View Full Version : How about sampler packs of bullets ?

04-17-2007, 05:24 PM
Do you think a variety pack of three or four weights/sizes of a certain caliber bullet (for finding that perfect bullet) would sell ? Maybe something like a 20 each of three different sizes at the price of a 50 pack ? I’ve got quite a few half used boxes of bullets that I just couldn’t find a good load for. Be nice to get a sampler pack of a certain caliber to see what weight bullet flyes the best in my gun.

Pepe Ray
04-19-2007, 01:46 AM
A few years back (maybe 10+/-?), A fella did this. Advertised in several gun mags. I thought it was a great idea. I ordered bullets from him a few times. Not long after I got a letter from him with a list of his remaining stock. He was sending the list out to all his customers 'cause he was closing up shop. Couldn't make a go of it, just not enough interest.
At the time, I didn't have a PC so had no interest whether or not he had a website and don't know if it would have made a difference.
Anyhow ,I still think it is a good service, but WDIK?
Pepe Ray