good and I'll be there NEXT year!

Heck, missed 2 years in a row. By next year Ammohead is going to be too old for me to feel good about whupping in the long range match :-) Maybe Jeremy can do it again this year. Hope he can come. A fine young man. As I said before, I think I'll be making motel reservations for next year long about January!




You guys (and gals) that haven't been, don't know how much fun you're missing.


07-09-2007, 10:58 AM
I have been wanting to attend one of these since they began, but work would not permit the long trip to Nevada. I retire June 1, 2008 and for shure and for certain I will be there. Save me a seat!!!

07-09-2007, 03:46 PM
Chargar: BruceB has indicated targeted time as Either June 6-8/08,or June 13-15/08. Will be settled on right quickly,I gather,as no one is looking for a re-do on the '07 scheduling experience. Try to gather a selection of those treasures you built over the years for us to gaze on.. And the Mrs.will enjoy sharing tales with you on how Texas used to be !! are you considering a grand loop through the Pacific and /or Mountain West to celebrate retirement --mid-June is primetime for Yellowstone,Glacier, Cody,and the Black Hills,unless one can go Sept.15-30... :-D Onceabull

07-13-2007, 09:28 AM
This year I enjoyed it so much I say lets have the shoot from June 6 all the way to 15. Well, I tried anyways. LOL...Walt

07-13-2007, 12:01 PM
I sure like the idea of fixing the date for NCBS 2008 immediately, if not sooner. That would help young folks who are still employed to make arrangements for time off, and all of us to steal a march on the JWs in making motel reservations. I see that Chargar retires Jun 1, so it might be a good idea to make it no earlier than the second weekend in June to give him time to get to Winnemucca. ( Looks like we'll have a new greatest distance traveled champion.)

07-13-2007, 12:03 PM
any pics available yet?

07-16-2007, 04:04 PM
Well I finally figured out how to attach pictures for the 2007 Nevada Cast Boolit Shoot. :Fire:

If the WINNER'S pictures seem to have more space at the top or bottom than is necessary, that is because that is where I will print the event info. before I send each WINNER their 5X7 framed pictures.

First picture are the NCBS 2007 WINNERS; NVWalt - cobbmtmac - Jaremy - ammohead

On the right is ammohead, WINNER of the 50 yd. Rifle Iron Sight GROUP @ .95"

Next on the left is ammohead, relaxing, getting in shape for the following day to WIN the Handgun 25 yd. SCORE with a 47.

Next is Jaremy, WINNER of the 100yd. Scoped Rifle GROUP @ .95" Father, NVcurmudgeon is on the spotting scope.

and again, Jaremy, Winner of the 50 yd. Iron Sight Offhand SCORE with a 46, 2x

Once again, Jaremy, WINNER of the 200 yd. Long Range Offhand Iron Sight event. Jaremy and NVcurmudgeon both scored 4 out of 5. Jaremy WON in the 3rd round of their Shoot Off.

Now on the left is NVWalt, he is a newcomer and is a Great asset to NCBS. He WON the 50 yd. Scoped Handgun Group @ 1.8"

Again on the right is NVWalt, WINNER of the 25 yd. Iron Sight Handgun GROUP @ 2.1"

Then there is Old cobbmtmac who managed to WIN the 100 yd. Scoped Rifle Offhand SCORE event.

I find out I can only upload 10 pics ant a time so I will attach 6 more to a post immediately following this one. [smilie=1:

07-16-2007, 05:14 PM
I will attach 6 more pics. They are:

The first and second pic, relaxing after Saturday evenings Great Bar-B-Q, (Ribs, Ribs and more Ribs and a half dozen fantistic Salads and Desserts), hosted by Bruce B. and the Lovely and Gracious Karen B. first Pic is, Patty and hubby 7s&8s, Karen B. then Lori & Tim B. Second Pic is, ammohead, Tim B's back, Bruce B., 7s&8s, Karen B. hidden and Lori B.
The next pic is onceabull (hat), I am sure negoiating Leases on moulds, no trade but perhaps a sale 2-3 years down the road with Bruce B.(beard). Tim B. listening in disbelief.
The next pic is Jaremy watching the action :Fire:, while Urny and NVcurmudgeon are laughing but probably just made a lease deal with onceabull who knows these two guys will come through as all his clients always do with boolit payments. :mrgreen:
Next is 7s&8s tuning for an event. then NVcurmudgeon getting ready for the 2nd round of the Long Range Shoot Off with Jaremy.

I will put these pic on disks and if you want one and don't think I have your USPS address, please get it to me via PM or reg. e-mail. [smilie=1: [smilie=1:

07-16-2007, 09:21 PM
..............Great pic's. Many faces I sure missed seeing this year. BTW, who was that fat gray haired dude with the levergun in the top photo's? I don't recall ever seeing him before.


07-17-2007, 10:24 PM
..............Great pic's. Many faces I sure missed seeing this year. BTW, who was that fat gray haired dude with the levergun in the top photo's? I don't recall ever seeing him before.


I believe that he goes by cartouche cabesa, or something like that. Can't be ammohead as he is much thinner and better looking.

OK it is me, it's hell getting old. The photo is misleading. I only shot a 1.5" group with the Marlin. The .95" group was with a browning 1885 and rcbs 405 gr with 34 gr of 3031.

I fell out of the long distance match early, I believe on the second and third shot, both misses and needed 4 out of 5 to stay in. It was an end of the day event with only one go 'round. Show up next year and we'll start early and shoot it all day!

Missed ya pard!


07-19-2007, 02:42 AM
..............I only mentioned it as I'm fatter and possibly grayer. You haven't caught up yet! I plan on making my room reservations long about January next year. Missed this year and last and that's too much.

Your job must be agreeing with you. You look tanned and rather better dressed then usual :-)


07-19-2007, 10:30 PM

yes the new job does agree with me. The best part is the 10 minute drive home from work instead of hours. And most days it is on a motorcycle, a 2005 yamaha road star, a very fun toy. As for dressing better, the pleated docker type pants are a $12.99 purchase at walmart. It is alot hotter in Fallon than where I used to live and I was dying at work wearing my usual blue wranglers. So I went to walmart and bought the cheapest whitest pants I could find. They worked good at the shoot too. Middle of June is alot hotter than beginning of May. I was skeptical about the late date for the shoot but it actually worked out very well temperature wise. We had some shade set up and it was quite pleasant. I should have worn a hat though... I burned my bald spot!
