View Full Version : Need help finding parts for a plumbers furance

05-22-2012, 02:15 PM
I have an old furance here me and another caster got working for a bit but its worn out on a couple of the soft parts, no sure where to turn for them.

I tried using coleman parts (there look simular) but no go. Maybe theres others that would work but so far no joy.

So heres what the parts are. One is the bit on the pump that fairs when you press in air. Looks to be made of leather but its shaped. Its round, about the size of a nickel, with a rolled over edge. The other part is on the valve that lets air in but not out. Its missing the little gasket to doesnt allow back flow. Anyone know who sells these parts now? I think its a craftsman as it loosk like the below pictures.


05-22-2012, 10:58 PM
check 'Classic camp stoves forum' www.spiritburner.com they have pages on making new leathers and other repair hints for gas stoves which all your plumers burner is an oversized stove. Finding original parts will be a long shot as most of those burners are pre 1970 and long out of production or bussiness.

05-22-2012, 11:24 PM
This guy does a rebuild with pics
